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更新时间:2021-10-16 来源:互联网 点击:




  1. Waste food is the biggest crime.


  2、we must cherish grain、save resources and promote the harmonious development of society.节约粮食的英文标语(节约粮食的英文宣传语)


  3、a particle can be sweet.


  4 kinds of grain subsidies、who and who.


  5、do not send abandoned arable land、grain subsidy.


  6、advocating the climate for grain saving and promoting sustainable development.


  7、rice grains、sweat、no food、when we regret.


  8、save grain、start from me、start from now.节约粮食的英文标语(节约粮食的英文宣传语)


  9、treasure food、away from waste.


  10、 meters、a person not easily won when thinking、love food Jieliang for everyone.


  11、the fall is the leftovers、the flow of blood and sweat.


  12、One minute in the plate、more work in the kitchen.


  13、water get into the river、make up the basket meters.


  14、non adulterated、shoddy behavior.节约粮食的英文标语(节约粮食的英文宣传语)


  15、planting rice、enjoy full grain subsidy.


  16、who knows the dish、the grain are hard.


  17、when you are full、you are hungry when you are hungry.


  18、hunger breeds discontentment、grain to thrifty first.节约粮食的英文标语(节约粮食的英文宣传语)


  19、save grain、now start.


  20、love grain saving、construction of a conservation oriented society.


  21、thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.


  22、to cherish food is to love life.


  23、double rice crops contribute to alleviate the safety of grain and oil.


  24、grain saving from me、building a conservation oriented society.


  25、a rice porridge、when thinking not easily won、tiny、constant reading material.


  26、the grain in the pan is hard.


  27、it is not easy to make small grains of rice.


  28、save grain、start from me.


  29、treasure grain、cultivate good habit.


  30、a rice porridge when thinking not easily won a wisp、constant reading material.


  31、a variety of rice、food security.


  32、the grain is changed by blood and sweat.


  33、save food、everybody.


  34、the development of grain production、prohibition of land abandonment.


  35、improve the quality of grain and enhance the awareness of the legal system.


  36、in memoration of world food day、we will carry out activities of grain conservation and grain saving.


  37、saving food、starting from the present.


  38 meters、a part of the hard won、but grain grain begin from me.


  39、we should save water and use every grain and grain.


  40、a rice millet es not easy、love food Jieliang responsibility.


上一篇:高考的横幅标语(高考冲刺横幅标语) 下一篇:班级宣传标语(班级宣传标语50字)
  • 班级宣传标语(班级宣传标语50字)
  • 宪法宣传日标语(宪法宣传日标语2018
  • 节约用水宣传标语(小学生节约用水宣
  • 文明的宣传标语(关于文明的宣传标语
  • 神奇宝贝火箭队口号三篇(神奇宝贝火箭队口头禅)
  • 考试标语(考试标语八个字沉着冷静)
  • 对联大全带横批(谢土对联大全带横批)
  • 辩论赛主题名称(辩论赛主题名称大全)
  • 锦旗内容大全(送仙家的锦旗内容大全)
  • 小组口号(优秀的沙雕组名和口号)
  • 猜你喜欢的标语