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计划书英文 计划书英文精选5篇 计划书英文翻译

更新时间:2024-07-07 来源:互联网 点击:


计划书的英语说法 篇一

Plan book

计划书的相关短语: 篇二

1. We asked business developers to put up an alternative business plan.


2. And what economic plan would be without its executive summary?


3. A formal proposal is required for admission to a research degree.


4. Outside of teaching, Peace Corps volunteers are required to create'secondary projects. "

在教学以外, 和平军团的志愿者还被要求去写 “ 中级计划书 ”.

5. Arnie has just presented his business plan to Sabine, a venture capitalist.


6. A business plan is ideally a concise, interesting, 25 - to 30 - page document.

一份理想的商业计划书应该是简洁明了, 引人关注, 篇幅为25到30页的文件。

7. Finally, the business plan needs to be spruced up and made presentable.

最后, 必须让商业计划书整洁美观、拿得出手。

8. How to become a person of influence. A Personal - Best Leadership Development Plan.

如 一份个人最佳领导能力提升计划书。

9. Checksmall print - Established locations require fund companies to issue a detailed prospectus.


10. Prepare proposals for selection panel meetings and note panel recommendations and decisions.


11. Does company able to provide valuation report and business plan?


12. Instead, offer constructive criticism and give him another pass at the proposal.

相反, 你应该给予建设性的批评,让他对这份计划书再过一遍。

13. Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.


14. It forces you to identify your ( and your company's ) strengths and weaknesses.

商业计划书促使你找出自身 ( 以及你的公司 ) 的优势和弱势。

15. Here is a leaflet giving full particulars of the plan.


计划书英文 篇三

Work on a priority in the past year, im a joint efforts, the market development work was crowned with a result, their market shares and profits Contribute to higher performance indicators for the new product line with the red.

but in marketing, and there

are some problems that need in this years work to improve and perfect.

the marketing department last year in accordance with market developments and achievements of the rivals sale, and sketched the objective Below 40% to be grazing:market share of profits reached a new product Contribute to higher x%.

income tax on profits Contribute to higher goods to x%.

second, support and supplement the work to make up for a years work, and to better accomplish the objectives, should do well in the following work ( A) unity in thinking and clearly define responsibilities marketing plan on january 4, 10~organization job skill training, the main purpose is to be grazing:the marketing staff clear in the market strategies, thinking and understanding ;

ii let the market Things more from the office of the functions of the free and marketing strategy planning and strategy to develop and market research and development of the basic functions such as posts in consumer demand ; history3 set up for market development, and reduce the need to (B)

( Two )In place marketing, to the market in this year will start the batch and in phases to a Marketing keyIn place, so close to the market, a better finish the job market.

the marketing department personnel to perform the following work:

( 1 ) through comprehensive research and market order and pertinently bring out the market promotion scheme ;

( agent to collect 2 ) competitive price of goods and information, and capture markets consumption demand with the industry development trend of the proposed ( Three ) guidance to the standardized construction market and promoting the healthy and steady development ;

( four ) pertinently formulated and the implementation of the product promotion plan for market promotion, and policies for use with the implementation of the verification and found to be communicated promptly.

( five ) on-time and comprehensive publicity and implementation of the company policy to promote a persons capacity ; ( six ) in the market practice and collation Best cases, the method to sum up experience and recommend Three

full members and to improve the organization as the business of the marketing staff, obviously is overloaded, in a year later in the work efficiency is, therefore, this years marketing plan to increase the manning of the following posts ( meet the demand.

the marketing schedule ) staff post the name of the members of the main contents of the requirements demand work when the sale of three ~ six Three, the schedule

1 .promote brands corporate brand after years of operation of the market, with a certain competitive advantage and for the swift expansion of our products market share and to get a product brands development, and we will be in the companys development strategy for the core, from the brand image and product markets construction, location, network marketing four aspects of the planning system

brand promotion strategy.

the brand image (1 ) ( 2 ) product is passed down if Competitive price.

for example, our "apple" brand positioning is the top end of the consumers, on the price must be able to demonstrate its distinctive "identity" ; "apple" brand positioning is the needs of wage earners in the price to more than the same price advantage.

2 .of sales network sales channels construction is i, too, are we with the other competitors in the competitive advantage and for many years of operation of the market, we have established a line from city to a sales network The second line city, my sales a terminal have increasingly cant meet the needs and improved from three to the countryside to cities Dense the sales network in the marketing department this year will be the main objectives.

Three .marketing ( one) actively using internal promotion and recruitment web site of the enterprises and brand.

( two ) in the national expertise in newspapers and magazines and tv media published advertisements and soft, the expansion of brand recognition.

( three ) an active part in major industry sectors of national conferences, exhibitions, social commonweal activities and as dealers organised various forms of lectures, to promote products such meetings and publicity to show the company and products.

( four ) use of various forms and the Four, progress in the marketing department for the work of the content of the work schedule 1 as follows.

specific .the first quarter of the work of the first quarter of the work schedule.

one:sure this years publicity strategy: two:with the market work out a plan of action for three:satisfy the market and customers records building four:put up at the conference completed six:ago the design plan seven:planning to launch the activities of the prizes Seven:planning to launch the activities of the prizes .

The second quarterly progress Second: one:planning to launch promotion activities.

The second quarter ; series of promotional activities carried out two Three .

the third quarter of our work on september one july and august work:the publicity plans for the implementation of two:pop up and strengthening propaganda and three:summer marketing activities in the fourth quarter to four .

progress of work on october one november december:two promotion for the implementation of two calendar:and yearbooks and issued three:the completion of the target market ago advertising efforts of the work done in four:summary The above are my plans.

计划书的英语说法 篇四


计划书英文 篇五


Our company :

Our company was established on April 20, 2000, mainly engaged in mobile voice, data,IP telephony and multimedia services. In addition to providing basic voice services, it also offers mobile phone sales agents, IP phones and other value-added data services, with "Global", "M-Zone", "Shen Zhou Xing" and other well-known customer brands.

Opponent company :

Samsung Group is South Koreas largest conglomerate, has sales outlets in many countries and regions, businesses involved in electronics, finance, machinery, and many other fields, in the international market highlights prowess.

2. Theme

Cooperate with each other to obtain, at a reasonable price to buy 5000 mobile phone, customized technical guidance and after-sales service and reasonable time.

3. Team members

Leader:Gao Tiaoqin Main negotiator:Yan Bin

Assist negotiator:Huang Mengmeng Legal advisor:Jia Miao

Financial advisor:Gao Tiaoqin

Analysis of opponent negotiating team members

Guo Xvru:good reaction force(Leader, Assist negotiator) Chen Jiali:calm(Legal advisor)

Zhao Yajing:strong observation ability(Financial advisor) Zhang Najuan:good at debating(Main negotiator)

4. Negotiation situation analysis

Our advantages :

1) Good operating performance and great development potential

2)As a buyer, we have the initiative in the choice of cooperation companies.

The opponent’s advantages:

Tough brand strength , multi-service network。

Our disadvantages:

Since the machine is customized contracts, time-consuming, it is difficult to profit in a short time.

The opponent’s advantages:

Initial negotiations with us,not familiar with the market.

5. Negotiation goals

1).The highest goal: Opponent company can allow us to take installments, with the lowest price to buy..

2).Acceptable goal:Establish long-term partnership, cooperation and win-win。 3).The lowest goal:Price cannot be higher than the market price

6.Negotiation agenda:

To reach the opponent company on June 25, for a period of two days。 The first day (visit, preliminary negotiations) 9:00-10:00 visit the Samsung mobile phone company 10:00-11:00 visit the major sales outlets

15:00-16:00 sales staff of opponent company introduce mobile phone sales, preliminary negotiations related matters The next day.

9:00-10:00 subject of negotiations we proposed. 10:00-11:30 accept each other hospitality. 14:00-16:00 reach final negotiations. 21:00 left.

7.Negotiation strategies

1. Start negotiating strategies

2. By using negotiation, positive language to make a statement, make each other feel good for ones own, so that negotiations commence negotiations in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

3. Interim Strategy and Analysis negotiations

(1) Highlight the advantages of a buyers market:

(2) When we make the appropriate concessions, remember to request return.

(3) Using diversionary tactics to deal with opponent’s strategies,our main goal is to achieve low-cost purchase.

(4) Emphasize the success of our agreement to the other benefits of both hard and soft at the same time, if the other party fails implied agreement with us will be a huge loss.

8. Emergency plan

1. How to handle a deadlock during negotiations.

Strategies: First impasse main topic set aside, first discuss some minor issues. When necessary permissions to use the limited number of strategies and tactics to wait and see.

2. If negotiations to find each other really well, but there is still room for bargaining on price. How will we hold.

Response: For the price we must adhere to the bottom line not to give way, first with large quantities of orders made chips hold each other, if the other party is not willing to make concessions on price, we can ask each other to provide better on the other side of the original price, excellent after-sales service to ensure that the interests of the company.

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