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北京导游词英文版精选13篇 北京导游词英文介绍简单

更新时间:2023-05-07 来源:互联网 点击:


北京英语导游词 篇一

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Beijing Summer Palace with me. My name is Wu Siyu. You can call me director Wu; children can call me sister Wu; if you want to be more direct, you can call me "Wu Siyu".

The summer palace is located in Haidian District, northwest suburb of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area of Beijing. It is a large-scale natural landscape garden built on the basis of Kunming Lake and Wanshou mountain, based on the West Lake landscape of Hangzhou, absorbing some design techniques of Jiangnan gardens, Gongyu garden, covering an area of about 290 hectares and artistic conception. It is also the most complete preserved royal garden. The summer palace is the largest and best preserved Royal Garden in China. It is one of the four famous gardens in China (the other three are Chengde's summer resort, Suzhou's Humble Administrator's garden and Suzhou's Lingering Garden). Known as the Royal Garden Museum. In addition, I would like to remind you that you must not litter, especially on the lake.

The main building in the summer palace is the Buddhist Pavilion on longevity hill. The FOXIANG Pavilion is built on a square platform with a height of 21 meters; the pavilion is 40 meters high, with eight faces, three floors and four eaves; there are eight giant iron pear Optimus in the pavilion, with a very complex structure, which is a classic architectural boutique. Cloisters and corner pavilions are common forms of gardens.

The length of the promenade of the summer palace is about 728 meters, which is the longest in the world. There are more than 14000 pictures on the corridor, all of which are traditional stories or flowers, birds, fish and insects. On the East Bank of Kunming Lake, the eight corner double eaves are like pavilions, which is also the largest in China. In addition, the beamless hall on the top of Wanshou mountain is built with bricks and stones, without a single support, so the technical level is very high.

Kunming Lake used to be a natural lake formed by many springs in the northwest suburb of Beijing. It used to be named qililo lake and Dapo lake. The predecessor of Kunming Lake is wengshanpo, which is named wengshanpo because Wanshou mountain was named wengshan. Wengshan park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, also known as the West Lake. Kunming Lake is as quiet as a mirror and green as a jasper. Boats and boats glide slowly across the lake. There's almost no trace left. Looking to the East, you can see some old towers and white pagodas.

Thank you very much for visiting the summer palace with me. Now we can find a hotel to stay here for one night. If you want to visit other places, you can continue to visit. Goodbye!

北京导游词英文版 篇二

Ladies and Gentlemen, the great hall we are approaching is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the biggest and tallest of its king in the Forbidden City.

This structure covers a total building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know for its upturned, multiple counterpart eaves .

The Hall of Supreme Harmony sits on a triple “H”-shaped marble terrace the is 8meters high and linked by staircases.

The staircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upper stairways each have 9.

The construction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony began in 1406.

It burned down three times and was severely damaged once during a mutiny.

The existing architecture was built during the Qing Dynasty.

On the corners of the eaves a line of animal-nails were usually fastened to the tiles.

These animal-nails were later replace with mythical animals to ward off evil spirits.

There are altogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall.

The number nine was regarded by the ancients to be the largest numeral accessible to man and to which only the emperors were entitled.

There was a total of 24 successive emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties who were enthroned here.

The ball was also used for ceremonies which marked other great occasions: the Winter Solstice, The Chinese Lunar New Year, the Emperor` s birthday, conferral of the title of empress, the announcement of new laws and policies, and dispatches of generals to war .

On such occasions, the Emperor would hold audience for his court officials and receive their tributes.

This area is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square, which covers a total of 30,000 square meters, Without a single tree or plant growing here, this place inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur.

In the middle of the square there is a carriageway that was reserved for the Emperor.

On both sides of the road the groud bricks were laid in a special way seven layers lengthwise and eight layers crosswise, making up fifteen layers in all.

The purpose of this was to prevent anyone from tunneling his way into the palace.

In the count yard there are iron vats for storing water to fight fires.

In the whole complex there are altogher 308 water vats.

In wintertime, charcoal was burned underneath the vats to keep the water from freezing .

Why so vast a square? It was designed to impress people with the hall` s grandeur and vastness.

Imagine the following scene.

Under the clear blue sky, the yellow glazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled with the curling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme Harmony into a fairyland.

Whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed, crane-shaped candleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pine branches burnt in front of the hall.

When the Emperor appeared, drums were beaten and musical instrument played.

Civilian officials and generals would kneel know in submission.

The last Qing emperor Puyi assumed the throne in 1908, at the age of three, His father carried him to the throne.

At the start of the coronation, the sudden drum-beating and loud music caught the young emperor unprepared .

He was so scared that he kept crying and shouting,”I don’t want to stay here.I want to go home.” His father tried to soothe him, saying, ”It` all soon be finished .It` all soon be finished ”The ministers present at the event considered this incident inauspicious.

Coincidentally, the Qing dynasty collapsed three years later and there with concluded China `s feudal system that had lasted for more than 2,000 years.

This is a bronze incense burner.

In it incense made of sandalwood would be burnt on important occasions.

There are altogether 18 incense burners, representing all of the provinces under the rule of the Sing monarchs.

On either side of the Hall, 4 bronze water-filled vats were placed in case of fire.

Next to the terrace on either side, there is a bronze crane and tortoise, symbols of longevity.

This copper-cast grain measure is called ”jialiang.” It served as the national standard during the Qing dynasty.

It was meant to show that the imperial ruler were just and open to rectification.

On the other side there is a stone sundial, an ancient timepiece.

The jialiang and the sundial were probably meant to show what the Emperor represented: that he was the only person who should possess the standards of both measure and time.

In the very forefront of the Hall of Supreme Harmony , there are 12 scarlet , round pillars supporting the roof.

The hall is 63 meters from east to west and 37 meters from north to south, It is 35 meters in height.

In front of this architechture, there stands a triple terrace with five staircases leading up to the main entrance .

It has 40 gold doors and 16 gold-key windows with colored drawings on the pillars and beams.

In the middle of the hall, a throune carved with 9 dragons sits on a 2-meter-high platform.

Behind the throne there is a golden screen and in front of it, there is a imperial desk .

The flanks are decorated with elephants, Luduan, cranes, and incense barrels.

The elephant carries a vase on its back that holds five cereals,which was considered a symbol of prosperity.

As ancient legend has it that luduan can travel 18,000 li in one day and knows all languages and dialects.

Only to a wise adjust monarch will this beast be a guardian.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is also popularly known as Jinluan Dian .

The floor of the hall is laid with bricks that turn it into a smooth, fine surface as if water has been sprinkled on it .

The so-called golden brick, in fact, has nothing to do with gold.

Reserved exclusively for the construction of the royal court, it was made in a secretive, and complex way, and, when struck, sounds like the clink of a gold bar.

Each brick was worth the market price of one dan of rice.

The hall is supported by a total of 72 thick pillars .

Of these, 6 are carved in dragon patterns and painted with gold and surround the throne.

Above the very center of this hall there is a zaojing, or covered ceiling, which is one of the Specialities of China `s ancient architure.

In the middle of the ceiling is a design of a dragon playing with a ball inlaid with peals.

This copper ball, hollow inside and covered with mercury, is known as the Xuanyuan Mirror and is thought to be made Xuanyuan, a legendary monarch dating back to remote antiquity.

The placing of the caisson above the throne is meant to suggest that all of China` s successive emperors are Zuanyuan` s descendants and hereditary heirs.

Now you might have noticed that the Xuanyuan mirror is not directly above the throne.

Why? It is rumored that Yuan Shikai, a self-acclaimed warlord-turned emperor moved the throne further back because he was afraid that the mirror might fall on him .

In 1916 when Yuan Shikai became emperor, he removed the original throne with a Western-style, high-back chair.

After the foundation of the People` s Republic of China in 1949 the throne was found in a shabby furniture warehouse.

It repaired and returned to the hall.

the water vats in front of the palaces or house were called “menhai,” or sea before the door by the ancient Chinese.

They believed that with a sea by the door, fire could not wreak havoc.

The vats served both as a decoration and as a fire extinguisher.

They were kept full of water all year round.

During the Qing Dynasty, they were altogether 308 vats in the palace enclosure.

They were made of gilt bronze or iron.

Of couse, the gilt bronze vats were of the best quality.

When the allied forces invaded Beijing in 1900 under the pretext of suppressing the Boxer Rebellion, the invaders ransacked the imperial compound and scraped and gold off the vats with their bayonets.

During the Japanese occupation of Beijing, many vats were trucked away by the Japanese to be made into bullets .

The square architecture before us is called the Hall of Complete Harmony.

It served as an antechamber.

The Emperor came here to meet with his countiers and add his final touches to the prayers which would be read at the ancestral Temple.

The seeds, snowers and prayer intended for spring sowing were also examined here.

The two Qing sedan chairs here on display were used for traveling within the palace during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.

this is the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

During the Qing Dynasty, banquets were held here on New Year` s eve in honour of Mongolian and Northwestern China` s xingjiang princes and ranking officials.

The Emperor also dinned here with his new son-in-law on the wedding day.

Imperial examinations were also held here once every three years.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were three levels of exams: the county and prefectural level, the provincial level and national level.

The national exam was presided over by the emperor.

The civil service exam in ancient China started during the Han Dynasty.

It served the purpose of recruiting Confucian scholars to the ministers and high officials.

During the Tang and Qing dynasties reinstituted and ancient system.

Once every three years, three hundred scholars from all over the country came to Beijing and took exams for three day and night.

This system was abolished in 1905.this is the largest stone carving in the palace .It is 16.73 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick .

It weighs about 200 tons.

The block was quarried in Fangshan County, roughly 70 kilometers away.

To transport such a huge block to Beijing, laborers dug wells along the roadside half a kilometer apart, and used the groundwater to make a road of ice in the winter.

Rolling blocks were used in the summer.

In 1760, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty ordered the carving of the existing cloud and dragon design in place of the old one which dated back to the Ming Dynasty.

Note : From here, the tour can be conducted via three different routes: a western route, a central route or an eastern route .

The commentary for each follows.

北京导游词英文版 篇三

I am pleased to serve as your guide today.

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City.

It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today.

Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406.

It took 14years to build the Forbidden City.

The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.

For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .

In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng , got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan.

The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace.

Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence.

In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass.

Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments.

The word jin is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.

Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.

Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people.

Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape.

It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west.

It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters .

A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex.

Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall.

There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, and the Xihua Gate to the north, and the Xihua Gateto the west ,the Donghua to the east.

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City.

A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed.

Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province.

Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province.

Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China.

Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province .

Timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions.

The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate.

It is the main entrance to the forbidden City.

It is also knows as Wufenglou.

Ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .

They also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year.

Qing Emperor Qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban lito ban shouto avoid coincidental association with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time.

Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies.

For example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

Now we are inside the Forbidden City.

Before we start our tour, I would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us .

To complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the City of Beijing.

The Forbidden City covers roughly one –third of this central axis.

Most of the important building in the Forbidden City weree arranged along this line.

The design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system.

The Forbidden City is divided into an outer and an inner count.

We are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count.

In front of us lies the Gate of supreme Harmony .

The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperial power and dignity.

The lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind.

The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity.

The other one is a female.

Underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succession.

The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River.

It functions both as decoration and fire control .

The five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by Confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites, intellence and fidelity.

The river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow.

This was meant to show that the Emperors ruled the country on behalf of God.

The Forbidden City consists of an outer countyard and an inner enclosure.

The out count yard covers a vast space lying between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly Purity.

The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group.

Flanking them in bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: Wenhua and Wuying .

The three great halls are built on a spacious “H”-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, Each level of the triple terrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marble balustrades carved with dragon and phoenix designs.

There are three carved stone staircases linking the three architectures .

The hall of supreme Harmony is also the tallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all of China.

From the palace of Heavenly Purith northward is what is known as the inner court, which is also built in bilaterally symmetrical patterns.

In the center are the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union and Peace and Palace of Earthly Tranquility, a place where the Emperors lived with their families and attended to state affairs.

Flanking these structures are palaces and halls in which concubines and princes lived.

There are also three botanical gardens within the inner count, namely, the imperial Garden, Caning garden and Quailing garden.

An inner Golden Water River flows eastwardly within the inner court.

The brook winds through three minor halls or palaces and leads out of the Forbidden City.

It is spanned by the White Jade Bridge.

The river is lined with winding, marble –carved balustrades.

Most of the structures within the Forbidden City have yellow glazed tile roofs.

Aside from giving prominence to the north-south axis, other architectural methods were applied to make every group of palatial structures unique in terms of terraces, roofs, mythical monsters perching on the roofs and colored, drawing patterns.

With these, the grand contour and different hierarchic spectrum of the complex were strengthened.

Folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999 room-units in the Forbidden City.

Since Paradise only has 10,000 rooms, the Son of Heaven on earth cut the number by half a room.

It is also rumoured that this half –room is located to the west of the Wenyuange Pavilion .

As a matter of fact, although the Forbidden City has more than 9,000 room-units, this half-room is nonexistent .

The Wenyuange Pavilion is a library where “Si Ku Quan Shu”- China `s first comprehensive anthology-was stored.

北京景点英语导游词 篇四



从1953年起率先实行“政治辅导员”制度,让优秀学生党员“双肩挑”(专业学习和政治工作),延续至今。当时的清华被称为“红色工程师的摇篮”。同年,清华着手进行“学习苏联先进教育经验”的教学改革,按计划培养技术人才,从学分制转为学年制,学制延长,建立教学大纲,翻译大量苏联教材,加强基础课,聘请苏联专家讲学。1955年后,增设实验核物理、放射性稀有元素工艺学等新技术专业。1958年后,开展教育领域“大跃进”。实行教育与生产劳动相结合、勤工俭学、教育支援农业,清华师生承担了密云水库、中国革命历史博物馆等实践工作。 1978年以来,在深化改革、扩大开放的过程中,清华逐步复建了理科、经济、管理、人文、社会科学等各学科,恢复了综合性大学的布局,进入了一个蓬勃发展的新时期。



北京英语导游词 篇五

Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to Beijing,and welcome to today's Hutong tour!First of all,I would like to start with the term"Hutong",H-U-T-O-N-G what does Hutong mean?

According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning"Well".In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be"a place where people gather and live." Nobody knows exactly how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing. But one thing is for sure,if we connected all the Hutongs together,their total length would even be longer than the famous Great wall,which is about 4000 miles longer.

Today you can find various Hutongs with different shapes,lengths or directions.The shortest one is only 40 centimeters wide, And some Hutongs have more than 20 turns. As we walk through the Hutongs,you may find most of them look almost the same with gray-colored walls and bricks. Actually inside those walls are the courtyard houses,where people live. In Chinese we call them"siheyuan".

The gate building of each Siheyuan is the only thing that we can see along the Hutongs. Chinese people used to try to protect their privacy from being intruded by strangers. So the gate building,in old times,was a symbol to show the position of each house owner. look at thtis one nest door,it has the lion design,because that owner used to be a military officer. Interesting?

Now let's see the doorway. Almost every doorway has a threshold,that high step over there. For what reason they put a big step at the door?You know Chinese people believe all the evil spirits are short. They can not jump over high steps. So the threshold is actually for warding off evil spirits.

In old times,transportation was not as convenient as today,so street vendors played a very important role in Hutong life. They wandered from lane to lane selling various goods or providing all kind of services. People could judge the goods or services from their peddling or the sounds of their special instruments. The food they sold usually include baked pancakes,seasoned millet mush,or Youzhaguo,a kind of deep-fried twisted dough sticks,and all kinds of vegetables.

But now,with modern life all around, it's hard for people to hear the traditional melodious hawking. Look at the crowd sitting over there!What do you think they are doing?Talking about Vic Tanny?Oprah's?Or just gossiping?Any ideas?Let's go and see!

Oh,they are building a new Great Wall. But their bricks are Chinese Mahjong!A very popular pastime among the Hutong people,especially among the senior citizens who have retired.

The main attraction of Hutong life is friendly and interpersonal communication.

Children living in one courtyard play together and grow up together like one big family. We want to save it as a treasure to show our later generations what Beijing used to be like.

OK. Time files. It's almost the end of the tour. Today,through our Hutong tour,I hope you are not only happy with what you have seen but also get a better understanding of the culture and people in the Hutong area.

Thank you for your attention,and hope you enjoy the rest of the tour in China!

北京景点英语导游词 篇六


鲁迅(1881一1936),渐江绍兴人,中国现代文学家、思想家、革命家。故居内为“鲁迅故居旧景陈列”,这是一座精巧的小四合院,南北房各三间,东西房各一间,一直保持着当年先生居住时的模样,南房是会客室,北屋东西两房间分别为鲁迅的母亲和朱安夫人的住室,中间一间为餐厅,北屋当中一间向北凸出一小间,面积仅8平方米,是先生的卧室兼书房,即著名的“老虎尾巴”,先生自称“绿林书屋”,陈设十分简朴。东厢房辟为展室,举办“鲁迅在北京西三条21号”展览。  该馆在1993年被西城区人民政府命名为青少年“两史一情”(中国近代史、中国革命史和国情)教育基地。

北京导游词英文版 篇七

Ladies and Gentlemen:

You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City.

Now I` d like to show you around scenes of interest along the eastern route.

The first is the Treasure Hall.

This mansion is called the Hall of Imperial Zenith.

This is where Sing Emperor Quailing lived after abdication.

Nearly 1,000 artifacts and treasures are on display here, among which the Golden Hair Tower is one of the most famous.

This tower is 1.53meters in height and its base is 0.53 meters in circumference .

It was built under the order of Emperor Quailing to be used to collect fallen hair in commemoration of his mother.

There is also a “Day harnessing Water Jade Hill ” on display here.

Yu was a legendary monarch of the remote Ixia dynasty.

Under his leadership, the people learned how to harness the Yellow River.

This jade assemblage, 224 centimeters in height and 5 tons in weight, is the largest jade artwork in China.

This mat was woven with peeled ivory.

These artifacts are among China` s rarest treasures.

this is the Nine-Dragon Relief Screen .

Erected in 1773,it is 3.5 meters in height and 29.4 meters in width.

Underneath is a foundation made of marble .

The surface of the screen is laid with a total of 270 colored, glazed tiles in the design of 9 dragons ,some rocky mountains ,clouds and the sea.

It was meant to ward off evil spirits The ancient Chinese regarded 9 dragons, some rocky mountains, clouds and the sea.

It was meant to ward off evil spirits .

The ancient Chinese regarded 9 as the largest numeral and the dragon as a auspicious beast .

The 9 dragons are different in color and posture and all are made of glazed tiles.

Interestingly a piece of the third dragon from the left is made of wood.

It is believe that when the Nine-dragon Screen was almost finished ,a piece of glazed tile was damaged .

Emperor Qianlong was scheduled to inspect the work the following day .

Using quick wits, the craftsman in question molded the missing piece with clay and sailed through the imperial inspection.

Later ,he asked a carpenter to carve a wooden one to replace the one made of clay.

Behind the Palace of Earthly Tranquility and trading the north-south axis is the imperial Garden.

There are old trees, rare flowers and exotic rock formation in this garden .

It cover a space of 11,700 square meters, or roughly 1.7 percent of the Forbidden City.

Most of the structures in the garden are symmetrically arranged .

However, each is different in terms of parrern and decoration.

Woods clumps of bamboo screen off the garden and strengthens its deep and serene atmosphere.

There main structure of the Imperial Garden is the Qin` an Hall.

Positioned in the central-northern part of the garden ,this hall is flanked by other halls and pavilions on the east and west.

The hall sits on a marble pedestal.

The Taoist deity of Zhenwu is enshrined here and emperor would pay homage here a quarterly basis.

Taoist rites were held during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty.

In front of the hall there is a cypress that is 400 years old .

In all there are a dozen such rare trees in the garden, and most of them are cypresses or pines.

To the northwest of the hall , there is the Yanhui Pavilion and to the northeast there lies the Duixiu Hill.

This Hill was built over the foundation of the long- pershed Guanhua Hall of the Ming Dynasty.

It is 14 meters in height and made of al kinds of rocks quarried in jiang su province.

At its base stand two nstone lions, each carrying a dragon shooting water 10 meters up into the air from its mouth.

There are meandering paths leading to the hilltop.

At the top of Duixiu Hill sits the Yujing Pavilion.

Traditionally, On the day of the Double Ninth Festival , the emperor ,his consort, and his≤≥ concubines would climb up to Yujing Pavilion to enjoy the scenery.

At the southeastern corner of the Garden is Jiangxue Verandah.

Nearby to the southwest lies Yangxing Study .

The yangxing study was used as a royal library during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.

The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi once studied English there.

In front of the Jiangxue Verandah some Chinese flowering crabapples grow.

The structure got its name from the crabapples who blossoms trun from crimson to snowy white.

In front of the Verandah, there grows a rare flower that was brought from henna Province under the order of Empress dowager Cixi.

In the northest is Chizao Tang , once used as a library where rare books were stored.

There are also specific pavilions symbolizing the four seasons .

The halls of Wanchun and Qianqiu ,representing spring and autumn respectively ,are square in shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shaped ridges.

The halls of Chengrui and Fubi,dedecated to winter and summer, are characterized by two verandahs and bridges at their bases .

Paths were paved with colorful pebbles and arranged in 900 different designs.

The Imperial Garden can be accessed through the Qiong yuan West gate or the qiong yuan east gate.

A third gate, the shunzhenGate, opens to the north.

Its doors are laid in glazed tiles and it was only used by the empress or concubines.

As our tour of the Forbidden City draws to a close, I hope that I have helped you understand why the Palace is a treasure of China and one of the cultural relics of the world.

It is under the strict protection of the Chinese government.

Since 1949 when the people` s Rupublic of China was founded, nearly one trillion RMB was spent on its restoration and refurbishment.

The Forbidden City has undergone four major facelifts to date.

Each year, the government earmarks a large sum to gather, sort and study cultural relics.

The Palace now contains a total of 930,000cultural relics.

Well, so much for today .

Let` s go to reboard the coach.

Thank you !

北京故宫英语导游词 篇八

Ladies and gentlemen:

The Palace Museum is located in the center of Beijing.It is also known as the Forbidden City in the old days.Actually it was the imperial palace for the emperors and served as both living quarters and the venue of the state administration in the Ming and Qing dynasties.Its name,on the one hand,comes from ancient Chinese astronomers' belief that God's abode or the Purple Palace,the pivot of the celestial world,is located in the Pole Star,at the center of the heavens.Hence,as the Son of God,the emperor should live in the Purple the other hand,except for palace maids,eunuchs and guards,ordinary the Forbidden City and the Purple City.

It took 14 years to complete the magnificent began in 1406 and finished in 1420.The following year,in 1421 the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing to Beijing.Starting from the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Di to the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty Pu Yi,altogether 24 emperors lived here for a total of 491 years.14 of then were Ming emperors and 10 were Qing emperors.

The Forbidden City covers an area of 72 hectares with a total floor space of about 163,000 square meters.It is rectangular in shape,960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west with a10-meter high city wall surrounded and encircled by a 52 meter-wide moat.At each corner of the surrounding wall,there is a magnificent watchtower which was heavily guarded in the old days.

The Forbidden City now consists of more than 90 palaces and courtyards,980 buildings with rooms of 8, of the structures in the Forbidden City were made of wood with white marble,stone or brick foundations.The building materials were from parts of our country.The timber came from Sichuan,Guizhou,Guandxi,Hunan and Yunnan provinces in southwest China.But in the Qing Dynasty,the timbers were transported from northeast construction materials,including brick,stone and lime,were used by both Dynasties.The golden bricks that paved the halls were manufactured in Suzhou,refined bricks used to build the foundation of halls were made in Linqing,and lime came from Yizhou.White marble was provided regularly by Fangshan County and glazed tiles by Sanjiadian.

The Forbidden City can be divided into two parts:the Outer Court and the Inner Palace.The Outer Court consists of three main buildings where the emperors attended the grand of rear three main buildings and the six eastern palaces and six western palaces where the emperor used to handle daily affairs and the living quarters for the emperor,empress and imperial concubines to live in.

The Forbidden City is the best-preserved imperial palace in China and the largest ancient palatial structure in the world.In 1987 it was listed as the world cultural heritage by UNESCO.

The Meridian Gate is the main entrance to the Forbidden City.It is called Meridian Gate because the emperor believed that the meridian line went right through the Forbidden City and his imperial residence was the center of the whole universe.It is 35.6meters high with five towers on the top,so it is also nicknames as the “Five-Phoenix Tower.”

The Meridian Gate was the place to announce the new lunar year calendar on the first day of 10th lunar month every year.Lanterns would also be hung up on the Meridian Gate on the 15th day of the first lunar month during the Ming Dynasty,when all the officials would have a feast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens,when all the officials would have a fast in the Forbidden City and ordinary citizens would go to the Meridian Gate to look at the beautiful lanterns.When a general returned from battle,the ceremony of “Accepting Captives of War” was held here.The “Court Beating” also took place here.

The gate has five openings.The central passageway was for the emperor exclusively.But apart from the emperor,the empress could use the central passageway on the day of the imperial wedding ceremony.However,after the palace examination,the first top three outstanding scholars were allowed to go through the central gate.The high-ranking civil and military officials went in through the side gate on the east.The two smaller ones on both sides at the corner were for the lowranking officials.During the Palace Examination all the candidates went in from these two side-gates according to the odd number or even number.

北京英语导游词英文 篇九

Dear tourists

Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing. I am very happy to accompany you to visit today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.

The Great Wall is one of the most famous wonders in the world. It is like a giant dragon in the vast land of northern China. It is not only the crystallization of the blood law of the ancient Chinese working people, but also the symbol of ancient Chinese culture and the pride of the Chinese nation.

Tourists, we have come to the famous Badaling Great Wall. If you look at it from a distance, you can see that the great wall here is divided into South and North peaks, winding on the ridge. The scenery is very spectacular. Looking down, there are two door openings and a U-shaped city wall. There were crenels on both sides of the wall to resist the enemy. If the enemy breaks through the gate and rushes into the city, he will be surrounded and annihilated by the garrison on all sides, and the enemy will fall into the urn. Wengcheng is an important part of the Great Wall. It is generally built on the roads with dangerous terrain. The urn in Badaling is no exception. Built on the ridge, restricted by the terrain, it is low in the East and high in the west, narrow in the East and wide in the west, only 5000 square meters. There is no well in the urn City, and there is a lack of water. Usually, there are not many troops stationed in the urn city. The garrison is stationed in Chadao City, three miles northwest. There is a "Chayuan mansion" in the Central Plains of Wengcheng, which is for the emperor to stay or officials to stay. The distance between the two gates of the urn is 63. At 9 meters, the lintel of the west gate bears the title of "lock key at the North Gate". I have already explained its purpose. On the gate hole, Gujin is equipped with a huge double leaf wooden door with wooden top posts and locks. In peacetime, the gate is open for pedestrians and business travelers to enter and leave freely; in wartime, the gate is closed and firm; once the counterattack order is issued, the gate hole is the exit for thousands of troops to launch a charge. The lintel of the east gate of the urn, with the title of "Juyong Wai Gai", was built in the 18th year of Jiajing reign of the Ming Dynasty. On the platform of Guancheng, the town of juyongwai, there was a stone tablet carved during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. From the inscriptions, we can see the Great Wall, which took more than 80 years to complete. The stele also records the time and length of the construction of the Great Wall, the presiding officer, the foreman, the burner, the potter, the bricklayer and their names, so as to clarify their responsibilities. Standing on the city and looking down, we can see the constant traffic and tourists passing through the door. This is not only an important military defense pass in ancient times, but also an important traffic route. From here to Changping and Beijing in the south, to Yanqing in the north, and to Xuanhua and Zhangjiakou in the northwest, "the road is divided and extends in all directions.". Badaling also got its name.

Looking down to the right, there is a big gun on display in the south of dengchengkou, which is called "general Weida". The gun is two in length. It is 85 meters in diameter and 105 mm in diameter. It got its name because of the "imperial edict granted to the powerful general" on the body of zhongpao. The largest range of the word is more than 500 meters, which shows that the military industry at that time was relatively developed.

From Guancheng platform to the highest part of Nanfeng, the South 4th floor, with a wall of 685 meters long. 8 meters, height rise 142. 4 meters, especially between the South 3rd floor and the South 4th floor, the ridge is narrow, the mountain is steep, and the Great Wall stretches more than 400 meters. The most dangerous part of the city top is about 70 degrees, almost straight up and down. The South 1st floor and the south 2nd floor have not been restored. Judging from the plinth of the South 3rd floor, there are also pavilions.

The fourth floor south of Nanfeng Great Wall is the highest, with an altitude of 803. Six meters. Looking from the tower, the Great Wall winds from southwest to northeast over the ridge, just like a dragon, magnificent. It reminds us of the poem that Mr. Luo Zhewen, a famous expert on the great wall of China, chanted when he visited the Badaling Great Wall. Lock the key to the north gate, the sky is dangerous, and the mountain is half steep. From the South 4th floor to the South 7th floor, the height decreases gradually. Between the South 5th floor and the South 6th floor, a small white Pavilion stands on the ridge 30 meters away from the city wall on the inside of the Great Wall. This is the "memorial Pavilion for the restoration of the Great Wall in Guizhou Province" completed in June 1987. The South 6th floor is a shop, which is built on the top of the upper floor. It is three rooms wide, with a hard top, red pillars, gray tiles, small and exquisite. This is probably the command post of the "thousand generals" at that time.

Today's great wall has long lost its military value. With its unique charm, it attracts the vast number of Chinese and foreign tourists and has become a world-famous tourist attraction. With the development of tourism, the Great Wall, a symbol of the Chinese nation and an important cultural heritage in the world, will radiate new vitality. Welcome everyone with better tourism service and more beautiful tourism environment!

北京英语导游词 篇十

ladies and gentlemen,leave you a good memory.

the first attraction of our tour in beijing is the forbidden city.the first thing people would think of when talking about the

the building arrangement within the forbidden city is symmetrical对称的。and it is divided into two parts :the outer court and the inner court .the former is the place where emperors handled courts事物 and held different ceremonies仪式。it consists of taihe ,zhonghe and baohe halls.taihe hall is the largest hall within the forbidden city.it was the location where ming dynasty and qing dynasty emperors hosted their

enthronement and wedding ceremonies .the inner court consists of qianqing, jiaotai and kunming halls where the emperor lived and handled day-to-day work.the lmperial garden lies on north of the kunming hall. it looks like a natural picture.this is the place where the emperor and his family play.

since the founding of new china, the forbidden city has been well maintained.it was made part of the world cultural heritage list in as the largest museum of cultural relics in china, it collected and displayed one million precious relics .

as the saying goes, seeing is believing.with curiosity, lets walk into the forbidden city.lets appreciate chinese culture and feel the history of the rise and fall of the chinese emperors.

北京恭王府英语导游词 第十一篇

Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Beijing. I'm your guide.

Prince Gong's house garden is a unique garden located behind Prince Gong's house, also known as cuijin garden. It is located at No.14, Liuyin street. It was built in 1777. According to research, it was rebuilt on the old garden of Ming Dynasty. The park covers an area of 28000 square meters, with 31 ancient buildings. Prince Gong has skilled craftsmen in the garden to rebuild the garden, adding mountains and woods, colorful paintings, integrating the landscape architecture of the South China and the northern architecture. It is a garden for the western architecture and Chinese classical gardens. After its completion, it was the crown of the hundred imperial palace of Beijing. It is the essence of the existing art of Wang Fu in the city of Beijing, and it can be called the Pearl of the Shichahai. Among them, the western gate in the garden, the stele with the word "Fu" in Yushu, and the indoor theater building are also known as the "three wonders" of Prince Gong's mansion. Some scholars believe that this garden may be the prototype of the Grand View Garden in a dream of Red Mansions written by Cao Xueqin.

Wangfu is the largest and best preserved palace of Qing Dynasty in Beijing. It is located at No.17 Qianhai West Street, northwest of Shichahai. It is now a key cultural relic protection unit in China. Prince Gong's mansion was built at the end of the 18th century. In the early period of the reign of Emperor Qianlong, it was the residence of a bachelor named Helian. In the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799 AD), Helian was convicted, and the residence was confiscated and given to Prince Qing. In the first year of Xianfeng (1851 AD), it was given to Prince Gong, Aixinjueluo?.

In Qing Dynasty, there were strict regulations in the royal residence, which stipulated that the prince's residence had five main gates, seven main halls, five back halls, seven back bedrooms, and a side hall on the left and right. However, many royal palaces have gone through many vicissitudes and have long been beyond recognition. Only Prince Gong's mansion is the most complete and well decorated Qing Dynasty royal mansion in Beijing. Mr. Hou Renzhi, a famous scholar, called it "a palace of Prince Gong, half of the history of Qing Dynasty".

Prince Gong's residence is divided into three parallel roads, East, middle and West. It is the largest courtyard in the world. The three buildings on the middle road are the main body of the mansion. The first is the main hall, the second is the back hall, and the third is the extension building. The extension building is 160 meters long from east to west and has more than 40 houses. There are three courtyards on East Road and West Road respectively, which echo the buildings on middle road. The last part of the palace is the garden, with more than 20 different scenic spots.

The garden of Prince Gong's mansion has both central axis and symmetry. The whole garden is divided into middle road, East Road and West Road, forming a number of courtyards. On the central axis are Yuanmen, feilaifeng, bat pool, anshantang, Fangchi, rockery, Yuetai, lvtianxiaoyin and bat hall. The buildings on the middle road are basically symmetrical with the mountains and waters, while the East and West roads are only symmetrical with the mountains and buildings. The whole garden is surrounded by six mountain Dragons: two mountains in the south, East and West, and one mountain in the back of the middle road.

The east road is mainly built. In the East, there are two mountains running north and south, each turning into a enclosure in the southeast and northeast. The building is divided into three small courtyards. In the south, it is close to the east courtyard. Looking up, there is an exquisite vertical flower gate. Inside, there is a long and narrow courtyard. Bamboo was planted in the courtyard. The main hall is behind the Grand Theater, the west chamber is behind the middle road Mingdao hall, the East chamber is a row of wing rooms, and the west chamber is another long and narrow courtyard. At the entrance of the moon cave gate, he said, "sing the fragrance and drink the moon.". On the north side is the main building of East Road, the grand theater building, which is a small theater with an area of 685 square meters. There are front hall, auditorium, stage, acting room, etc. in the theater, the decoration is luxurious, and it is the viewing place of the palace.

The west road is dominated by mountains and rivers. The beginning of the west road is from Feilai peak to the west, and at the south end is a majestic pass between the two mountains. The name of the pass is Yuguan, which is the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall. It is the symbol of the great wall and is known as the first pass in the world. At that time, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty entered the pass from then on. Setting this pass in the garden is enough to show that the garden owner does not forget the great achievements of the Qing Dynasty when he came to the Central Plains from Shanhaiguan. Before Yuguan, there is dafangchi, the center of the west road. In the southeast corner of the dafangchi, there is a small stream, which is connected with Fuhe River in the East. In the dafangchi, there is a square island with a fish watching platform, which is used to describe Zhuangzi's allusion to the joy of watching fish on Haoshang. In the west of the pond is Xishan. In front of the pond, there are five hall houses. The chaoshou corridor in the East is connected with the curved corridor in the middle road.

The theme of the garden is obvious. There are some new ideas in mountain enclosure and Yuguan Xiongshi, but there are many buildings in the East, and the enclosure of curved corridor in the middle is not organic enough, especially the water management is poor. From the perspective of rockfill, architecture, plants and pattern, it still has the characteristics of northern garden.

Prince Gong's residence is located on the North Bank of Shichahai. It is the largest courtyard in the world and the most complete one among more than 60 Qing Dynasty palaces in Beijing today. It is divided into parallel East, middle and West roads. The three buildings on the middle road are the main body of the mansion, one is the main hall, the other is the back hall, and the third is the extension building. Yanlou is 160 meters long from east to west and has more than 40 houses. East Road and West Road each have three courtyards, which echo the middle road. The last part of the palace is the garden, and more than 20 scenic spots are different.

Prince Gong's residence is the residence of Prince Gong Zhong, the sixth son of Emperor Daoguang of Qing Dynasty. It was formerly the residence of Qianlong's Bachelor and arsenic. In the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799), he was convicted, and his residence became an official. Emperor Jiaqing gave part of it to his younger brother, Prince Qingfu yongp, as the palace of Prince Qingfu. Later, Xianfeng city took back King Qing's residence and gave it to his younger brother Yiyi as Prince Gong's residence. During the reign of Xianfeng and Tongzhi, it was renovated and a garden was built behind the mansion.

Because Prince Gong's mansion has some scenery described in a dream of Red Mansions, it is said that the garden of Prince Gong's mansion is the blueprint of Grand View Garden. However, many people put forward different opinions.

Yi Chu, the owner of the palace, is a first-class aristocrat. Therefore, his mansion is not only spacious, but also has the highest standard of architecture, which shows its insurmountable level. The obvious signs are the facade and the number of houses. There are five front rooms, seven main rooms, five back rooms, seven back rooms, and a side room. There must be no more royal mansions than these. The form of the house and the color of the tiles cannot be replaced.

The former owner of Prince Gong's mansion was Prime Minister Hekun. The Qingyi hall he built imitated the emperor's ningshou palace. When the emperor "bestowed a gift and ordered him to commit suicide", this was one of the crimes.

The building of Prince Gong's mansion can be divided into two parts: the mansion and the garden. Covering an area of 46.5 mu, the mansion is divided into three roads, East and West, each of which is composed of multi entrance quadrangles, surrounded by a two-story back cover building with a length of more than 160 meters. At the back of the building is a garden, covering an area of 38.6 mu. The buildings in the garden also form three roads, i.e. the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the East-West Road, the West-West Road, the West-West Road, the West.

In the front of the middle road are the gate with 3 rooms in width and the two gates with 5 rooms in width. In the gate, the original main hall, yin'an hall, has been destroyed, and the existing rear hall, namely Jiale hall; the east road is composed of three entrance courtyard, which is the living room of Prince Gong Yizhe; the main room of the west road is xijinzhai, which has a Grand Courtyard and a grand style. After the third road courtyard, there are more than 40 two-story back buildings with a length of 160 meters from east to west, namely Zhanwu building in the East and Baoyue building in the West. The garden behind the building is Pingjin garden, commonly known as Gongwangfu garden, covering an area of 28000 square meters. The buildings in the park are divided into three roads: the Middle East, the Middle East and the west, and there are also some axes. There are scattered rockeries, pavilions and pavilions, and flowers and trees in the pool. The main buildings are scorpion hall, inviting platform, grand stage, qinqiu Pavilion, etc.

北京景点英语导游词 第十二篇








北京英语导游词英文 第十三篇

Hello everyone! My name is Shen Lei, and I'm your tour guide. You can call me Shen Dao. First of all, I wish you a happy trip! Please be careful when you get off the bus.

Now let me introduce the Forbidden City to you. Beijing Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. Today people call it the Forbidden City, which means the imperial palace of the past. It is a magnificent building built in 14 years by Ming Emperor Zhu Di, who recruited countless skilled craftsmen. The Palace Museum covers an area of 720000 square meters and has more than 9000 houses. It is the largest and best preserved ancient palace complex in the world. The palace is arranged along a north-south axis, symmetrical and well arranged. There are four gates outside the Palace Museum, the main gate is called Meridian Gate, the east gate is called Donghua gate, the west gate is called Xihua gate, and the north gate is called Shenwu gate. The three main halls that attract the most attention are Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall. I will not introduce them in detail. After a while, you can enjoy them freely.

Around the three main halls, we came to the second half of the Palace Museum, with the Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace and Kunning palace as the center. There are six East palaces and six West palaces on both sides, mainly where the emperor and his concubines lived. Different from the magnificence of the outer court buildings, the inner court is full of life. Among them, Qianqing palace is the emperor's palace, while Kunning palace is the Queen's palace in Ming Dynasty. After walking through Kunning palace, we came to the imperial garden in the back. It was a place for emperors and empresses to rest and play. There were towering pines and cypresses, precious flowers and exquisite rocks in the garden.

OK, my introduction ends here. You can enjoy it at will. Come out from Donghua gate of Dongmen after 17:30. Please don't litter or write at will in the garden. Have a good trip!


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