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更新时间:2023-05-15 来源:互联网 点击:


英语导游词 篇一

the exhibition of inscribed bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to changsha museum. well be here to visit “the exhibition of inscribed bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha and the years of unearthed most valuable cultural relics”。 i hope my explanation can satisfy you!

now, we are in the first exhibition hall. here, it adopts panoramic technique, and restores the site of unearthing bamboo tablets of wu kingdom. in 1996, during july to november, in the southeast of wu yi square, team up with ping he tang department. the exhumations were carried on by changsha relics work teams. they unearth 61 archaic wells during the

warring states period and the ming and qing dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on. to people’s astonishment, in the no.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden

slips. after confirming, they are the relics of sun wu in three kingdoms 1700 years ago. these patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly. our country once had four discoveries: the oracle bone inscription of yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of tunxu in northwest china, cultural books of dunhuang stone room, files of qing cabinet. bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four discoveries, and become the searching subject of international academia.

everybody! please look at the cross section reconstruction of the no.22 archaic well. its upper part of opening was damaged when it was excavating. this is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft; the bottom has a bag form likely. the opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in depth. the opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer. the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form. the ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slips have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundles at that time. there are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics. the second layer is the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up

with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrapes, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on. at the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame. the four corners are nailed by a stick of spile inlayed with two wooden boards as the well wall. the circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall. the function of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwater from all sides of the well, and then put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well space dry. this is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.

analyzing the structure and relics of the well no.22, it is an ancient well for storing food. the climate of changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just like as a modern refrigerator. the archaeological discoveries approved that people had used this storing method from the time of shang dynasty.

you may ask that, why were the bamboo tablets of wu kingdom buried in the well? there are two statements. the first one considered that in the period of three kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry. the other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way of dealing with the records in the past.

now please look at the photo. this is the photo of unearthing the no.22 well. we can see that the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud. why can they be kept intact for over 1700 years? one of the important reasons is that the ground water level in changsha was very high, and the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the water. besides, they were buried deeply; they can be sealed up wall. with these, they can be kept intact for over 1700 years.

next, let’s visit the second exhibition room. in this room we can get the detailed introduction of the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. before we visit, i have a question to ask. do you know whether the words on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were written or carved on them? with the question, let’s look at the photo of the pottery figurine. this pottery figurine was unearthed in a western jin tomb in jinpenling in changsha in 1950s. on the left of the photo there is a man handing a wooden slip and reading something, the man on the right who were holding a hair pencil in a hand and a wooden slip in the other was writing something. the pottery figurine shows us the condition of ancients writing on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips. now, we can say, the word on the bamboo tablets and slips were written on them. did you guess it?

to see another set of photos. this is a hair pencil unearthed from one of the tombs of the warring state at zuojiagong mountain of changsha in 1954. its shaft is long and small but easy to be broken. on the side of it there is a bamboo pipe used for containing the pen when it is collected and preserved. this is an ink stone with little ink blocks near it. here also remains a bronze chopping knife which is used for the calligrapher to make inscribed bamboo and wooden slips and correct writing mistakes. this is a set of photos of calligraphy tools discovered in no.168 tomb in jinan city of former capital of chu state. in addition to this, there are 6 pieces of wooden slips without character. this is also the most complete and most typical set of han dynasty’s stationery ever seen up to now. uniting our ancient people calculates the number of the inscribed bamboo tablets and wooden slips are not “slice”, but “jin”。 it is recorded in history that the 1st emperor of qin dynasty did not have a rest until he finished reading over 120 jin of memorial to throne and inscribed bamboo and wooden slips.

please notice the following brief tablet about information of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips unearthed from all parts of the nation from this century. among this, the column in red character is the number of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips excavated from changsha this time. the number this time has exceeded the total amount of that unearthed from all parts of the nation these years. therefore, it is named as “the surprising wonder of the world”and “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.”

it is well known that document history in the three kingdom period handed down is very rare.”the annals of three kingdom”by chenshou in xijin has 65 volumes, among which there are 30 volumes of wei book, 15 volumes of shu book, 20 volumes of wu book with total of more than 1 million characters. over the years, the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets in nationwide archaeology is also rarely seen and only exist tens of pieces in anhui, jiangxi and hubei .but nowadays in changsha, the total number of the excavation of the inscribed bamboo from wu state in three kingdom period reaches 10 thousand pieces for just one time and the total wordage reaches more than 3 million if counted with 20 words in each piece. these character materials greatly surpass the total wordage in that of the “annals of three kingdom”, which offers abundant material for the study of social economy, political system, inscribed bamboo and volume system, history and geography and also fill the vacancy of historic works. we can forecast that the discovery of inscribed bamboo slips from wu state in changsha will surely influence many aspects of the chinese historic study and anew examining and verifying the past final conclusion.

well, let us have a look at this map. though the series archaeological excavation around the “wuyi square ”by our archaeological workers, we have preliminarily defined the region of the ancient changsha .it extends northward to “lao zhaobi ”, southward to “pozi street”, eastward to “cai’e road”and westward to “shanghe street”which shaped rectangle. and the center of changsha is today’s “wuyi square, which, we can say, hasn’t changed basically nearly 3000years.

the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets for this time, if according to their shape, they can be distributed to big and small inscribed bamboo slips, wooden tablets and so on; if according to their use, they can be distributed to five kinds:

the first kind is document. it can be subdivided into two parts. one is the land rent document with 0.5m long, 2.5cm wide and 100 to 200 chinese characters on. the other is the official document which recorded the distribution and exchanging of money, crops, and goods among different governmental setups. please look at this smaller slice. it is a classified label. it shows us a monthly report recorded by two officials named huang wei and pan lv in the first year of jia he period.

second, about judicature, which recorded some detail contents and economic cases, such as the trying, appealing and reexamining? what’s on this wooden tablet is an individual case about a du you. du you is a kind of government official. he was sentenced to death for his corruptness of salt, but he was not convinced and appealed to a high court. however, the reexamining did not make the judge change. so he had nothing to do but accept.

the third kind is directory, somewhat like the household and registered books today. let’s look at this slice. here the chinese character “rong li”was a name of some place in changsha. this whole sentence means there is a man named he qin, 55 years old, lived in rong li. his dukedom is gong cheng. and here "suan yi" means can be counted as one of a taxpayer;" xing liang zu" refers to whose legs had been cut off. the directory served as a registered permanent resident, which put down people’s name, age, position and something we can’t find in our registered permanent resident---physical condition.

the fourth one is calling card. it mainly referred to paying respect, giving gift and administrative affairs, as visiting cards we use today.

the last kind is the wooden tablet on account which recorded the managing account of departments belongs to changsha government.

please look at these historical relics again. this blue and green porcelain in the three kingdoms and tow jin dynasties were discovered in zoumalou ancient well. look, their glazed colors is sparking and crystal-clear, the decorate are simple and element. the second among them is called "chichen-head potting", the potting is coronal form, guides the neck and proceeded high, and the modeling of it is very beautiful. these potting were very popular in jin dynasty. they were used as pitcher and chalice.

everybody has seen many photos, has listened to so much explanation, now we come to see the original of the bamboo slips, wooden tablets or slips for writing.

now, you see in the pyramid shape exhibition cupboard, it is a bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips original that explored in zoumalou in the ancient well of the building this time. the bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are the material that the ancient remains of our country come down to write. among them the narrow and long bamboo, the wood chips are called "jian", the generous wood chips called "du". you must distinguish one from the other, not wood make are named "du", what bamboo make named "jian". jian has the wooden one, too. ok, the right side of i there set some inscribed wooden tablets, the middle are heavy inscribed wooden slips. in the left, they are bamboo slips that pressed under the transparent glass. the characters on the bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are simple and clear. it’s easily can be distinguished. the script is the transition from lishu to regular script.

these kinds of inscribed wooden slips and inscribed wooden tablets are made in shirt woods. the quality of these trees is pre-pressing. it is intact to keep. the raw materials of inscribed bamboo slips is bamboo whose quality is loose, apt and crooked and out of shape, so it in displaying and need press when exhibiting. the ancients have several procedures to make the bamboo slips. first, they cut the bamboo into bamboo slips, and then burnished them in order to make them smooth, these smooth slips called “jian”。 but people could not write on the wet bamboo slips. then, they roasted dry the wet bamboo slips. while roasting, there was some water steaming out. the water looked like sweet, so people called those “sweet qing”or “sha qing”。

the “guo ling ding yang”of wen tianxiang said that “since ancient times, who has no death? remaining sincere heart to finish ‘sweet qing’.

bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha has very strong historical value, article value and scientific value, so the provincial leaders, city leaders and related experts decided to set up an exhibition of bamboo tablets and wooden slips.

英语导游词 篇二

Everybody is good! I am the guidefromChina travel company, you can call me "small xuan". Today, I will accompany you to visit the Palace Museum.

The imperial palace and the Forbidden City, where towering palace, pavilions, white jade railing, red Huang Wa, glittering. The glittering sea of "palace" covers an area of 72 square kilometers, with a construction area of 150000 square meters, there are all kinds of palace in 890, houses nearly 9000.

We went to the place called meridian gate, now is the main gate of the Forbidden City, 38. ChengTai show "concave" glyph, easy to keep difficult tapping, embodies the wisdom of the elders.

Here is the gate, it is the door of the Forbidden City ranks the highest, taihe in front of the Forbidden City's largest bronze lions. The left foot of copper ball copper lion lion, a symbol of the unity; On the right foot on copper lion cubs for female lions, the significance of offspring prosperity. The copper lion is the symbol of supreme imperial power.

The hall of supreme harmony is the highest building in the Forbidden City mid-range. Ming and qing dynasty, the emperor, wedding, conferring the, life will be for the ceremony and flower, such as New Year's day and winter solstice three large sections of the instrument are held here. In the early qing dynasty, held in this position also.

Jinlong decoration glittering inside the hall of supreme harmony, the throne in the middle and later gold lacquer screen, 6 up on both sides of the pillar panlong hypostyle column, and array a treasure like, Angle side, cranes and incense pavilion. Treasure as a symbol of national stability and consolidate regime; Angle of the side is the legendary auspicious animals, cranes symbolize longevity, incense burner mountain strong meaning. Temple top central jinlong bit like treasure sunk panel, orb for xuanyuan mirror, moral monarch collapsed.

Behind and zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace building, please you go to visit!

英语导游词 篇三

Hello everyone! Welcome everyone to visit and play in the ancient city of Lijiang known as the "World Heritage".

With the lingering jade spring water, we came to the ancient city of Lijiang known as "Plateau Gusu" and "Oriental Venice". The ancient city of Lijiang is also called Dayan Town. It is one of the four best preserved ancient cities and the only one without walls. why? It is said that the oldest surname of the ruler in Lijiang was "wood". If the "wood" was framed, it became "sleepy", so no wall was built for the ancient city.

An ancient city was formed in the late Southern Song Dynasty. It has a long cultural history of more than 800 years. It covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers and has a resident population of about 30,000 people. It became a national historical and cultural city in 1986, and was included in the world cultural heritage in 1997. In addition to the characteristics of "little bridges, flowing water, and others" in the ancient city of Lijiang, the ancient city of Lijiang is also unique in the location of the ancient city, the layout of streets and houses, and the Naxi houses.

Look! This is a pair of waterwheels. Some people call it a "son-mother waterwheel" and some people call it a "lover waterwheel". At the bottom right of it is President Jiang Zemins inscription.

Look! The old Naxi man, wearing a traditional blue national costume and a red army cap, was taking a leisurely walk! Waving to us.

Cool! It turned out to be the spring water sprayedfromthe water dragon column behind him. The dragon is a pipe of water. The wooden buildings in the ancient city are most afraid of fire, but water can overcome the fire. This water dragon column indicates that the ancient city is not allowed to catch fire. For thousands of years, people here have guarded this beautiful ancient city. Visitors are also invited to take care of the ancient city, do not throw litter, and protect the environment.

There is also a special custom in the ancient city of Lijiang, that is to put river lights. It is said that the river lantern is an ancient custom. It is said that every night, the dragon king of Heilongtan will tour the ancient city along the river and put a river lantern, which not only protects the safety of the ancient city, but also enables himself and his family to be protected by the dragon king, and In the coming days, good luck and wishful thinking come true. After listening to this legend, lets quickly put a river lantern on and make a wish!

Now, we have come to the most famous street in Lijiang Old Town-Sifang Street. This square street is staggered like a cobweb, with one exit for each of southeast, northwest. The ground of the street is paved with colorful stones, and it is very strong. When you step on it with your feet, you will make a very clear sound. Sifang Street is very prosperous, and the inns on the street are not the same. If you go around the inn a few times, you will definitely know the difference between these inns.

Visitors, there are beautiful sceneries everywhere in Lijiang Old Town. I can’t say enough, I hope you will like these sceneries. Everyone is welcome to come again next time! Goodbye!

英语导游词 篇四











英语导游词 篇五




英语导游词 篇六

Ladies and gentlemen,

Hello! I was 009 among the tour guide, we will visit the worlds largest hydropower station of the Three Gorges Hydropower station.

The Three Gorges is the Qutang gorge, Wu Gorge, Xiling gorge, in general, is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, between Chongqing and Hubei in Yichang. The total length is about 1200 li.

On both sides of the Three Gorges high mountains and lofty hills jijue scenery; meanwhile, sheer precipice and overhanging rocks, the river rushing tide, beauty life insurance is pushing forward despite repeated frustrations, and fascinating. On the trip, youll be amazed at the wonderful scenery of the three gorges.

Rippling waves in, swim in the mountains, you will also learn the long history of the Three Gorges, the great Qu Yuan poet in China, and the beauty of the messenger of peace Wang Zhaojuns hometown is here, it seems not only create a generation of three talent, but also to cultivate the peerless beauty, really is outstanding, Li Bai and many other poets have words in three gorges. It seems that the Three Gorges not only have a good view, but also have a long history.

The Three Gorges hydropower station, which we are about to visit, has the largest hydroelectric generating unit in the world. It is expected to become the largest hydropower station in the world.The Three Gorges is really one of the great treasures in the world!

Well, let us follow the footsteps of the saints, together to explore the mystery of the three gorges! I believe we will definitely not!

英语导游词 篇七

Dear paengers, everyone! I am your tour guide lily pula, you can call me ho.This is very honored to visit the Great Wall with you.

From a distance, the Great Wall is like a huge dragon.Close look, I can't see the otherendof the Great Wall.Standing on the Great Wall, beacon tower stands on the Great Wall, like a "daruma" will never fall.The Great Wall is an important ancient defense works,fromyan started to build the Great Wall, the Great Wall has a history of more than2000years now!

There is a touching legendabout the Great Wall.When building the Great Wall, in addition to need not to build the wall over the age of 60, other youth to build the Great Wall.Suzhou scholar Fan Xiliang, in order to avoid being caught by the rulers, had to be in , he fled to meng garden, accidentally encountered meng jiangnu is a smart beautiful girl, she and her parents hid the Fan Xiliang together.Two old people like Fan Xiliang, meng jiangnu betrothed to his wife.But, the person and tragedies will descend, it is the unforeseen that newly married le than three days, Fan Xiliang go by officers and soldiers to catch.Later, meng jiangnu Trinidad TiaoTiaoDe came to the Great Wall to find her husband.Who knows, migrant workers told her that Fan Xiliang is dead.She was crying at the foot of the Great Wall, I don't know how long cry, listen to "bang", the Great Wall fall down a few kilometers.

The paengers, please do not throw garbage everywhere, and in the scribble on the ChengZhuan moment.We are to meet at 7 in the gate.

英语导游词 篇八

Visit Iceland and you'll enter a whole new realm of experience. You'll discover original nature as you've never seen it before, and the equally original people for whom timeless nature, ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony. The freedom to roam in the city or the wilds as you please is the key to the Iceland experience.

Reykiavík, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire. Reykiavík has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village roots.

Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland's first settler to make his home in Reykiavík. He named the place Reykjavík(steamy Bay)after the geothermal steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.

A beautiful river runs through the city limits, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas. In the outskirts are places for horse trekking and golf. But against this backdrop of nature, Reykiavík has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra and concerts spanning the whole spectrum of age and taste.

One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties, including delicious seafood, ocean-fresh from the morning's catch, highland lamb and unusual varieties of game. Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning of diners. Reykiavík is also renowned as one of Europe's hottest nightspots, where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night. In the evening, the downtown area teems with activity, reaching its peak on Friday or Saturday. The number of pubs, cafe, discos, and other night-spots in the downtown area is astonishing. There is a rich variety of places to go: European-style cafes, nightclubs with live entertainment, dance halls for seniors, sports-theme pubs with big TV screens, cafes that offer over 100 types of beer, an Irish pub, a Spanish cafe, a French wine bar ……

Walking distances are short downtown, and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus. With its long, easy-going main street and large shopping mall, Iceland's capital is a great place to shop too —— with a bonus of tax-free shopping for visitors! Be on the lookout not just for souvenirs(especially woolens and handicrafts)but also for stylish consumer goods and designer labels at competitive prices.

A full range of accommodations is available in Reykiavík, from international-standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and cozy guesthouses, to a campsite in the city's biggest park.

英语导游词 篇九

In hunan province is located in the south of the Yangtze river middle reaches, because most of the south of dongting lake area, hunan and said, and because of the largest river in the province xiangjiang river runs through north and south, and referred to as "xiang.

Hunan province is located in east longitude 108 ° 47 '114 ° 15', north latitude 24 ° to 30 ° 39 8 '. Adjacent to seven provinces and cities, the east of jiangxi, chongqing, sichuan, guizhou in the west, south according to guangdong, guangxi, the north side of hubei. The provincial land with a total area of 21.18 square kilometers, accounting for 2.2% of the total area of the national land and the cultivated land area of 49 million mu, the north plain mountain of 256 million mu, water painting of 20 million mu, is the 11th in the whole country. The province governs 14 cities and states, 136 counties, 2350 townships, 64.65 million people, including agricultural population 53.5 million people, accounting for 83.8% of the total population in the province.

Hunan province is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau to hills and nanling mountains to the south jianghan plain transition zone. Southeast west surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the east has the luoxiao mountains, south of nanling, wuling, xuefeng mountains on the west, North of dongting lake plain; The central hills, basin. The topography low meteorological north, three facing southwest to the east north central tilt, open toward the north of the asymmetric horseshoe. Province landscape is given priority to with mountain pool, hilly, mountainous area accounts for 51.25% of the whole province area, hilly basin accounts for 29.3%, plain 13.1%, water 6.4%, form the pattern of "seven hills monohydrate two field soil".

A humid subtropical monsoon climate of hunan. Mild climate, four seasons, abundant rainfall, rich heat and determination period is short, no mildew period long climate characteristics. The entire province between the annual average temperature 16 a 18 degrees Celsius, in poorer; Full-year 261 frost-free period 313 days, sunshine 1300 1800 hours, annual total radiation 38.5 a 488000 joules per square centimeter, active accumulated temperature above 10 degrees on 5000 a 5800 Celsius Yin, lasts 238 a 256 day, can meet the needs of crop growth resistance to heat. Hunan is one of the rainy areas in China, annual precipitation in 1200 - a - 1700 mm, the rain, the distribution of precipitation is obvious phases. By the basic same, light, heat, water is good for agriculture, forestry production is very empty.

Hunan water resources reserves. Within the territory of the province for many years an average of 253.9 billion cubic meters of water, surface water of 20.88 billion cubic meters, per capita is 2756 cubic meters, is the country's per capita is 1.5 times. Hunan is a province, there are dense rivers drainage of hunan, and main force in yuan and li four water and dongting lake, the basin area of 25 square kilometers, the basin area of the province accounted for 92%. Province have played more than 5 km river in 5341, the total length of 86000 km, the basin area more than 5000 square kilometres of article 17 of the river, including hunan, endowment, yuan and li, Xiao, Lei, Mi, dancing (left le right), such as unitary water of the basin area over 10000 square kilometers. The province's total runoff is 162.3 billion cubic meters, add water, a total of 208.28 billion cubic meters. Hunan the waters not only large water flow, and abundant water, good water quality, sediment concentration, less not freeze in winter. The province's 5341 rivers of water reserves of 15.325 million kilowatts, annual output of 134.24 billion degrees. Total installed capacity of the whole province may develop can be accounted for 70% of total water reserves and about 36.4% of the electricity.

The biological resources of hunan province is very rich. Is one of biodiversity more provinces in our country. About 5000 species of higher plants, accounting for 1/6 of the total number of national, the woody plant species make up about a quarter of the country; Have a state protection of rare plants 66 species, level of protection in the three kinds of plants, namely, silver fir, metasequoia, at king (left to right). The provincial forestry land 182.449 million mu, 57.4% of the total area of the province's land; Forest coverage rate of 51.4%, 37.2% higher than the national average, the volume of 251 million cubic meters of forest, in the forefront of the country. Chinese fir, pine, bamboo and other economic forest and timber forest, and woody oil is at the center of the region name is known all over the country. Among them, Chinese fir forest, nanzhu painting about a third of the country, differential area of the country's 40%, tung is one of the four key provinces throughout the country. 23 province forest reserves has been established, zhangjiajie forest park is a national forest park. Pasture resources in hunan province is very rich also, can use existing 84.99 million mu of meadows, grazing capacity can reach 7.04 million cattle units. Abundant plant resources for the growth of animal breeding provides the advantageous conditions, hunan animal variety, therefore, has a wide distribution.

A total of 66 species of wild mammals, 500 kinds of birds, 71 species of reptiles, amphibians, 40 species, more than 1000 kinds of insects, and more than 200 kinds of aquatic animals. Including the south China tiger, the clouded leopard, golden cat, crane, baiji and other 18 kinds of national level to protect animals. Hunan is the national famous freshwater region, a total of more than 160 kinds of natural fish. Hunan products especially agricultural products is very rich, is the famous "land of fish and rice". At present, the province's grain production accounts for about 6% of the country's total output of grain, 1/10 of the total output of rice, rice and ramie, tea oil production in the country first; Pigs, tea, orange in the second place; Cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, the yield of oil and water, and the product was ranked among the top nationwide.

There are many different kinds of mineral resources in hunan province, is the national famous "hometown of non-ferrous metals" and "the hometown of non-metallic mineral. Hunan mineral variety not only, and grade, paragenetic and associated minerals. Have now discovered 134 kinds of minerals, has proven reserves of 91 kinds, is one of the country there are kinds of mineral provinces. Including antimony, tungsten storage place of the highest in the world, bismuth, rubidium, stone coal, realgar, fluorite, sepiolite, barite, monazite, such as the first in the nation, manganese, vanadium, rhenium, glauber's salt, kaolin and 2nd reserves of manganese ore industry; Zinc, lead, tantalum, graphite, diamond, cement ingredients such as reserves, the third in the nation.

Hunan tourism resources. There are ten big tourist area and more than 100 tourist attractions. "The east one line", mount hengshan ancient city of changsha, shaoshan holy land revolution and yueyang tower, emperor yandi mausoleum, etc. "The west", has been protected by the United Nations as a world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic spots and Freud, sandwiched yamadera, fierce hole river scenic area, is the national famous tourist resort.

英语导游词 篇十

Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province and an important industrial, commercial and financial city in southwestern China.

Located in one if the country's richest agricultural plains,Chengdu has 12,390sq.km. By rail,Chengdu is 2,048 km from Beijing and slightly over 2 hours by air of Beijing. Itcan also be reached by a less than 20 hours train rides with about 250 Km of tunnels. Chengdu has direct domestic and interna flights from elsewhere in China,Hong Kong and some neibouring countries. With an altitude of 500 meters, it has a temperate climate and abudant rainfall in summer. The population of Chengdu is about 9.60 million-divided among 8 districts,4 outlyihg cities and 8 counties. About 1.4 million people reside in the city center.

chengdu has a history of over 20xx years. century BC,the king of Shu moved his capital to this site.At first Chengdu Was only a county center. The second year it turnek into a metropolis.It developed so fast that the city received the name:Chengdu,which literally meant "becoming a capital". During the Western Han Dynasty(206BC~23AD),the brocade weaving and trade brought so much prosperity to the local area that the government set up a special office in the Southwest of the city to manage brocade weaving and trade business .The city became Known as Jincheng (the Brocade City) afterwards.Another mane was given to Chengdu duringthe five Dynasties Period(907-960)when Meng Chang (孟昶),emperor of the Later Shu State was in power .The emperor loved hibiscus very much ,and he had those flowers planted atop the city wall.The hibiscus in blossom made chengdu colorful for miles around .So Chengdu had another name called Furong Cheng (the Hibiscus City) .

Dated back to the Qin and Han Dynasties,Chengdu was alresdy one of the five top industrial du was already one of the five top industrial and commercial cities.In theTang Dynasty Chengdu was as prosperous as Yangzhou(扬州),a big city located in the south of China. In the Nouthern Song veloped with several huge markets inside the city.Chengdu even had night markets and particular centers ,which had exclusive sales of certain commodities.

Traditionally Chengdu has long been well-known for its many crafts:embroidery,lacquer ware,silver artistry ,pottery,bamboo ware,silk weaving,cade are regarded as one of the top four fine silks in the Du Fu Cottage is a famous embroidery factory where skilled workers stitch out with their meedles silk paintings.the elegant designs are perfect to view from both sides of the fabric.In some other workshops,artisans at work carve intricate and elaborate objects of ivory and jade ,design precious silver articles,and weave bamboo into useful and beautiful pieces .these workshops are nowadays a part of the tourist circuit as China opens up to the outside world.

Chengdu was one of the birthplaces of the an-Weng(文翁),head of the prefecture of Shu started centuries saw the cultural development by contribuXiangru(司马相如),Li Bai,Su Shi (苏轼)who them and in return their excellent literature works enabled the local culture to advance.

Chengdu is pleasantly laid out with broad streets and many public parks .Howevey,some older parts of the city still have marrow streets and sculptured wooden houses.Chengdu has many places of interests to see .The highlights for visitors are DuFu's Thatched Cottage,the temple of Marquis wu,Dujiang lrrigation Project and Precious Light Monastery.Besides,local restaurants serve sichuan cuisine,which is as famous as Cantonese food .Not all of the Sichuan food is spicy-hot .Flower pedals and herbs are used in such specialties as "fired lotus flower","governor's chicken"and "smoked duck with tea fragrance".

Chengdu is advancing in all fields .It attracts friends and visitors both at home and abroad.


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