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  Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.

  Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in the England. He was born in a poor family, but later he became famous and rich. The famous novel --A Tale of Two Cities is written by him, too.雾都孤儿读后感英文(雾都孤儿读后感英文带翻译)

  This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist, the hero, is a poor orphan. He lived in a life filled with taunts. Nobody loved him. With visions of his future, he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was ing, but he was wrong, a group of thieves were waiting for him.

  The author created a group of bad men.

  Fagin, an old man, with a horribly ugly face and red hair, was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal.

  Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper.

  Monks, Oliver’s brother, did bad things to hurt Oliver. He wanted to get the legacies left by his father alone. He paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. In fact, they were all afraid of being put into prison and being hanged. They can’t live happily.

  Nancy, a poor girl, loved a bad man. She had to help Bill Sikes perpetrate, because she loved him. She had to be loyal to the criminal group, because she loved him. Actually, she was kind. She helped Oliver at the risk of her life. If she hadn’t fell in love with Sikes, she would have a happy ending.

  The author showed these ugly things to us, he described an ugly world. But there are more kind people in the novel.

  Mr. Brownlow, an old friend of Oliver’s father, took good care of Oliver.

  Mrs. Maylie, Harry Maylie’s mother, saved Oliver of his life.雾都孤儿读后感英文(雾都孤儿读后感英文带翻译)

  Miss Rose is the aunt of Oliver, in fact.

  They all protect Oliver from hurt.

  Oliver was unlucky to meet so many evil people, but he was luckier to get help from so many kind people.

  In the end of the novel, all the evil people were punished. Oliver got what he should get. Rose married Harry Maylie and they lived happily. All the kind people have a happy ending.

  Righteousness can always beat evil. I think this is what the author wants to tell. Although there are many ugly things in the world, we must believe that righteousness can always beat evil.

  We must store kindness even though we are in ugly situation. One is poor if he doesn’t have kindness. One is rich if he has kindness. So please store your kindness in your mind.

  What’s more, the novel also tells us to be brave. Oliver was brave enough to overe all the problems he had met. No matter how difficult the problem is, we can’t give up, we must try our best to solve it.

  From Oliver Twist , I have learnt a lot .It’s really a good novel.

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