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更新时间:2021-11-30 来源:互联网 点击:


  O.Henry,originally named William Sydeny Porter,was a renowned American writer.He wrote about 300 short stories in his life,and all of his stories were ingeniously conceived and its endings were always contrary to reader's expectations. when I was still a junior middle school student,I read the o.henry's short stories at first time,without some profound understanding and appreciation in my mind.At that time,the sense of humor infiltrating in stories is the sole aesthetic acquisition I can gained after reading,with exception of any understanding about the underlying meanings which O.henry was apt to elucidate.but now,picking up these masterpieces after five years,I seemingly can get through some metaphorical thoughts conveyed by O.henry.

  it is a univerisal mon knowledge that a writer's articles have firm relationship with his living condition and background.hence,a explicit knowledge of o.henry's living background is significant.O.henry was born in 1862,when america's economy was taking off and on the threshold of the second industrial revolution.And he passed away at 1910,just before WWI,without being involved in havoc brought by war.Altogether,America enjoyed a steady prosperity in this period.while in the meantime,many new problems occured,acpanying by some new phonemenon such as the monopoly,assembly producting,imperialism,metopolitons and etc,which lead to a confusion and nebulous gratification among US citizens.英语小说读后感(英文原著小说读后感)

  Most o.henry's short stories happened in New york,which was regarded as a romantic place.whether this city he created was real or fabricated is ultimately irrelevant.Id like to quote a famous critics' saying"the most noble pursuit of art,then, is not to be a representation of what is real,but to be true to what it is."to illustrate this issue.for instance,in the story,Mr. Behrman drew a leaf on the wall.but is this wall really keeps its exsistance?is it really located in a unknown corner of new york city? as far as i am concerned,it is just a manifestation of artistic characteristic of o.henry's writing.whats more,the city also represented much of what was positive about american life:the excitment and endless varity of urban living.whereas,some of his stories focus on other areas as well,like Texas and the west,central america,the south,the midest.In his story,"it is a rash one who will lay his finger on the map and say"in this town there can be no romance---what could happen here?"so,as a distinguished romanticist,he established a marvelous,romantic stroy in Nashville.

  On the other hand,O.henry's fictions overwhelmingly show a cue of optimisticism towards usa,an expression of the strong faith in the american dream before it bee a nightmare.many poor people and immigrants cherish such an america dream,which is nebulous,implicit to some extent.it seemed like that presupposing one has eternal confidence in life,he will recieve his reward in time.so lovers in o.henry's stories,who often seperated by fate and destiny,were doomed to reunite out of their faith and confidence in hearts.Joy,happiness and success also bees the essence of life.英语小说读后感(英文原著小说读后感)

  in conclusion,o.henry made remarkable and collossal contribution to american literature,which has already portrayed as summit of this area.beckoning as it is,these stories really bring us a fabulous aesthetic experience while reading,regardless of his seemingly sentimental expression.

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