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更新时间:2021-11-30 来源:互联网 点击:


  Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It’s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can’t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money?

  Chris hasn’t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Accidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely calls for knowledge of numbers. So he tried to find a manager in this field who named Jay twistie. With the help of persistence, interesting words and a Rubik’s cube, he acquires a chance of being an intern in Jay’s pany. But there is only one person from six interns can be hired after six months’ non-wage work. It’s too difficult for Chris. At this moment, Chris’ wife leaves them two and move to New York. In the cause of no enough money, Chris and his son lose their house. They even live in the public washroom. Everything es to him who waits. Finally, Chris wins the job and creates his own pany. Yes, he makes it!当幸福来敲门英文读后感(当幸福来敲门英文读后感200字)

  The major goal of studying hard in college is getting a great job when graduate. In my mind, after four-year-study, finding job is an unworried thing. Although we may find ourselves deeply in a terrible situation, it won’t be worse anymore. But what the hero has experienced pletely turned my mind head to feet. We are those people who settling in a fortable world——school. And it’s time to thinking about the way to facing up with the petitive, cure and variety of burden of society.

  This real story is the most impressive one for me. It is difficult to believe that the person who is the most successful business man used to sleeping in the washroom. As far as I’m consider, those troubles which occur on Chris are unbelievable, because it’s hard to image a people can overe such difficult troubles. But Chris can make it! In the last few years, I have had to face many “tiny” troubles. I even have the thought of giving up. But now, I am not afraid of those troubles. And I believe this sentence: Everything es to him who waits! The door of success which Chris opened evenly is not only his hope, but also the sign to everyone.当幸福来敲门英文读后感(当幸福来敲门英文读后感200字)

  Here are some sentences which may help everyone: Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me. And this one: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. And please keep them in mind, then ‘go get it’!

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