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The Old Man And The Sea This is a great book, mind you。 How I gave opinions to that is the spirits of Santiago greatly affected me。 But the author, Earnest Hemingway said if his writing is really good, then the characters can also be many other things。

Santiago is a common fisherman, and he hadnt had a fish for 84 days。 And this time when he left he fished a big salmon by himself。 He fought the fish for 3 days and nights and finally he kills it。 He called it his brother。 But he then had to fight the sharks and finally he gone home with a fish spine, and some fish bones。 I could find his great spirits of never giving up。 Particularly if he just loose the grip of the fishing poleand let the fish go, he wouldnt have any trouble, but he can stay to the end。 Something I regret to tell you is that I didnt read this book very carefully, so I intend to tell you I want to read this book again and tell you what Ive gained through the second—time reading。


I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It’s pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the he-ro-in-e,though I didn’t think she’s beautiful. But she’s smart. However, I didn’t pay much attention to the plot. I thought it’s so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven’t read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice. In fact, I didn’t understand the story at that time. I didn’t know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn’t find where’ s the prejudice. I thought it’s normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I’m a prejudiced person so I can’t find where’s wrong.

I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.


Human nature is a powerful, humanity itself has its own limits, but it is because of the old fisherman such people again and again to challenge the limits, beyond them, this limit was extended again and again, and again a greater challenge in front of human beings. In this sense, the old fisherman sangdeya brother this hero, whether they challenge limit is success or failure, is always worthy of our respect. Because, he brings us is the most noble human self-confidence!

Life is an endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs, but, as long as he has a brave and confident heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!


The old man and the sea is the work of Hemingway. Hemingway is a very unique writer. He has experienced two world wars and created a classic tough man image based on himself.

This book mainly describes an old fisherman named Santiago, who has not caught fish for eighty-four days in a row. On the eighty fifth day, he caught a big fish and dueled with the big fish for two days and two nights. Finally, the big fish was stabbed to death and tied to the ships side. But I met a shark on my way home. The old man fought with the shark to death, but the big fish was eaten up by the shark. At last, when he came back home, he only had a pair of white fish bones.

From this book, we can feel the old mans spirit of never giving in. When the old man faced the sharks, he knew that he could not defeat the sharks, but he still took out all the tools that could be used as weapons to fight with the sharks. Isnt that the noble quality we should have when facing difficulties, life and destiny?

Life is endless pursuit, it is full of ups and downs, but as long as we face it with a confident and tenacious heart like the old man, we will become the ultimate winner!


After a weeks persistence, I finally finished reading the foreign famous book "the old man and the sea". The book impressed me so much that I couldnt forget it. This novel mainly describes an old man fishing alone at sea. He caught a big fish and tied its head and upper body to the side of the boat. But when he met a shark, the old man tried his best to fight with the shark. The shark ate all the fish he could eat, but there were still 800 pounds left.

Reading this book, my heart cant be calm for a long time. This ordinary and respectable old man made me deeply understand: "a man should not be overwhelmed by any difficulties, and should do his best to fight with the hardships in life.

I really admire grandpa Santiagos tough spirit. When I read about my grandfathers fierce fight with sharks, I dont know whether I should be nervous or worried about my grandfather. However, my grandfather always sticks to the optimistic spirit to deal with some great difficulties. When I saw it, I couldnt help thinking of myself. Whenever I met some difficulties, I always felt very upset, bored, and wanted to escape from reality. If you look at Grandpa Santiago, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he never flinches, but bravely copes with them!

We should do the same in life. We should not be greedy and afraid of death. We should have confidence in ourselves. Even if we encounter many difficulties, we should never let it down. We should be brave to eliminate it.

I believe that with my efforts, I must become as brave and brave as Grandpa Santiago.

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