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  100字英文读后感 篇1

  So amazing!

  Janpan is an earthquake country。Its normal thing that the ground shake。 In Japan,People can practice with an earthquake event。

  Meanwhil,In China,rumours were rife that they had met with a terrible disaster and that all were dead。(i。e。)The sale are suddenly in high demand。

  Whats so amazing! That anyone should believe such a strange rumour is amazing。

  100字英文读后感 篇2

  Perhaps it is because of the truth of the novel that I would like to enjoy the courage, sense of responsibility and fearless spirit of scarlett。 Like the Christian worship of Jesus, the adoration of rhetts love for scarlett was so tolerable that it could contain her all。

  The most profound memory of love is that scarlett, after talking to rhett, murmured that if I knew ASHLEY, I would never fall in love with him。 If I knew rhett, I wouldnt have made him want to leave。 This sentence is right, as we ourselves, no matter how clear the bystanders, we cannot always know the truth, after all, it is emotional。

  What I like most about life is the end of the novel, scarletts inner workings: tomorrow, I will find a way to keep him, and tomorrow will be another day。 It may be said that this is a cowardice of reality, but I think it is an optimistic attitude。

  100字英文读后感 篇3

  The Necklace: Reflections and Confessions of Human’s Vanity

  “What would have happened if she hadn’t lost that necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” This is what impressed me most in “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant。 I love the story not only due to the incredibly wonderful ending, but also because of the exquisite description of the weakness of humanity。

  In his story, Guy de Maupassant creatively reveals Mathilde Loisels dreams of a wealthy, splendid lifestyle。 Mathildes lifetime of misery and despair is solely caused by her own selfish acts。 And her vain obsession all ended up ruining her life。

  Vanity is defined as excessive pride, especially in your appearance。 In Mathildes case, the "excessive pride" in her looks and charm caused her to feel as if she deserved a higher ranking social class and the wealth。 When she wore the necklace to the party, she wanted to give the illusion that she was something that she was not。 Vanity caused Mathilde to fantasize about her life and surroundings—to live in a world of illusion, rather than reality。

  100字英文读后感 篇4

  the women is like money and beauty ,because she want other people and friends to admare her,she want to other people think she is a rich women。but her husband isnt rich and just a normel worker in the locel garwenment。there was a dancing party she can take part in,but she didnt has good dress and necklace,so she borrowed a necklace from one of her friends,but she lost it,she and her husband borrowed money and bought another necklace that looks like just the one she borrowed。its very expensive,for repaying the money she and her husband worked very hard for many years。and she looked older than before after these years。but she learned at last that the necklace she borrowed is a fame!

  100字英文读后感 篇5

  After watching the destruction of the black forces in Chongqing, I think so! Chongqing this crackdown on black forces, so that people live a good life。 I hated for their bad behavior, they committed crimes will be subject to legal sanctions is surging, the determination of the government, the efficiency of the police and the people to make the packing, for many years, the powerful evil gang a collapsed。 After the storm, the haze cleared, sunny。

  100字英文读后感 篇6

  After reading the news, I thought, "even if youre afraid theyll cheat you, you can always call the police。"! Why is this indifference, in the side of the crowd, you do not feel sad? How cold you are to treat an old man like that! Now there is a lack of love in this world。 Every day there is great love, love, and love。 What else do you talk about? If it were your family, would you care? Now that society is advancing, peoples morals are getting worse。

  100字英文读后感 篇7

  I feel very embrassed and shamed 。i think its unfair for all of our schoolmates 。the 33floor is more excelent than me and my classmate s,if i havent surf the internet about the sentence of jane eyen i will never found how silly we are ,i feel very sorry about my english study 。oh ,my heart become very shocked ,i m not the smart girl which i have thought ,so ,i sweared ,from now day on ,i will work hard than ever ,i will tye my best to make my business more wonderful!

  100字英文读后感 篇8

  For the ending of gone with the wind, it is sad and sad to stand in a perceptual sense and tell you the truth。 Is there any stronger and warmer love going away with time? But from a rational point of view, we have to think that the broken love that Wright said will not stick to the new idea even though it is sticky。 What a sad mans two sides!

  Anyway, its an attractive, at least attractive, novel。

  100字英文读后感 篇9

  The greatest pleasure is to watch the sunset, the little prince looked at 43 times a day at most, only three volcanoes on the asteroid and hate baobab, and his favorite a rose, day after day he rose with care。

  The little princes world is so naive and beautiful, he has not been conquered by the deceiving world, and finally found his ideal。 His kindness, innocence and persistence make us feel that love is the most beautiful thing in the world。

  100字英文读后感 篇10

  The little princes words are always worth my quiet experience, and the philosophy behind them is memorable。

  He told us to look at everything mindfully; Tell us not to blindly pursue; Tell us that there are not many things that each person is responsible for, but be sure to take full responsibility for what you are responsible for。 And tell us that every good thing is beautiful because of its value。。。

  100字英文读后感 篇11

  Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale。 It told us a wonderful love story。 The poor girl, Cinderella, was ill treated by her step mother and self sisters。 But finally, she got her true love with the prince。

  It made me moved because Cinderella is such a brave girl; she doesnt care about the gap between her and her beloved one。 I learn from it that miracles are often created by our own effort。

  100字英文读后感 篇12

  Hero with a good family but is not proud, he must have experienced a bitter childhood disorder, he has a sharp eye and master mind, know how to find their own position in the war, he has a persistent and yearning heart, he gave the woman a love supreme people aftertaste endless。

  He knows that they are a perfect match, the fact that he is expected to, but his love is too hot, like fireworks, because the bright so short, destined to withstand her stubborn。

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