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  Personal information:完整个人简历样本英语版(个人英文简历样本)


  Political status:


  Learn through:

  Years of age:完整个人简历样本英语版(个人英文简历样本)


  Nationality: major:

  Through penetration:

  Health status:

  Knowledge structure:

  Major courses:

  Professional courses:

  Elective courses:


  Professional skills:

  Based education received prehensive university, with a good professional training and the cultivation of ability, in the earthquake, electricity and other fields, has a solid theoretical foundation and practical experience, strong ability of analysis of the field practice and research.

  Foreign language proficiency:完整个人简历样本英语版(个人英文简历样本)

  In 1998, passed the national college English test band 4. Passed cet-6 in 1999. Have strong reading and writing skills.

  puter level: familiar with DOS, Windows98 operating system and office 97, Basic operation of Internet Internet, master FORTRAN, Quick- Basic, C and other languages.

  Major social work:

  Primary school: class labor mittee, monitor.

  Middle school: monitor, President of the student union and captain of the school football team.

  University: monitor, President of the student union, captain of the school football team, monitor of campus flag class.

  Interests and specialties:

  I like sports activities and love natural science.

  During primary school to middle school, he had engaged in professional clarinet training, member of the school orchestra, and participated in many important performances.

  During middle school, I was a member of the school biology extracurricular activity group and a group of geographical extracurricular activities, and participated in many field practice and indoor practice activities.

  He is fond of football and has served as the central school team, university team and captain of the school team, and has participated in many petitions. He was awarded the title of "top scorer" in the football league of jilin city and attended the college football league of the Beijing university.

  Personal honors:

  Middle school: XXX outstanding student. XXX excellent league member, three good student, outstanding cadre. The third prize in XXX English petition. University: outstanding student cadres of the school, the third-class scholarship of the year 96, and the second-class scholarship of 1997.完整个人简历样本英语版(个人英文简历样本)

  Main advantages:

  I have strong organizing ability, activity planning ability and public relations ability. For example, during the university, I have led many organizations to organize large-scale sports events and performances, and achieved good results.

  There are strong language skills, such as, since primary school, I have been the representative of class, department, school, etc., to speak at large events.

  Have a strong team spirit, such as: have good interpersonal relationship among classmates; Have high prestige among classmates; Good at "fighting."


  Lively, cheerful, optimistic, broad, adaptable, diligent, down-to-earth, conscientious, unyielding, hard-working, brave to meet new challenges.

  Job intention

  I am qualified for production and research in XXXX and related fields. It can also be engaged in trade, marketing, management and event planning, publicity and other aspects.

上一篇:个人简历标准版(个人简历标准版) 下一篇:餐饮服务员求职简历(餐饮服务员求职简历泸州)
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