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更新时间:2023-04-05 来源:互联网 点击:


我的新年计划英语作文 篇一

New Year Resolution,

In the new year,I will work hard in school.I will pay attention in class,complete assignments on time and do extra readings preactively to enhance my understandings about the topics covered in class.

I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work and leisure,exercising regularly and keeping a healthy diet.

I will spend more time with my families and friends.I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.

Let this year be a year of happiness and fulfilment.

新年的计划英语作文 篇二

Time flies like an arrow. Once in a while, the year ended. Everyone is celebrating the arrival of 20* *。 Everyone has different wishes. Some are trying to make money to buy a house, and some are happy, not bothered to get through this year.。. Lets listen to my New Years resolutions!

My wish is that the family is happy and safe, everything goes well and everything goes smoothly. My brother and I have been studying like "sesame flower - growing." I have a plan to spend the New Year.

My plan is: one, do not spend pocket money, save the pocket money, send to the earthquake, the affected people. Dont sleep late in the morning, get up early, get up and read early. 3. Learn a unit and review it carefully. Dont be careless. If youre careless, youll have to punish yourself. 5. Learn not to be lazy, advance the topic.

Do you know why I do this? Not long ago, I read an extracurricular article. Its about the famous scientist, Einstein. There was a story behind him: Einstein was slow to respond when he was a child, and he didnt speak until he was four, and he was able to read when he was seven. However, he did not want to let others laugh, and worked hard to study the subject. In the end, isnt it a famous scientist? So I made a plan.

May I be able to work hard and imp www.baihuawen.cn rove in the New Year. May our family be happy and prosperous.

新年的计划英语作文 篇三

In February, the north was still white, and the southern willow trees had sprouting new shoots. This is a new beginning of the year, which brings us infinite hope and auspicious blessings! We are going to have a new spring of 20** when our friends are having a winter holiday. Do you have a plan? I have one. Tell you about it.

1、 Im going to celebrate the Spring Festival in the countryside and have a good look at the change, people enjoy rural soil amorous feelings and colorful New Year, happy New Year, happy winter holiday, rural high hin.

I want to write a letter to the soldiers sister, let my sister know, the family is different, do not know, my letter elder sister will not receive, ha ha, think sister.

Spring is so beautiful, so is learning. I get up at 6 every day, read at 7, and do my homework at 8 o clock. Go to bed at 21, read at 20, and watch TV for 20 minutes a day.

Is my plan okay? Id love to know. Just tell me, okay?

新年的计划英语作文 篇四

In the 20xx years, there is no difference between the two. It does not ring the bell of the zero, and the light is shining, and everyone becomes a new person. But after all, the New Year is coming, and the old days, whether good or bad, have been turned over, and begin to plan for the New Year.

I didnt have the habit of making New Years resolutions. I didnt feel the need to do so. Its quite effective to set a goal and then look at the schedule in the New Year and make yourself less blind.

My New Years resolutions are as follows:

1, save money

One of the signs of maturity is recognizing the importance of money. Economy directly determines all other plan can be successfully implemented, so money is the most basic, is extremely important, in the moment I personally, are supposed to be top of the list.

An amount has been set as a deposit target, followed by efforts to achieve that goal.

2, fitness

I used to have the illusion that I had a good body and a good base. This illusion comes from when I was growing up in the mountains, ma to run in childhood, but also help to do some farm work in the home, in the junior high school of time have to go over mountain roads to school, so always feel stamina should be very good. It wasnt until 20** years that I had a little knee injury and I realized that its been years since Ive been walking in the mountains.

So 20xx years I have been doing strength training, on the one hand to restore the bodys flexibility, on the other hand to gain muscle, the effect is not bad.

Its becoming more and more aware of the importance of physical health. When the body is good, the whole persons mental state is completely different, the energy is more abundant, the person is more confident.

So in the New Year, I still have to stick to the gym, and I plan to take part in some outdoor activities.

Read books and learn new skills

Investing in yourself is the highest return on investment, and you cant take it too seriously to improve your knowledge.

The New Year plans to read a great deal of literature and other specialized books.

4、 Learn driving license

Apart from the importance of driving this skill now, I like it very much for myself. Men, for machines always have a fascination, after all this is the extension of human strength. The sooner you learn the drivers license, the better it will be in the future, so it will be a must-have item for the first time.

5、 Dating

This is really something that needs to be taken seriously. In the New Year, plan to spend more time on this, and contact some people, hoping to meet the right girl.

6, writing

Putting your writing in item 6 is not about ignoring it, its about taking it for granted. The New Year intends to try more, hoping to write more quality words.

It is now conceivable that these are the only six listed in the table. In fact, you can see that other than the driving license and saving these two things, there seems to be no clear indicators. Indeed it is. Im not going to make that New Years plan for ten local travelers. There is no need for quantitative indicators of things like reading and writing.

Suddenly, Ive been trying to figure out one thing. Im writing now. The biggest influence Ive had is in junior high school and high school. Because its not easy to get a book at that time. Its all over and over again. Now reading a book is more like a task. After reading it in douban, you throw it away. What is said in it will soon be forgotten.

I can only express my admiration for someone who has read more than five hundred books a year on Also it is dark, if is all some bad book is good, if it is a good book, really is a shame - I dont think one day to be able to read a good book or two, and then automatically can be picked up another good book to read.

In addition, for self-cultivation, give yourself some advice, or advice:

Some of the things you need to be aware of

In general, it should be noted that: to be stable, not to be anxious, to hold on to everything, dont worry.

1、 Keep your privacy and personal information that you dont want to reveal.

Dont bring personal matters into your work.

3、 I am ready to improve myself in my work. I will continue to make decisions, take responsibility for my decision and fight for it.

No matter who you face, you refuse to agree.

Stop when you feel unhappy and dont continue to let things grow.

6、 Dont be in a hurry to answer. Think about how others will react if they ask, and then answer.

Pay attention to money, and dont spend it in places that dont matter.

8、 Dont try to hide yourself. Dont go into topics that you are not familiar with. Remember, after making your point, you need to prove and persist.

9, avoid shallow talk, always have some reservations, dont tell others all your information.

10、 Make a decision to give up, and make a choice when it comes to the bottom line.

This is my New Year, my expectations and some plans.

In 2016, Im coming.

新年的计划英语作文 篇五

Well, New Year`s Day is coming. Do you want to know what I am going to do next year? I am going to leave my home for Xiamen with my family 。 We are going to there by plane 。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food, climb the mountains, visit the Jin Bang Park and the Bai Lu Zhou Park.We are also going to go shopping , play basketball with my uncles at the same time. And we are going to stay there for a month 。 After a month , we are going to come back to our home.We will have a good time there. How about yours? What are you going to do next year?


新年的计划英语作文 篇六

Year after year, year after year; Age is growing, and experience and CV are growing again, so, of course, work performance should go up a step!

All say that I am not willing to be mediocre, not to be weak, not to be willing to fall behind other people, but, looking back on the year, work is nothing, do nothing, mix and live; Life is short and precious, and as a member of the world, I should cherish the opportunity and fate to live a wonderful life and a New Years plan. You cant give yourself regrets. To have a breakthrough in work, planning is inevitable; There are long-term and short-term plans; There is a practical, and there is a perfect; A mirage of the plan, no good, we need to set realistic goals, according to their own actual situation to make short-term goal, in the short term goal is completed, continue to set long-term goals, and efforts to achieve it. To make certain pressure to himself, and then make their own continued efforts to struggle, forge ahead, in this way, the work can be dash, to rich and meaningful life, work plan "year plan"。 If you dont do it, you cant make it. No plan, no plan, no plan, no plan.

The year is already over, has begun the New Years work! The peak season is followed by a busy and stressful job. Once again, I made a plan for myself to motivate myself and make a breakthrough.

1、 Since February, the monthly performance has been higher than that of the previous month; In February, we worked hard to achieve a 50,000 performance. Specific struggle content: perfect the front page of the store, to achieve perfection; The baby details of the main cart are carefully detailed, precise and beautiful, and easy to clean. The connected car group is selected properly and associated with the sales; Chatting skills repeatedly absorb other peoples advantages, eliminate shortcomings, patiently answer, not impatient, make each transaction part of the exchange; When youre free, take a look at some of the images you need to design or whether the promotions need to be renewed, or something like that.

2、 Give yourself half a year to improve your performance to more than 100,000. No matter where you are, you should strive to be better and do not do the best, but try to be the better person. I always believe that if you want to do something, you can do it well. Not doing well, you can only say that youre not serious about doing it, or that youre really not fit for this line of work. Be a man to do that kind of look up!

新年的计划英语作文 篇七

First of all,I need to greatly improve my English in this semaster,for I’m already in Junior 2 now,and there’s no time to waste.

I’m really not good at English,and I think there’s a long road ahead of me.I am thinking about taking a TOEFL course on weekends to prepare for entering college.Besides,I need to learn something from my life,for example,I can read some kind of English books,watch some Enghlish movies etc.

On another hand,I wanna improve my spoken English,cuz its a kind of language which is used to communicate with others,but not just a subject that can prove I am a good student.My plan for the future is to study abroad,so the skill of spoken Enlish is really important to me.


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