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比尔·盖茨人物经历 篇一


December 28, 1955, William Henry Gates III (William Henry Gates III), that is, Bill Gates's official name, was born on the west coast of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Gates grandmother to give him a small name for "Trey (Trey)", that is, playing cards in the "three" meaning. His father, William Henry Gates, is a well-known lawyer, and his dead mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, is a director of the University of Washington, a director of the banking system, and a joint international association Way International), his grandfather JW Maxwell (JW Maxwell) served as president of the National Bank. Bill and two sisters grew up together.

In 1967, Gates was on sixth grade, is a student who does not want to communicate with people. In the fall, Gates went to Lakeside School, a private school, who was the youngest student in the class, but was wearing 13 yards of shoes.

In 1968, Gates and his lakeside secondary school student Paul Allen (Paul Allen) using a guidebook to start learning Basic programming. At that time the school had a PDP-10 computer, the use of its annual budget of $ 3,000. Just a few weeks, Gates and Allen spent the budget. Soon after, the two boys signed an agreement with Computer Center (CCC)。 The agreement stipulates that Gates and Allen report to the CCC about the software vulnerabilities that exist in PDP-10; in return, CCC provides free time to both of them.

In 1971, Gates wrote a program for Lakeside Middle School, which included a schedule of software.

In 1972, Gates sold his first computer programming work - a timetable system, the buyer was his high school, the price was $ 4,200.

College life

In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University, Gates in the SAT (American college entrance examination) standardized test score of 1590 (out of 1600), his academic performance is not how. Although Gates memory is good, but he has a lot of "smelly": often skipping, do not love bathing, in programming or playing cards when eating pizza and soda water. And with the hostel of Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) become close friends. At Harvard, Gates developed a version of the BASIC programming language for the first microcomputer, MITS Altair.

In January 1975, in an issue of the popular Journal of Popular Electronics published in the month, an article from MITS introduced its Altair 8800 computer was published. Allen showed this picture of the machine to Gates. A few days later, Gates called MITS president Ed Roberts (Ed Roberts) call, and said he and Alan has developed for this machine BASIC program. In fact, they did not write a line of code.

On February 1, 1975, after the day and night work, Gates and Allen prepared a program that could run on the Altair 8800, sold to MITS for $ 3,000, but the corresponding royalty was $ 180,000.

Founded Microsoft

On November 26, 1976, Gates and Allen registered the trademark "Microsoft"。 They once considered the name of the company as "Allen & Gates Inc." (but Allen & Gates Inc.), but later decided to "Micro-Soft" (Note: "micro-software" English abbreviation), and the The name of the middle of the English hyphen removed. At that time Alan 23 years old, Gates 21 years old.

In January 1977, Gates dropped out of Harvard and then went to Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. There he found a job for the preparation of the work for Roberts, the wage is $ 10 per hour. MITS is headquartered in Albuquerque, where Gates is also headquartered in Microsoft.

In 1977, Gates secretary to enter the Microsoft office building, often found that Gates himself lying on the floor to sleep. He still likes to eat pizza at the same time, while the request is very strict, and often intense debate with colleagues. "It was the most stupid idea I had ever heard of in my life," Gates said at the moment.

On January 1, 1979, Gates moved Microsoft's headquarters to Bellevue, Washington.

August 28, 1980, Gates signed a contract with IBM, agreed to IBM's PC development operating system. Then he bought the QDOS operating system for $ 50,000, renamed the product to DOS, and then authorized it to IBM.

In 1982, during the first year of listing sales, Gates authorized the use of the MS-DOS operating system to 50 hardware manufacturers.

November 10, 1983, Windows operating system debut debut. The product is an evolutionary version of the MS-DOS operating system and provides a graphical user interface.

In 1987, at the press conference held at Microsoft's New York City, Manhattan, Gates met Melinda French.

May 13, 1990, the day for the United States Mother's Day (Mother's Day), Gates proposed Microsoft executives retirement schedule.

In 1994, under the advice of his father William Gates, Gates took out $ 94 million and founded the William Gates Foundation.

April 11, 1993, in Florida to Seattle City charter, Gates to Melinda to marry him. Gates also arranged for the plane to stay in Omaha, Nebraska, and with Melinda and his friend Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett) to go shopping.

January 1, 1994, Gates and Melinda wedding, wedding scene in Hawaii Lanai (Lanai) island. Gates booked all the hotel rooms on the island and all helicopters in Hawaii to prevent the outside world from disturbing their wedding. Guests who attended the wedding included Paul Allen and Warren Buffett and others.

April 1994, Gates for the first time to become a "connection" magazine cover characters.

November 11, 1994, Gates to 30.8 million US dollars to buy Da Vinci's "Hammer manuscript" (Codex Hammer)。 The document is Da Vinci handwritten 72 pages of scientific manuscripts. Gates agreed to make the document public.

Become the richest man

July 17, 1995, Gates topped the "Forbes" global billionaire list, personal wealth of 12.9 billion US dollars, Gates was 39 years old. Microsoft's annual sales of 5.9 billion US dollars, the amount of 17,801 employees.

In June 1996, Gates became the second "cover" magazine cover. The picture is Gates wrapped in bathrobes, but the picture has been processed by Photoshop software.

In December 1996, Microsoft shares hit a new high, up 88%。 From the book revenue, Gates annual income of up to 30 million US dollars.

October 23, 2021, according to "Forbes" magazine released real-time richest list, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, with wealth of $ 73.4 billion return to the top of the global richest list.

February 24, 2021, Hulun Research Institute released "2021 Hurun Global Rich List", Bill Gates wealth of 520 billion yuan reelected the world's richest man.

March 21, 2021, Forbes released data, Gates fourth year reelected the global richest list of the first (2021), total wealth of $ 86.8 billion.

Create a fund

In 1999, Gates and his wife changed the William H. Gates Foundation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and stated that the Foundation's mission was to reduce global inequality.

In November 2000, Gates became the third "cover" magazine cover. In this issue, the "connection" revealed the Microsoft antitrust lawsuit behind the many little-known story.

March 2, 2005, Gates in Buckingham Palace, England received the Queen of England awarded the Knights of the Medal of Honor, after Rudy Giuliani (Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor) and others have received this award. Since then, Gates is eligible to add the letter "KBE" (English Empire Jazz Order) after his name.

September 14, 2005, Gates produced a "big man Napoleon" hoax video, and in a software developer conference show. In the video, Gates back to the university campus, and wearing a round neck shirt, which says "support Ballmer" words.

In December 2005, the Gates couple, Irish U2 band singer Bono (Bono) was elected as the "Time" magazine 2005 people. June 15, 2006, Gates announced that the next two years will withdraw from Microsoft's day-to-day management.

On June 26, 2006, the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation has doubled its funding and has become the world's largest charitable foundation after receiving $ 25 billion in donations from friends Buffett.

April 20, 2007, Bill Gates was awarded the honorary title of Peking University, Peking University Guanghua School of Management also awarded him honorary title.

On June 7, 2007, the 50-year-old Harvard graduate student Gates received an honorary doctorate from Harvard University

In March 2008, in the "Forbes" month released the global billionaire list, Gates ranked third, personal wealth of 58 billion US dollars. The first two were friends Buffett and Mexican telecommunications king Carlos Slim Helu (Carlos Slim Helu)。

retired life

On June 27, 2008, Bill Gates officially retired, but still the chairman of Microsoft to ensure the company's operations, and 58 billion US dollars of personal property donated to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, his will announced Took out 98% of the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation", which he founded to name him and his wife, for the study of AIDS and malaria vaccines and to provide assistance to the world's poor.

November 4, 2009 Bill Gates and his entourage visited China's national nuclear power technology company headquarters, the following day met with the National Energy Board, China Atomic Energy Research Institute, Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and other units responsible person, and visited the Chinese experimental fast reactor.

May 16, 2013, according to Bloomberg News billionaire index, Gates wealth of $ 72.7 billion, more than the former richest man Mexican Carlos Slim more than 550 million US dollars, to regain the world's richest title.

In September 2013, Forbes magazine published Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates for 72 billion US dollars in net assets for the 20th consecutive year reelection of the richest man in the United States.

February 4, 2014, Bill Gates no longer served as chairman of Microsoft, the new position for the technical adviser, John Thompson took over the post of chairman, while Microsoft appointed internal executives Satyam Nadera for the next CEO The

February 26, 2014, Hurun released the 2014 global richest list, Bill Gates to 450 billion yuan topped the list, to regain the title of the world's richest man.

In April 2014, Bill Gates called on the Chinese rich to do charity, that China lacks a systematic charity, and said the government should consider the policy of encouraging charity, such as tax relief.

In June 2014, Bill Gates met with Vice Minister of Environmental Protection Li Ganjie in Beijing as Chairman of the US Terra Energy Company. The two sides exchanged views on nuclear safety and future development of nuclear power technology.

On August 18, 2014, Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, accepted the ice bucket challenge from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who made a clever device and used it Own head down the ice water.

September 19, 2014, Microsoft founder Bill Gates is sponsoring businesses and inventors newly developed thin, like a skin condom.

September 29, 2014 (US local time), "Forbes" released the US tycoon 400 list shows that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to 81 billion US dollars of wealth, for the first 21 consecutive reelection of the US richest man, the United States Regal Bill Gates, the first in the list, has increased its net worth by $ 9 billion over last year, largely due to the increase in the value of Microsoft's stock and the value of investments in other areas.

In September 2014, the US political news network reported that Bill Gates with ten dollars worth of watches to see the time.

January 5, 2021, Bill Gates announced a video, the video he introduced a new machine, this machine can filter the human excrement after purification into drinking water, Gates drink also praised the water is good drink. The device will be put into trial operation in the African countries of Senegal to help the local poor people drink clean water.

On the afternoon of November 12, 2021, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Bill Gates in Beijing Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai.

March 24, 2021, Peking University Honorary Manager, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Chairman Bill Gates and his entourage visited Peking University, opened the "The Gates to Success 2.0" and Peking University students face to face exchange tour The

比尔·盖茨社会活动 篇二

In 2004, Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft Corp., announced that he would donate $ 3.35 billion to his charitable foundation. At this point, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has assets of $ 27 billion, plus the $ 3.3 billion donation, the total assets of the Foundation will be more than 30 billion US dollars, becoming the largest charitable foundation in the United States.

In 2005, the world's richest man, Bill Gates, celebrated his 50th birthday in London, England, announced that he would not be in politics, tens of billions of dollars of huge wealth will be donated to the community, will not be left as a legacy. In the same year, Microsoft founder Bill Gates on Wednesday in the United Kingdom Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth II awarded the honor jazz medal, this medal is mainly used to recognize Gates and his wife Melinda to eliminate the Commonwealth and other developing countries of poverty, Improve the health of the local people to make efforts.

In 2006, Berkshire Hathaway, an investment firm based in Buffett, announced that it would donate $ 30 billion worth of shares to Microsoft's chairman Bill Gates and his wife's charity foundation. Buffett has decided to pay most of the donations to the Charity Foundation for the Gates.

In 2008, Microsoft founder Gates accepted the British BBC television program "Newsnight" visit, said he will own 58 billion US dollars (452.4 billion Hong Kong dollars) of the property all donated to the charity fund Bill and Melinda Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation, will not leave their children.

In January 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates said at the Davos Forum media conference that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide vaccines for the world's poorest areas over the next decade Research, development and application support.



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