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更新时间:2021-12-16 来源:互联网 点击:

  狮子王讲述了小狮子王辛巴在朋友的陪伴下,经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,最后终于成为了森林之王的故事。 下面是学习啦的小编为你们整理的内容,希望你们能够喜欢


  From an early age, it is destined to have a responsibility, it gradually spread, becoming clear …

  When I was small, only feel good brave lion, very smart. He was covered with brown hair, at the top of the mountain was blown well compliance. His pupil, showing the good hope. In his blood, flowing is the passion.

  The little lion is unfortunate, because is the lion 's son, born to be endowed with hatred, youth is nearly killed, poor lion to save his son by death and, therefore are also out of the Lion Kingdom, has also been claimed the throne.

  He was lucky enough to meet a good friend of the two, then be light of heart from care life. He always harbored guilt, he hated himself killed dad. In adulthood, he finally not negative great trust, defeated the rebels, to fight back to the throne, saved the lion kingdom.

  Forget his father's responsibility, unforgettable he to the kingdom of his more memorable responsibility, responsibility.

  Admire him for the life of the bear, admire him for the grief of the bear, more admire him for the responsibility.

  Now I finally understand, the little lion so strong, good tenacity. He was a valiant body hair, at the pinnacle of blown good shiny. His pupil, showing is a firm belief. In his blood, flowing is the heavy burden of responsibility.

  The little lion peak wind baptism scene, branded deep in my heart, won't let me forget. I like to see, my responsibility also begins to spread …


  Today I watched aThis film tells us about love and hate.It happened on glassland of Africa.Scar had hate with Simba.Kovu is Scar’s heir and Kiara is Simba’s daughter.When they were young,they knew with each other in a danger.When they grew up,they had encountered the most difficult challenge,had been through repeatedly,lives,dies and so on in love,responsibility all sorts of tests.Finally they put down their father's hate with wisdom and courage.From this time on,they without a worry or a care.

  After I watched this film,I deep feeling.Zira head for hers doom because of hate.But Kiara and Kavu got happinebecause of love.The hate only gives us hurt.Love is never wrong,and it never dies.If you are there beside me like dark turning into day because we are part of each other,we are one.

  Let us far away from the hate and let the love follow us forever.

  film called 《The Lion King》. Friendship, Courage and Peseverance

  Simba, the prince of the animals' kingdom, whose life was not always happy. Simba's uncle, carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son, the old lion king died. And Simba, with his uncle taking his father's place, had no other choice but to flee. On his aimleroad, he met two new friends, a weasel and a boar. They were hearty.

  The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends, Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.

  This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.

  Today I watched a film called 《The Lion King》. This film tells us about love and hate.It happened on glassland of Africa.Scar had hate with Simba.Kovu is Scar’s heir and Kiara is Simba’s daughter.When they were young,they knew with each other in a danger.When they grew up,they had encountered the most difficult challenge,had been through repeatedly,lives,dies and so on in love,responsibility all sorts of tests.Finally they put down their father's hate with wisdom and courage.From this time on,they without a worry or a care.

  After I watched this film,I deep feeling.Zira head for hers doom because of hate.But Kiara and Kavu got happinebecause of love.The hate only gives us hurt.Love is never wrong,and it never dies.If you are there beside me like dark turning into day because we are part of each other,we are one.

  Let us far away from the hate and let the love follow us forever.


  Today, I read" the lion king" first.

  The book describes the forest Lion Kingdom, lived a lion Mu Fa sand and his subjects, they are living a very happy life. Lion King Mu Fa and had a son named Simba, is a lovely, clever little lion, he will inherit the throne as the king.

  But Simba 's uncle Scar is a bad ambition, he always wanted to take the throne. He and insidious hyenas were ganging up on the lion king. They thought of a bad idea, put Simba laid siege to kill him, lion Mu Fa sand in order to save his son, but was pushed off the cliff scar.

  Simba know dad died, very sad, very depressed to wander around, never want to go home, scar to capture the throne.

  Simba gradually grew up, his good friend Nini came looking for him, said the scar and the hyenas are the Lion Kingdom mess, let Simba back, Simba also remembered what father said, let him heir to the throne, the lion kingdom to manage. Simba decides to go back to her country to see scar to regain his throne. His mother, father, Nini Comrade friends boar 's help, bravely overcome the scar, retook the throne, led the lions and lived a quiet life.

  Reading this book, I feel that: ( 1) Simba and his dad's feelings are very deep, think about me and my dad 's relationship is also very good, though he was often not at home, I still mihim very much; ( 2) Simba is very brave. We think everyone's life and learning will always encounter difficulties and setbacks, but we will not bow to difficulties, dare to struggle, can finally achieve their goals!








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