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更新时间:2022-04-18 来源:互联网 点击:


  学期[xué qī]学期的英文怎么说


  school term ; term ; semester ; trimester

  网 络semester;term;session;school



  The second term commences in March.


  He selected an extensive reading course this term.


  This term will begin on March 1st.



  This term will begin on September 7th.


  There is a distinct posibility that she'll be your teacher next term.


  I'm just kicking my heels until the beginning of the new term.


  He has made far greater progress this term than he did last term.


  Students must pass all first semester courses before commencing this semester.


  This term will be my last one in this university.

  1. Next term we'll be looking at the Second World War period. 下学期咱们会研究二战时期。

  2. You will need to complete three written assignments per semester. 你每学期要完成三个书面作业。

  3. I'm going to get down to studying English this term. 这学期我要认真学英语了.

  4. A student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. 每个学生一学期可能要修四五门课程.

  5. We will discuss what to teach during the next term. 我们将讨论下学期要教什么.

  6. We will study the epistles of some famous writers next term. 下学期我们将学习几位名作家的书信.

  7. I'm going to take a course in applied mathematics this semester. 我这学期打算学习应用数学课程.

  8. Soon school will end and the vacation will be at hand. 学期快结束了,假期即将到来.

  9. He received a falling grade on the term paper. 他的学期论文得了个不及格分数.

  10. Professor Zhu will give lectures to the postgraduates [ graduate students ]this term. 朱教授这学期给研究生 开课.

  11. He has had all - round success in his study this term. 他这学期的学习成绩夺得了满堂红.

  12. This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters. 这是门两个学期学完的必修课.

  13. School reopens in September. 新学期九月开始.

  14. We spend the final term writing our dissertations. 我们用最后一个学期的时间写论文.

  15. When will the next term begin? 下学期什么时候开学?

  16. The summer term runs from April to July. 夏季学期从四月份到七月份.

  17. The pupils disliked the extension of the term. 小学生们不愿延长学期.

  18. My daughter got a good report last term. 我女儿上学期成绩出色.

  19. He had three minors this semester. 这学期他有三门副修科目.

  20. He has been ill most of the term. 这学期大部分时间他一直生病.

上一篇:星期二的英文怎么读(星期二的英文怎么读音) 下一篇:爱丽丝的英文怎么读(爱丽丝英文怎么读音)
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