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  to pass through穿过的英语短语(穿过的英语短语怎么说)

  关于to pass through的英语例句

  The waterway is wide for many ships to pass through.这条河很宽,足以使很多船通过。

  We do not like them to pass through here.我们不希望汽车通过这里

  On our way we had to pass through Hudson street.途中我们得路过哈德逊街。

  We don't like them to pass through here.我们不希望汽车通过这里。

  The infantry opened up a corridor across the mine-field for the armour to pass through.步兵在布雷区开辟了一条通路,使装甲部队得以通过。

  We have to pass through the town to get to the museum.我们要穿过城才能到博物馆。

  You are to pass through the territory of Moab, through Ar, today.18你今天要从摩押的境界亚珥经过。

  On their way they had to pass through Hudson Street.路上他们得经过哈德逊大街。

  To pass through pores or interstices in the manner of perspiration.渗漏用出汗的方式通过毛孔或缝隙

  To go to the farm, you'll have to pass through a woods.要去农场,你必须经过一片树林。

  They had to pass through a few blocks to get to the river.他们得穿过几个街区才能到达江边。

  They had to pass through the forest to get to the river.他们必须穿过森林才能到达江边。

  We had to pass through three villages before we got to the hill.我们必须穿过三个村庄才到达那座山。

  This minibook was small enough to pass through the eye of a needle.这本书竟小到可穿过针眼,但也只能在显微镜下才能阅读。

  Sets the name of a parameter to pass through your method.设置通过方法传递的参数的名称。

  From that time onwards they began to pass through the forest.从那时起他们就开始穿越森林。

  Accompanies me to pass through the wind and rain lonely!经过小部分的观众同意,你们可以实施了!

  The huntsman showed him the way to pass through the forest.猎人指引他通过了林区。

  The torch is set to pass through Tibet on its way to Mt.Everest.火炬计划途经西藏并抵达埃弗勒斯特峰、也就是珠穆朗玛峰。

  This document will enable her to pass through the enemy lines unmolested.这证件将使她能平安无事地通过敌人防线。

  关于to pass through的相关例句

  A home user might want to configure a firewall to a lower security level by allowing all outgoingpackets to pass through.


  When suspended, the device should simply allow all incoming integers to pass throughunchanged on its output channel.


  When arriving at participating airports, they use designated lanes to pass through security.


  In addition, Pakistan allows non-lethal supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan to pass throughthe Port of Karachi and to be transported by road through two border crossings.


  These materials will not allow the pressure to pass through without dramatically attenuating it — ideally down to a level that is actually survivable when it reaches your body.


  If a packet matches a rule, the packet can be allowed to pass through using target ACCEPT.


  And while you're waiting for your shoes to come rolling down the conveyor belt, console yourselfwith this news: The TSA may soon allow passengers to pass through security with their shoeson again.


  Aided by its corruptible police and flimsy money-laundering laws, up to 150 tonnes of cocaineare estimated to pass through the region a year.


  This process could enable the cells to pass through the blood in a more streamlined fashion,thus reducing the blood's viscosity.


  Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth'sbreath in the exchange across tongues.


  Tanapa will put up gates and carry out regular patrols to ensure no harm comes to the wildlifepopulation as a result of vehicles that will be allowed to pass through the road," he said.


  A second possibility is the length of time it takes for food to pass through our digestive system.


  关于to pass through的双语例句

  It allows one of the constituents but not others to pass through.


  This document will enable her to pass through the enemy lines unmolested.


  In order to pass through a "gate" between two states, the architecture under development hasto be validated for compliance and communicated outside of the architecture team.


  To enter the Elephant Sanctuary, you have to pass through a massive gate, part of the thick,cabled fencing that surrounds the perimeter.


  Requests line up to pass through each of these steps, and once the step has completed, the request lines up for the next step.


  More than 25 percent of the world's oil is estimated to pass through the Gulf of Aden and theIndian Ocean, which has heightened worries about piracy.


  More than 25 percent of the world's oil is estimated to pass through the Gulf of Aden and theIndian Ocean, which has heightened worries about piracy.


  The few thousand people invited to the opening and closing ceremonies for each day's runhave had to pass through security checkpoints with metal detectors.


  It can allow a particle to pass through a physical barrier that should be impenetrable, or can allow an electron to escape from the pull of the nucleus without having the kinetic energy to do so.


  Capillaries are only wide enough to allow red blood cells to pass through one at a time.


  Capillaries are only wide enough to allow red blood cells to pass through one at a time.









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