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  1.put sb on to;接电话的英文短语精选合集(接到电话的英语短语)

  2.to lift the telephone;

  3.to pick up the telephone;

  4.answer the phone

  5.get on the phone


  1. She ran back to the phone. The line was disconnected.


  2. The housekeeper moved smartly to the Vicar's desk to answer the call.


  3. On another occasion I answered the phone and the line went dead.


  4. When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end.


  5. He tells his secretary to hold his calls.


  6. Whom did he expect to answer his phone?


  7. I'll answer the phone.


  8. She can't come to the telephone; she's serving a client.

  她不能来接电话, 她正在接待一位顾客.

  9. You are wanted on the telephone.


  10. I was twice called off from my work today to answer the phone.


  11. He put his hand over the mouthpiece and called his wife to the phone.


  12. If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.


  13. How did Pauline answer the telephone at nine o'clock?


  14. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr gilbert.

  当医生接电话时, 吉尔伯特先生说,他是在打听一位叫吉尔伯特先生的病人.

  15. While you are on the phone, the baby pulls the table - cloth off the table. smashing half your best crockery and cutting himself in the process.

  你接电话时小孩把桌布扯了下来, 把你最好的陶器打碎了一半,同时他还把自己磕破了.


  1. 他/她不接电话、不跟任何人讲话、也不做任何事,只是坐在那里盯着电视看。

  He or she is unlikely to answer the phone, speak to anyone and do anything except sit andwatch.

  2. 我们擦洗洗手间,用清洁剂清洗镜子,给货架擦灰,接电话,客户走后收拾卖场。

  We scrub the bathrooms, Windex the mirrors, dust the shelves, answer the phone, and clean upafter our customers.

  3. “这是最困难的一步:决定雇一个人来接电话,还要让自己相信我不仅可以养活自己,也能负担起新雇员的开支”,劳伦斯回忆说。

  "That was the hardest step: hiring someone to answer the phone and believing I could supportnot just myself, but someone else," Lawrence says.

  4. 比如,你可以站着接电话、可以在房间里溜达、办公时双脚可以拍拍地板。

  It might mean standing to answer the phone and pacing the room, tapping your feet on the flooras you work.

  5. 工程师在班加罗尔编写代码,信息专业人员在布加勒斯特接电话,硅芯片在新加坡制造,社交网络公司在圣保罗发展。

  Engineers write code in Bangalore, and IT specialists answer the phones in Bucharest; silicon chips are built in Singapore, and social networking companies grow in Sao Paulo.

  6. 手机可以做这个即使信号很弱以至于没法打或者接电话。

  Phones do this even if the signal istoo weak to make or receive calls.

  7. 当开车的时候,我们为了安全驾驶,可以不接电话,不听广播,不与乘客聊天。

  When driving we can choose to drive safely, not to answer the phone, or listen to the radio, ortalk to passengers.

  8. 它可以让您在接电话之前先知道是谁来电。

  It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.

  9. 不好意思,当时正在接电话,是简从加拿大打过来的。

  I was on the phone. Jane called me from Canada.

  10. 得知自己荣膺诺贝尔奖的消息后,他表示喜出望外:"我接电话时完全光着身子,正准备去洗澡",他周一下午在普林斯顿举行的新闻发布会上如是说.

  He said news of the prize took him by surprise. "I took the call stark naked as I was about to step into the shower," he told a news conference at Princeton on Monday afternoon.

  11. 如果在第一次约会的时候频繁接电话,那么随后男人们是不会期待和你有什么结果的。

  If you're on the phone constantly during a first date, we're not going to be on the other end of the line later on.

  12. 女人做什么事之前都会化妆———购物、给植物浇水、倒垃圾、接电话、读书、收邮件……??

  A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants,emptythe garbage, answer the phone,read a book, or get themail.


  1. 在上述例子里,你应该接电话,或把它列到明天的日程表,你的心里会因它的马上离开而感到舒适多了。

  In the example given, you could make the phone call, or put it on tomorrow’s list, so your mind iscomfortable letting it go for now.

  2. 如果在做爱的时候有电话打来或者收到短信,5%的受访者说他们会瞥一眼看是谁打来的,1%的受访者说他们会停下来接电话。

  When a call or text comes in during sex, 5 percent of respondents said they glance to see whois calling and 1 percent say they stop to answer the phone.

  3. “让货币来接电话,”我听见冰霜女士说,然后她柔声细语地说"振作点,"她说道。

  “Put the currency on the phone, ” I heard Mrs. Sherbet say, and then her voice turned cozy. “Buck up, ” she said.

  4. 留心观察该怎样做和为什么这样做:接电话、穿衣服、办公桌和办公区的布局及装饰,在办公室用餐、传阅文件等等。

  Discover how things are done and why.Observe how others answer the telephone, dress,decorate desks or office space, snack on the job, circulate memos, etc.

  5. 接电话前喝一点止咳剂。

  Eat a cough drop before the call.

  6. 我的远房姑姑每次接电话都不太正常,人家是按通话键,她是按免提,然后还要把听筒放在耳朵旁边,不知道的人远看还以为她确实是以正常方式接的电话。

  My great aunt answers her house phone every time, not by pressing the talk button, but by pressing the speaker phone button, yet still holding it up to her face as if she answered itnormally.

  7. 凯茜:我不十分清楚,但我想应包括打字、管理文件和接电话等工作。

  Cathy: I'm not quite sure, but I think it should be typing, filing and answering phones.

  8. 该酒店接电话的工作人员拒绝让路透社与任何一个墨西哥人谈话。

  Staff at the hotel contacted by telephone would not let Reuters talk to any of the Mexicans.

  9. 崔西:那个按钮是来电显示功能。它可以让您在接电话之前先知道是谁来电。

  Tracy: That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller beforeyou answer the call.

  10. 这可以让你在短时间内做更多的事情,而不会因为接电话而中断本来专注的事情。

  This allows you to get more done in less time, as phone calls can eat up chunks of your day if you let them.







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