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  nose 英[nəʊz] 美[noʊz]








  He punched the policeman on the nose and was arrested.


  My nose tickles.


  The child pressed her nose against the window.


  He sprayed some nasal spray into the nose to make breathing easier.


  The dolphin balanced the ball on its nose.


  The snout of the pig you drew on the picture is too long.


  He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it.


  I think she had her nose done.


  Blood was spurting from her nose.

  He had had a fight with Smith and bloodied his nose 他和史密斯打了一架,把后者的鼻子打出了血。

  She wrinkled her nose, piqued by his total lack of enthusiasm 她皱皱鼻子,为他毫无热情而感到不快。

  She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose 为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。

  He sniffed, fidgeting in discomfort, uneasy at the suggestion 他吸了吸鼻子,对这项提议感到窘迫不安,心烦意乱。

  When someone has hayfever, the eyes and nose will stream and itch 花粉热临床表现为流泪、流涕,眼睛、鼻子发痒。

  Then he sniffed There was a smell of burning 然后他抽了抽鼻子,发觉有一股烧焦的味道。

  He had a strong Greek nose and olive-black eyes 他有一个高挺的希腊式鼻子和一双墨橄榄绿色的眼睛。

  Carol managed a few proper snivels for the sake of appearance 为了做做样子,卡萝尔适时地抽了几下鼻子。

  In heavy concentrations, ozone is irritating to the eyes, nose and throat 高浓度的臭氧会对眼睛、鼻子和咽喉有刺激作用。

  At last the sobs ceased, to be replaced by sniffs 最后,啜泣终于止住了,只剩下抽鼻子的声音。

  He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose 他掏出一块手帕,擤了擤鼻子。

  She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins 她冲他鼻子打了一拳,又在他小腿上踢了一脚。

  The nose was straight, the mouth sensuously wide and full 鼻子直挺,嘴巴大而饱满,很性感。

  Moira looked around and sniffed "This place badly needs a decorator" 莫伊拉环顾四周,抽了抽鼻子。“这个地方太需要有人来装修一下了。”

  I needed reconstructive surgery to give me a new nose 我需要接受修复手术重塑一个鼻子。

  He saw the dog's twitching nose poke out of the basket 他看到那只狗一抽一抽的鼻子从篮子里冒出来。

  His nose had been reddened by unaccustomed exposure to the California sun 经过加州阳光不同寻常的照射,他的鼻子晒红了。

  Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled 朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是不停地啜泣。

  She snuffled and wiped her nose on the back of her hand 她抽了抽鼻子并用手背擦了擦。

  I felt myself blush Then I sniffed back a tear 我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来。


  They say that the nose knows. But it still gets its marching orders from the brain — at least when it comes to the lungs. Got that? Nose to brain to lungs. Because a new study shows that when people with asthma think they’re smelling something noxious, their airways become inflamed — even when the odor is harmless. The finding is in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.


  Asthma attacks can be triggered by pollen, dust, harsh chemicals or scents. These environmental annoyances constrict the airways in the lung, making breathing difficult.


  In this study, researchers wanted to see whether an individual’s assumptions have any influence over this breathtaking series of events. So they exposed 17 asthma sufferers to a benign chemical that smells like roses for 15 minutes. Nine subjects were told the fragrance was a potential irritant, the other eight that it would be therapeutic.


  The results were as plain as the nose on your face: subjects who expected an irritant experienced inflammation. And those who were primed to be soothed had no adverse reactions — even if they were normally bothered by perfumes.


  The results suggest that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Or be as irritating as you expect it will.


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