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  汉语解释:英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。其是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰,爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成的一个西欧岛国。想知道英国的英文怎么说吗?

  英国[yīng guó]英国的英文怎么读(英国的英文怎么读写)


  Britain ; England ; the United Kingdom ; the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Great Britain

  网 络Burton;United Kingdom;UK;England



  Britain has a temperate climate.


  The most important judge in Britain is the Lord Chancellor.


  Britain has always had a large navy, called the Royal Navy.



  Charles ruled England for 11 years.


  England has a mild winter and a coll summer because it is an island country.


  The blackbirds contested with one another for nesting territory.


  The bbc is work on a profile of the british nuclear industry.


  But that does not mean that revving up output is a bad idea.


  In many ways this tranquillity is entirely appropriate.

  1. He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England. 他领受了坚振礼,成为英国国教会的一员。

  2. He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy. 他被指控为英国间谍,入狱关押了5年。

  3. She is a long way from being the richest person in Britain. 比起英国首富,她还差得远呢。

  4. She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau. 她出演了一部关于茅茅运动(20世纪50年代肯尼亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动)的烂片。

  5. He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards. 他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。

  6. Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated towards medicine, law and engineering. 英国的亚裔年轻人通常被吸引到医学、法律及工程专业。

  7. Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage. 奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。

  8. We definitely wanted to salvage some pride for British tennis. 我们当然想为英国网球挽回一些尊严。

  9. Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. 英国许多海滩连最起码的卫生标准都达不倒。

  10. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do. 失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。

  11. The Foreign Office in London has expressed surprise at these allegations. 位于伦敦的英国外交部对这些说法表示惊讶.

  12. Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880. 直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。

  13. This film is the first British animation sold to an American network. 这是第一部出售给美国电视网的英国动画片。

  14. Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league. 英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。

  15. Teddy clucked his tongue like a disapproving English matron. 特迪咂了咂舌头,活像个不以为然的英国女舍监。

  16. She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC. 她在英国广播公司主持一个月刊节目。

  17. In June 1942, the British 8th Army was in full retreat. 1942年6月,英国第八军全面撤退.

  18. The RAF recognized him as an out-standingly able engineer. 英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。

  19. At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese. 现在英国至少有3家高尔夫球场为日本人所有。

  20. In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain. 英国于1971年开始使用十进制的1便士和2便士硬币。

上一篇:不同种类的英文短语(不同种类的英语短语) 下一篇:中国电信用英语怎么说(电信的英语怎么说)
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