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  We are One

  We're a family

  we are one family



  We are family!

  没错,甜心,我们是一家人。 全文

  Yes, sweetheart, we are a family.


  REPORTER: We're one family here in this part of the world.


  Of his sister, he told a New York Times interviewer: "We're family.


  We bonded. We're a family now.


  We are family: Scientists suspect that a large DNA-based virus took up residenceinside a bacterial cell more than a billion years ago to create the first cell nucleus.


  “We’re family,” he said of Ms. Simpson in an interview with The New York TimesMagazine. “She’s one of my best friends in the world.


  We will be a family.


  Sometimes we, as a family, have been tempted to run away from Lebanonbecause of the war, assuming that other parts of the world would be safer for our family.


  We family, right?


  "I would talk to the kids and tell them, 'Sometimes in life, things don't work out the way you think, but we're a family and we're going to stick together, '" he said.


  For others, their encouragement of each other is as inspiring an image of sororityas the Sister Sledge song: "We are family, I got all my sisters with me."


  We are a family, a unit; forsaking all other (maybe that, too, is easier when youmarry later).


  We are family.


  “We are one family, and Mubarak is everyone’s father, ” they told her.


  “We are one, ” she said.


  True hope tell you , we have capability resisting this disaster, but we do not have,we are one family today , our one family will step into dark commonly.


  Today, we are one family, stepping into the darkness together.


  Still, even though we may be part of the same family or have been friends for years, we all may not be ready to discuss our feelings at the same point in time.


  We are one people, with one will, one resolve.


  We are a people who are open, respectful and dedicated to making others better.


  This is because we are one people!


  You and me, we are family.


  In a truer sense, We are One.



  We found him a few weeks ago, walking along the road in a rural area. He was jumping on cars, and we thought maybe his family was camping somewhere nearby, so we passed him by. A few hours later, on our return trip, he was still in the same place, again, trying to get folks to stop for him. When he saw us, he laid down in the middle of the road, so we were unable to get around him.


  We stopped the car and looked around for a few minutes, trying to figure out if anyone was around from whom he was separated. It didn't appear so. Then we took a good look at the dog. He had no collar and he was really thin. We decided he was abandoned.


  My husband said, "If he doesn't bite me when I try to pick him up to put him in the car, then we have a new dog." The dog happily joined us with no fight at all. The only thing we were in danger of was getting licked to death. He kept sticking his head between the two front seats and thanking us for picking him up.


  The dog was clearly on the road for some time. He was extremely under weight. He was covered in scars and new wounds. We have surmised that some of the scars were from when he was on the road, we are thinking possible fights with coyotes, but he also looks as though he was used for fighting other dogs. We figured his incredibly sweet personality was the reason he was abandoned. He must not have been a good fighting dog.


  So, we fed him a lot over the course of the next two weeks and he gained over twenty pounds. We took him to the veterinarian, who said the dog appears to be in good health, despite his having been abandoned. The vet guessed the dog is about two or three years of age, from the condition of his teeth. The vet gave him all the required shots and sent us on our way.


  We do love this dog. He has obviously been mistreated and yet, he still is so very sweet. He had no manners, but he is a quick learner. He no longer tries to get on the bed, but he does like sitting in one of the folding chairs.


  Since then, he has become a member of our family.


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