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更新时间:2022-04-20 来源:互联网 点击:



  admire the full moon赏月用英语怎么说(吃月饼和赏月用英语怎么说)

  enjoy the glorious full moon


  开始赏月 Began to celebrate the full moon 


  1. While appreciating the moon , the couple recounted their happy stories.


  2. The family have supper together. After that, they watch the moon.

  一家人在一起吃晚饭, 然后他们赏月.

  3. On the Mid - Autumn Festival, they sat across from each other drinking.


  4. On Mid - autumn Festival , people eat mooncakes and an the full moon.

  在 中秋节 这天, 人们吃月饼和赏月.

  5. We usually watchmoon with our family on Moon Festival.


  6. In the tang dynasty, Autumn moon, playing in months.

  在唐代, 中秋赏月 、 玩月颇为盛行.

  7. Sometimes, we have BBQ. We enjoy the moonabout 9:00.

  有时候, 我们会烧烤. 当到了9:00我们就会赏月.

  8. When was enjoying the moon the most prevailing on this evening?


  9. People celebrate Mid - Autumn Day by eating moon cakes and admiring the moon.

  人们吃月饼、赏月以庆祝 中秋节.

  10. I also hope to see Auguest fifteenth . ( lunar canlander ).

  可内心深处也知道明天 赏月 时的孤独与寂寞.

  11. After, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon.

  之后, 人们普通会一边分享美味的月饼一边赏月.

  12. Our family will enjoy moon cakes watch the beautiful full moon together.


  13. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon.

  然后, 人们总是会吃美味的月饼, 还有赏月.

  14. What do people usually do at Mid - Autumn Festival ?

  人们通常在 中秋节 做什么? 他们通常赏月.

  15. A: They often have a party with their r ( relatives ) , eat moon cakes and w ( atch ) the moon.

  他们通常和亲戚一起举行聚会, 边吃月饼边赏月.


  Chinese residents don't have to worry about rain spoiling their annual Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations this year.


  The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the moon festival, is held every year in the fall and traditionally involves family gatherings that feature mooncakes and time spent outdoors admiring the full moon.


  Part of the moon-watching tradition during the holiday traces back to a traditional folk belief that a female deity who lives on the moon named Chang'e can be spotted during the festival. But just in case bad weather strikes, the Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao is partnering with Allianz China General Insurance to offer novelty Mid-Autumn Festival insurance to cover people whose view of the full moon might be blocked by storms.

  中秋赏月的习俗一定程度上源于民间传说:这一天可看到一位居住在月亮上的嫦娥仙子。但为以防万一,中国电子商务平台淘宝(Taobao)与安联财产保险(中国)有限公司(Allianz China General Insurance)联手,推出了极具创新意义的中秋节保险,投保人若因暴风雨等原因看不到月亮,可获赔偿。

  The plans are available in more than 40 cities across China, including Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and offer consumers protection against nighttime clouds on the holiday, which falls on Sept. 19.


  The cost and availability of the plan varies from city to city. The cheapest plans are available in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, where insurance can be purchased online for 20 yuan (about US$3) with payouts of up to 50 yuan. In other cities including Beijing, premiums are a higher 99 yuan (US$16), with a 188 yuan (US$31) possible payout. (For a higher 188 yuan premium, customers also get a box of mooncakes in the deal.) Allianz says it used 20 years of meteorological data to establish its risk model.


  Allianz representative Janice Jiang said the novelty insurance plan was launched as part of the company's effort to expand its digital presence, and that Chinese insurance companies may in the future do more to focus on niche markets by collaborating with e-commerce platforms.

  安联的代表Janice Jiang说,推出这一创新性的保险计划是该公司努力扩大其网络业务的行动之一,中国的保险公司未来可能通过与电子商务平台进行合作而更多地专注于小众市场。

  In a statement, Taobao Insurance's General Manager Jiang Xing said the plan is a form of 'quality of life' protection, eliminating the possibility of regret during the festival. It's also a way to boost attention for Taobao's insurance portal, which was launched in 2010.


  But the insurance plan still might leave people disappointed. The company will only reimburse insurance-holders if their view of the moon is blocked by rain, as defined by official meteorological reports recorded at 6 p.m. The insurance plan will not protect against clouds, fog or haze--all frequent occurrences in China's big cities, thanks to high levels of air pollution.


  Air pollution can be a sensitive subject in China, and its scope has for years been downplayed by officials and state news agencies. Regular levels of intense smog in recent years have postponed flights, caused widespread respiratory problems and been found to cut years off the lives of the country's citizens.


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