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更新时间:2022-04-20 来源:互联网 点击:




  quoted company

  listed company


  股票上市公司 public limited company ; listed company

  上市公司股票市值 market valuation

  上市公司证券化 listed companies securitization

  上市公司收购 Takeover of Listed Companies ; public company purchasing


  1. Some of Australia's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.


  2. Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers.


  3. Because we were a publicly held company, the better man would win.

  由于我们是一家上市公司, 强者必将获胜.

  4. Withdrawal of state - owned stock helps optimize share - h olding structure of listed company.

  国有股 退出有利于上市公司股权结构的优化.

  5. Jiangyin Division under the molding Group ( listed companies ), 32 enterprises.

  我司隶属于江阴模塑集团 ( 上市公司 ) 第32家企业.

  6. When the realization of assets down, no doubt already listed companies.

  资产变现遇挫, 无疑使上市公司雪上加霜.

  7. China is about 13 per cent of listed capitalisation globally.


  8. Valve door in medium pIt'suzhou incorporated company, listed company.

  中核苏州阀门股份有限公司, 上市公司.

  9. In China, many listed companies have invested heavily in Internet - related business.

  中国方面, 不少上市公司为网络投下大笔资金.

  10. The assets of a listed company belong to the company.


  11. A Corporation validity periods meet the conditions of listed companies.


  12. But these theories can't explain the dividend policy in China.


  13. Nowadays, the truthfulness of operational performance evaluation of public corporation reduces greatly.

  目前, 上市公司经营业绩的真实性因管理当局的盈余管理而大大降低.

  14. Has Accounting Reform Improved Financial Reporting Conservatism of Chinese Listed Companies?

  会计改革提高我国上市公司财务报告稳健性了 吗 ?

  15. However listed companies in our country have valued financing policy most currently.



  Struggling Chinese companies are turning to the soaring property market to bolster their books.


  At least 12 firms listed on mainland exchanges announced plans to sell real estate holdings in September amid a surge in property prices, according to Bloomberg calculations from stock exchange disclosures.


  Among them, seven suffered losses in the first half, while four have been placed on the exchanges' watch list for possibly being delisted. Most of them are in businesses unrelated to real estate.


  "The companies faced earnings pressures in their core businesses, so they are looking to sell real estate in the high-price environment to airbrush the books and prevent a delisting scenario," said Zhang Haidong, chief strategist at Jinkuang Investment Management in Shanghai.


  Under China's exchange rules, companies are warned with the possibility of delisting after two consecutive years of losses, and are suspended if they post a loss in the following year.


  Shanghai Xinmei Real Estate Co said in a statement on Sept 14 that it hoped to sell properties for at least 150 million yuan ($22 million) to "optimize its asset structure and resume trading as quickly as possible".


  Weifang Yaxing Chemical Co, Xi'an Tian He Defense Technology Co, Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co and Shanghai Greencourt Investment Group Co are among the other companies with plans to sell real estate, filings show.


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