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  语音[yǔ yīn]语音的英文是什么(英语里面的语音是什么意思)


  speech sounds ; pronunciation ; voice ; sound ; speech

  网 络Voice;VoIP;IVR;pronunciation



  She's an authority on phonetics.


  A note of surprise filled her voice at the prospect. "My attitude is to roll with what happens, " she said.



  Phonetic symbols represent sounds.


  Phonetics has to do with the production of speech sounds.


  Phonetics is the science of sounds.


  Speech coding is the foundation of digital transmission and storage of speech.


  Speech coding is the fundation of digital transmission and storage of speech.


  What is the phonetic symbol for each of the sound descriptions offered?


  Let some of the children come to the front and read it for themselves.

  1. I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation. 我想语音拼写可能有助于发音。

  2. Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser. 我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问.

  3. The speech sounds of all languages are gradually but constantly changing. 各种语言的语音总在不断变迁.

  4. One begins a foreign language by learning the speech sounds. 学习外语,先从语音入手.

  5. His phonetics are excellent. 他的语音极好.

  6. Phonetics is the science of sounds. 语音学是一门语音的科学.

  7. Go to Control Panel and double-click on Sounds for a list of sounds. 进入“控制面板”双击“语音”图标就能看到所有的声音选项。

  8. Speech is made up of sound waves that vary in frequency and intensity. 语音是由不同频率和强度的声波组成的。

  9. It's wonderful to watch her now going through things phonetically learning how to spell things. 看到她现在根据语音学习如何拼写取得进步真让人高兴。

  10. Our fax machine differentiates between an incoming fax signal and a voicecall. 我们的传真机能区分接收传真信号和语音信号.

  11. Yuki is working up an in - home phonics program slated for Thursdays , andI'm drilling her on English conversation at dinnertime. Yuki每周四还有一次家庭语音课.我在晚餐时训练她的英语口语.

  12. Listen and practice. Note the sounds. Listen for the difference. 听一听,练一练. 注意语音. 找出不同的地方.

  13. "Grandma "pronounced as "grammar"is an example of assimilation. 把“grandma”读成“grammar”是语音同化的一个例证。

  14. Words are made up of sounds, and different languages have differentsounds. 单词是由语音组成的, 不同的语言具有不同的发音.

  15. Notice the differences in the sounds. 注意语音的不同.

  16. Note the pronunciation of the three sounds. 注意三个语音的发音.

  17. As he proceeded, I noticed that his accent was good. 他在讲的时候, 我听出他的语音很优美.

  18. A primitive unit of auditory speech in a given language. 一特定语言的语音基本单位.

  19. It's an exzample of speech assimilation to pronounce " grandma " as " grammar " . 把“grandma”读成 “ grammar ” 是语音同化的一个例证.

  20. He snatched at every chance to improve his pronunciation. 他抓住一切机会改进他的语音.

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