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  汉语解释:小提琴(意大利文:IL Violin)是一种弦乐器。总共有四根弦。靠弦和弓摩擦发出声音。那么,你知道小提琴的英文怎么说吗?

  小提琴[xiǎo tí qín]小提琴的英文怎么发音


  violin [英][,vaɪə'lɪn] [美]['vaɪə'lɪn]; violin instrument ; [俗] fiddle

  网 络violin;fiddle;Violins;the violin



  He learned to fiddle as a young boy.


  He plays the violin for the fun of it.



  The violin string snapped because it was fastened too tight.


  He can play violin well.


  The violin has a poor inflection.


  He played a tune on the violin.


  The violinist played the violin very well.


  The violinist tuned the violin.


  This violinist played like a man possessed by devils.

  1. A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin. 一名身穿晚礼服的表演者用小提琴演奏了几段古典音乐。

  2. She has toiled away at the violin for years. 她多年来苦练小提琴。

  3. He has acquired a reputation as this country's premier solo violinist. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。

  4. Hardy as a young man played the fiddle at local dances. 哈迪年轻时在当地舞会上演奏小提琴。

  5. He brought out the fiddle, its varnish cracked and blistered. 他取出了小提琴,它表面的清漆已出现裂缝,还起了浮泡。

  6. The fiddle began to twang. 小提琴声渐起。

  7. a trio for two violins and continuo 两小提琴与通奏低音三重奏

  8. She persevered with her violin lessons. 她孜孜不倦地学习小提琴。

  9. The young girl violinist outshone all the other competitors. 那年轻姑娘演奏小提琴使所有的竞争者相形见绌.

  10. If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break. 如果你再拉紧小提琴的那根弦,它就会绷断.词典》

  11. Einstein enjoyed himself playing his violin in his simple home. 爱因斯坦在他那简朴的家里拉小提琴消遣.

  12. She plays the violin, I mean the viola, really well. 她的小提琴, 我是指中提琴, 的确拉得很好.

  13. The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune. 钢琴和小提琴好像不合调.

  14. A pipe organ gives much more volume than a violin or flute. 管风琴发出的音量比小提琴或笛子都大.

  15. The violin was out of harmony with the rest of the instruments. 小提琴拉得与其他乐器不谐调.

  16. The young boy played the violin sonata masterfully. 那个小男孩的小提琴奏鸣曲拉得很熟练.

  17. She plays the fiddle well. 她小提琴拉得好.

  18. The soloist in the violin concerto was Menuhin. 这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是梅纽因.

  19. He plays the violin in an orchestra. 他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴.

  20. She can string a violin. 她会给小提琴上弦.

上一篇:背包英语怎么说(背包英语怎么说读发音) 下一篇:走的英文单词怎么写(跟我走的英文单词怎么写)
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