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更新时间:2022-04-21 来源:互联网 点击:




  A:I can’t believe my eyes!

  B:Well, if it isn’t Mike Li!

  A:Jim Wang! It’s nice to see you again! It’s been a long time.

  B:You know, Mike, I’ve been meaning to call you for a long time. I’m so glad I ran into you today.

  A:Me, too. How have you been doing?

  B:Super. How about yourself?

  A:Pretty good. I can’t complain.

  B:So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go abroad to study, weren’t you?

  A:Yes, I guess I was. But as it turned out, I changed my mind. I decided not to go after all.

  B:Oh, really? But if I remember correctly, you were intent on going to California. Whatever made you change your mind? I thought you were accepted to Stanford.

  A:Well, it’s a long story, and I don’t want to bore you with all the details. But what it boils down to is that I decided that going to Stanford wasn’t a very good idea. I decided to go to Beijing University instead. I want to save my money and start my own business after graduation.

  B:Really? That’s very interesting.


  A:Kathleen Kelly. Hello. This is coincidence. Would you mind if I sat down?

  B:Yes, yes, I would, actually, I’m expecting someone, thanks.

  A:Pride and prejudice?

  B:Do you mind?

  A:I bet you read that book every year. I bet you just love that Mr. Darcy and your sentimental heart just beats wildly at the thought that he and, um, well, you know, whatever her name is, are truly honestly going to end up together.

  Waiter:Can I get you something?

  B:Oh, no, he’s not staying.

  A:Mochaccino decaf non-fat.

  B:No, no, you’re not staying.

  A:I’ll just stay here until your friend gets here. Gee, is he late?


  A:What do you say we stop in at that Burger King over there and grab a bite?

  B:Forget it! If you think I’d ever set foot that inferior restaurant again, you gotta be nuts. Last time I ate that food, almost vomited. The service in there is terrible. It was the first time I ever stiffed a waiter.

  A:Yeah, not seeing a single person anywhere informed me. Hey! How about that one over there?

  B:Oh, give me a break! That place is too lavish for us.

  A:Easy. It’s on me.

  B:In that case, I’m right behind you.








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