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更新时间:2022-04-21 来源:互联网 点击:

  汉语解释:芒果是杧果(中国植物志)的通俗名(拉丁学名:Mangifera indica L.),芒果是一种原产印度的漆树科常绿大乔木,叶革质,互生;花小,杂性,黄色或淡黄色,成顶生的圆锥花序。核果大,压扁,长5-10厘米,宽3-4.5厘米,成熟时黄色,味甜,果核坚硬。那么,你知道芒果的英语怎么说吗?

  芒果[máng guǒ]芒果的英语怎么说(芒果的英语怎么说mango)


  [植] mango ;



  One of the mangoes opened and the boy crept inside.


  Mango ice is also a popular dessert.


  A nice fresh mango is my favorite fruit.



  But we prefer mangoes and rice.


  He and his mates were out picking mangoes.


  The mango is a tropical fruit.


  I used to climb mango trees with the village boys and run around wildly.


  He ate a mnago and his tummy got bigger.


  The lane that winds to their house is fragrant in the spring with mango flowers.


  I can see some yellow mangoes.

  1. 300 tons of Peruvian mangoes were kept from entering France. 300吨秘鲁芒果被禁止进入法国。

  2. Peel, stone and dice the mango. 将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。

  3. He and his mates were out picking mangoes. 他和他的同伴出去摘芒果了.

  4. I did once send some mongoes to the States by air. 我曾有一次空运芒果到美国.

  5. Do you like eating mango? 你喜欢吃芒果 吗 ?

  6. Hawaii's best mangoes grew at Hanakai, its most brilliant hibiscus and its besthorses. 夏威夷最肥美的芒果, 最鲜艳的木槿和最纯种的骏马都在海那卡伊.

  7. OBJECTIVE To study a preparation method of mangiferin monosodium salt. 目的:研究芒果苷单钠盐的制备工艺.

  8. Mangoes and rice, mangoes and rice, we prefer mangoes and rice. 芒果和大米, 芒果和大米, 我们更喜欢芒果和大米.

  9. Determination of residue of chlorine pesticides in mango leave. 测定芒果叶中有机氯农药的残留量.

  10. ResultsThin film coating can promote the storage stability of MangoAnticough Tablet. 结果薄膜包衣可提高芒果止咳片的储存期稳定性.

  11. After eating feral mango very how to after itching, do? 吃了野生的芒果后很痒后怎么办?

  12. After approximately one week, little green mangoes now start to appear. 一个星期之后, 浅绿的芒果长出.

  13. The pulp of mango tastes very sweet and soft. 芒果的果肉尝起来很甜且很软.

  14. So saying he picked up a pebble and struck at the mangoes. 想到这里,他也捡起了一块石头去丢芒果.

  15. Home Decorative and Lighting from Mango wood , textile , Ceramic,Aluminium etc. 铝制, 陶制丝质芒果木制灯具和家庭装饰物品.

  16. Mango, our dog, is pretty big and has red fur. 芒果, 我们的狗, 是相当大,并已红色毛皮.

  17. If the ice - cream is mango, then we peel mangos in the factory. 如果冰淇淋是芒果口味的, 我们会在工厂中剥芒果.

  18. I tossed the mangoes at his feet and escaped in terror. 我把芒果扔在他脚下,惊惶地逃开了.

  19. Tie - in what fruit hits litchi is juice good? Where is mango? 荔枝搭配什么水果打汁好? 芒果 呢 ?

  20. Mango weevils is a main pest attacking mango in the tropical region. 芒果象甲是危害芒果的重要害虫之一.

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