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更新时间:2022-04-22 来源:互联网 点击:

  汉语解释:韭菜,(学名:A. tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng.)别名:丰本、草钟乳、起阳草、懒人菜、长生韭、壮阳草、扁菜等;属百合科多年生草本植物,具特殊强烈气味,根茎横卧,鳞茎狭圆锥形,簇生;鳞式外皮黄褐色,网状纤维质;叶基生,条形,扁平;伞形花序,顶生。那么,你知道韭菜的英语怎么说吗?



  leek ; fragrant-flowered garlic; (Chinese) chives;



  He is always confusing wheat with leek.


  He said the dumplings with the stuffing of pork and leek were his favourite.



  Harvey felt bad when he was obliged to eat the leek.


  Leeks and potatoes go well together in a soup.


  He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives.


  Chive plants are beautiful plants to grow in your garden or home.


  This pocket knife is used to cut chives.


  Harvey felt bad when he was obliged to eat the leek.

  1. Leeks and potatoes go well together in a soup. 汤中放韭菜和土豆尝起来很对味.

  2. When he first came to the countryside, he couldn 't tell wheat from Chinesechives. 他刚到农村时, 连麦子韭菜都分不清.

  3. Holding the bowl, his eyes fixed on the dark green chives, his hands started totremble. 捧着碗, 看着那深绿的韭菜末儿, 他的手不住的哆嗦.

  4. The son tells: Dig leek, kind towel gourd went. 儿子讲: 挖韭菜, 种丝瓜去了.

  5. Liu , garlic, scallions, ginger and other Health and seasoning mix welltogether. 料,有蒜泥 、 韭菜段 、 生姜末及其他调味料放在一起拌匀.

  6. He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives. 他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子.

  7. He is always confusing wheat with leek. 他对麦苗和韭菜总是辨别不清.

  8. Leek but from eat together with spinach? 韭菜可不可从与菠菜同吃?

  9. This pocket knife is used to cut chives. 这把刀子是用来割韭菜的.

  10. Home eat the leek half - moon box. 想吃家里 半月形 的韭菜盒子.

  11. Eastern Asian plant; larger than Allium _ schoenoprasum. 一种东亚的草本植物(韭菜葱属),叶扁平、开有白色小花、细长球茎上裹有纤维状表皮; 比细香葱大.

  12. Furthermore, it put forward the basic measures of exploiting and utilizing thewild chinese chives Area. 文章介绍了野韭菜的基本生物特性,综合分析了其食用价值和潜在的药用价值, 提出了野韭菜开发利用的基本对策.

  13. No cyanobacterial toxin was determined in leek and soil, suggesting that thesafety of cyanobacteria fertilizer. 韭菜和土壤样品中未检测出藻毒素含量, 表明使用蓝藻有机无机复混肥对植物和土壤是安全的.

  14. In another wok, fry the vermicelli, chives and dried beancurd. Add in thegravy. 在另一个锅里, 加入米粉, 豆干和韭菜,稍炒, 逐量加入汤汁.

  15. In addition the price such as leek, green Chinese onion, tomato all alsopresents rising state. 此外韭菜 、 大葱 、 西红柿等价格也均呈高涨态势.

  16. We are to " first, such as chives, cut the still of Health. " 可我们是 “ 头如韭菜, 割了还生 ”.

  17. The seed oil of Allium tuberosum was extracted by supercritical CO _ 2 fluidextraction. 运用超临界CO_2萃取技术,从韭菜籽中萃取出韭菜籽油.

  18. He said the dumplings with the stuffing of pork and leek were his favourite. 他说他喜欢吃大肉韭菜馅的饺子.

  19. And accompanied by exquisite bean pie, potato pie, leek, meat and moreflavor. 并且配以精致的豆馅 、 土豆馅 、 韭菜 、 肉馅,更有风味.

  20. A: During treatment, avoid phototonus food ( such as celery, leek, caraway &etc ) and phototonus drugs. For sensitivity skin 答: 治疗期间感光性食品 ( 如芹菜 、 韭菜 、 香菜 等 ) 和感光性药品. 敏感性皮肤禁食用会引起皮肤过敏的食品.

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