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  In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."

  One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?"

  "Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short."

  "Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.

  The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.

  The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.

  The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.

  The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.

  Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.

  The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. The rabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit. "I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.

  Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race.

  "I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.

  乌龟与兔为他们俩谁跑得快而争论不休。于是,他们定好了比赛的时间和地点。比赛一 开始,兔觉得自己是天生的飞毛腿,跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路旁睡着了。乌龟深知 自己走得慢,毫不气馁,不停地朝前奔跑。结果,乌龟超过了睡熟了的兔子,夺得了胜利的 奖品。


  The Rabbit and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑

  It is a bright spring morning. A Tortoise walks by and meets a Rabbit.

  Tortoise: Hi there, Mr. Rabbit. Beautiful day, isn’t it?

  Rabbit: Aren’t you “the Slow Tortoise”?

  The Tortoise is a little mad, but he doesn’t show it. The Tortoise still tries to be nice to the Rabbit.

  Tortoise: Yes, I’m Mr. Tortoise. I’m happy to meet you. Let’s be friends.

  Rabbit: No, thank you. I don’t want to be your friend.

  Tortoise: How come?

  Rabbit: Your legs are too short. You can’t jump. And you are too slow.

  Tortoise: My legs may be short. And I may be slow. But I can still beat you in a race.

  Rabbit: Ha!Ha!Ha! That’s funny! How can you beat me? I am much faster.

  Tortoise: I can beat you for sure.

  Rabbit: No, you can’t!

  Tortoise: Yes, I can!

  Rabbit: No, you can’t!

  Tortoise: Yes, I can! Let’s have a race now. Then you’ll see.

  Rabbit: Now? Okay! Why not? I will win for sure.

  Tortoise: Let’s make a bet. If I win, you must carry me on your back.

  Rabbit: I promise. But if I win, you must carry me.

  Tortoise: Fine.

  The other animals in the forest hear about the race and gather to see the Tortoise and the Rabbit run. The race is about to start.

  Tortoise: See the mountain top?

  Rabbit: Yes.

  Tortoise: The first one to reach there, wins. Okay?

  Rabbit: Okay.

  The Fox is the starter.

  Fox: Stand behind this line. Are you both ready?

  Tortoise: Yes

  Rabbit: Me too.

  Fox: Okay. I’ll start the race. One! Two! Three! Go!

  The Fox drops the white handkerchief and the race starts.The Rabbit is very fast and is already way ahead. The tortoise walks very slowly. The other animals are all cheering for the Tortoise. The Fox is worried about the Tortoise.

  Fox: Poor Mr. Tortoise. He will lose for sure.

  Goat: How do you know? Maybe he will win.

  The Rabbit is already half way up the mountain. He is out of breath. He stops to look behind.

  Rabbit: Where is the Tortoise? I can’t even see him. He is too slow for me. This is too easy.

  The Rabbit decides to take a nap before the Tortoise comes.

  Rabbit: I am a little tired. And I have a lot of time. So, I will take a nap here.

  The Rabbit takes a nap. Even though the Tortoise is still far behind, he doesn’t stop or give up. He just walks and walks and walks.

  Tortoise: I am tired, but I must go on. I must win the race. One, two. One, two.

  The Rabbit falls asleep and continues to sleep for hours. The Tortoise is now at the middle of the mountain. He sees the Rabbit sleeping.

  Tortoise: It’s Mr. Rabbit! Why is he sleeping here? He must be very tired. I am tired, too. But I must go on. One, two. One, two.

  The mountain top is not too far away. The Tortoise is almost at the finish line. All the other animals are surprised.

  Goat: Look! It’s the Tortoise!

  Fox: Where’s the Rabbit?

  Goat: Who knows? Come on, Mr. Tortoise! Go! Go! Go!

  The tortoise takes one step, and another step, and another.

  Tortoise: One, two. One, two. I’m almost there.

  Just then, the Rabbit wakes up from his nap and is surprised. He realizes that he has slept too long. He sees the Tortoise near the mountain top. He runs, and runs, and runs, but it’s no use.

  Rabbit: Faster! Faster! I must run faster!

  Finally, the Tortoise reaches the mountain top first and wins the race.

  Goat: Hooray! Hooray for Mr. Tortoise!

  Fox: Congratulations, Mr. Tortoise! You won the race!

  Tortoise: Thank you, thank you, everyone!

  The Rabbit is too late. He feels ashamed.

  Rabbit: Oh, no! I lost. Now I have to carry the Tortoise on my back.

  The Rabbit goes to shake hands with the Tortoise.

  Rabbit: Good race. Congratulations, Mr. Tortoise. You won the race.

  Tortoise: I told you, I would win.

  Rabbit: But how did you do it?

  Tortoise: It wasn’t too hard. Just take one step after another. It may be slow, but you will get there for sure.

  Rabbit: Oh…Now, I will keep my promise. Climb up on my back.

  Tortoise: That’s okay. Let’s just be friends.


  bird: friends, friends, come here and have a look.


  the hare and the tortoise will have a match again.


  monkey: the hare and the tortoise will have a match?


  didn’t the hare lose last year? why do that again?


  bird: yes, the hare lost the match last year, and her mother was too angry to eat anything in two days.


  mother hare order them to have a match again this year.



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