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  写字[xiě zì]写字的英文怎么说


  write ; writing ; drive the quill ; lettering

  网 络write;lettering;Writing;drive the quill



  The child is not yet able to write.


  Do you always write left-handed?



  Space your words when you write.


  The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.


  Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters.


  The classroom is silent except for the busy scratching of pens on paper.


  They have their scale model in the writing desk.


  There is my watch and chain on the writing table.


  You need a piece of chalk to write words or draw pictures on the blackboard.

  1. When I left school at 16, I couldn't read or write. 我16岁退学的时候既不识字也不会写字。

  2. to write on the blackboard 在黑板上写字

  3. She leaned forward, hunching over the desk. 她身体前倾,伏在写字台上。

  4. Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right. 用左手写字的人比用右手的人少。

  5. In some countries children don't start learning to read and write until they are six. 有些国家的儿童到了六岁才开始读书写字。

  6. She can't write yet, but she loves to scribble with a pencil. 她现在还不会写字, 但她喜欢用铅笔乱涂.

  7. Not many people can write with the left hand. 用左手写字的人并不多.

  8. He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper. 他在纸张的两面都写字以节省用纸.

  9. He has addled his head with reading and writing all day long. 他整天读书写字,头都昏了.

  10. She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk. 她在写字台上把皱巴巴的信展平.

  11. When we write, we always use pens or pencils. 我们写字总是用钢笔或者铅笔.

  12. He cannot read or write. 他不会看书,也不会写字.

  13. He could write with either hand. 他左右手都能写字.

  14. He wrote with a quill. 他用羽毛笔写字.

  15. A few words were smeared. 有写字被涂模糊了.

  16. Children must learn to write neatly. 孩子们必须学会整洁地写字.

  17. Don't wobble the desk when I'm writing. 我写字时你不要摇动桌子.

  18. You can line blank paper for writing. 你可以在空白纸上划线以便写字.

  19. I can't write with this pencil stub. 我无法用这根铅笔头写字.

  20. Space your words evenly when you write. 写字的时候,字与字之间要均匀地分开.

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