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照相的英文怎么说(照相 英文怎么说)

更新时间:2022-04-22 来源:互联网 点击:


  照相[zhào xiàng]照相的英文怎么说(照相 英文怎么说)


  take a picture ; take pictures ; have one's picture taken ; take photographs

  网 络take pictures;take photos;photography;take a picture



  I can't possibly afford to buy a camera like Ted's. It costs the earth.


  Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.



  May I take a picture of you?


  Take a roll of film and your camera and go outside and photograph what you see.


  They go to the studio to have their photo take.


  A picture made by photolithography.


  They go to the studio to have their photo taken.


  He came to the photo studio with his newly married wife.


  He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.

  1. I hate being photographed. 我讨厌照相 。

  2. For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6. 用闪光照相 ,要把光圈孔径定为5.6。

  3. They were photographed separately and then as a group. 他们先单独照相 ,然后合影。

  4. The camera just came apart the first time I used it. 我第一次使用这台照相机时,它就裂开了.

  5. When it comes to photography, I'm not an adept. 要说照相 , 我不是内行.

  6. The family was grouped together for the photograph. 全家人聚在一起照相 .

  7. He is disinclined to be photographed. 他不情愿被人照相 .

  8. It's getting too dark to take photographs. 对照相 来说天太暗了.

  9. The photographer priced himself out of the market and had to change his job. 摄影师要价太高,没有人来照相 ,他不得不换工作.

  10. He said photography and life in general were a lot like that. 他说照相 ,还有整个人生都是这样的.

  11. He sold the house and bought first - class equipment with the money. 他把那小房子买了,用那笔钱买了一套上好的照相 器材.

  12. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera. 她松开了照相 机上的送片装置。

  13. The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist. 银版照相 的发明者是位法国艺术家。

  14. Of special interest is the photographic determination of altitudes of lunarformation. 最有趣的是用照相 来测定月面结构物的高度.

  15. The photographer posed the family before taking the picture. 摄影师在照相 前先让一家子摆好姿势.

  16. The joint use of professional photographic laboratories rarely works out well. 和职业照相 室合用一间暗房是做不出什么好成绩来的.

  17. She snatched the album from him and shut it with a bang. 她从他那儿抢过了照相 本,砰的一声合上了.

  18. Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also beinstalled. 还应安装照相 用的永久性聚光灯.

  19. He also discovered how to take pictures using a short exposure. 他又发现了短暂曝光照相 法.

  20. Ions of different isotopes converge at different points on the photographicplate. 在照相 底板上不同的同位素的离子会聚于不同点.

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