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  <名>game over

  网 络game over;The Game Is Over;endgame;END GAME



  You will not be able to start a new game for a while once this one ends.


  Many Kinect games capture videos of you as you play games and then play them back for you at the end.



  To win a match, you must be the ruler who has the highest score at the end of the match.


  To win a match, you must be the ruler who has the highest score at the end of the match.


  He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the mandolin after the program was over.


  Each player was given a number of virtual tokens, redeemable for money at the end of the game.


  Each player was given a number of virtual tokens* , redeemable * for money at the end of the game.


  If the game is at Susan's advantage, what is the expected number of times the game will be tied at Deuce before the game ends?


  You can no longer end up in a personal union with someone you are at war with.


  There were only goose eggs at the end of the game.

  1. The objective is to have the lowest score when the game ends. 其目标是得分最低时游戏结束并胜出.

  2. There were only goose eggs at the end of the game. 游戏结束只得了零分.

  3. When you die, your CD is popped out, Game Over! 到你死的时候, 你这张碟片就被弹出了磁盘, 游戏结束!

  4. Fixed Zombies continuing to spawn when the game is over. 修正了小僵尸在游戏结束后还不断被召唤出来.

  5. The story ends with the night the game ended. 故事在晚上的游戏结束后谢幕了.

  6. Added Victory Animations for units at the end of the game. 在游戏结束后增加新的胜利情节.

  7. After the game you can score and make an assessment fortune - Oh! 游戏结束后还能为你的分数进行评估做出占卜哦!

  8. Shut up the box, the game is over. 把盒子关紧, 游戏结束了.

  9. Game ended. Please restart next round. 游戏结束.请重新开始下一回合.

  10. Game is finished when all cells are occupied. 游戏结束时,所有细胞都被占领.

  11. Odds of survival in 10 years: Game over. 10年内存在的可能性: 游戏结束.

  12. Hit the edge of wall, and the snake itself the game is over. 撞到边缘、墙壁 、 和蛇本身,游戏结束.

  13. After the game, the defender found his target. A real newbie, first day and they talked. 游戏结束后, 守方玩家找到了刚刚那位进攻者. 一位今天第一次打漆弹的新手.

  14. His team escorted him off the court, the clock ticked down and the game wasover. 他的研究小组护送他离开法庭,略微下降, 时钟,游戏结束了.

  15. At thethe puzzle session the participants were asked to make a snapdecision about the products. 在智力游戏结束后,参与者被要求对他们所要购买的产品快速做出决定.

  16. Doubtless many others will join in when the games are over and tact allows. 游戏结束后无疑更多其他的媒体也会掺合进来,如果官方允许的话.

  17. Just take your time to tie your shoes, or finish up your play. 慢慢系你的鞋带, 把你的游戏结束了再说.

  18. In this process does not allow out - of - bounds snakeheads or physicalencounter, the end of the game. 在此过程中不允许蛇头出界或碰到身体, 否则游戏结束.

  19. If the box under the figures, said that around eight box the total number ofmines. 如果方块下出现数字, 则表示在其周围的八个方块中共有多少颗地雷.如果方块下有地雷,则提示游戏结束.

  20. Improved EndGame Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation andcontent ( total gold row coming in near future ) 改进了游戏结束时候记分牌和记分牌中买眼的外观和内容 ( 不久的将来会添加总金额 )

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