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更新时间:2022-04-22 来源:互联网 点击:

  汉语解释:苦瓜(学名:Momordica charantia L.)葫芦科苦瓜属植物,一年生攀援状柔弱草本,多分枝;茎、枝被柔毛,叶片轮廓卵状肾形或近圆形,上面绿色,背面淡绿色,脉上密被明显的微柔毛,叶脉掌状,雌雄同株,果实纺锤形或圆柱形,花、果期5-10月。那么,你知道苦瓜的英语怎么说吗?



  [植] balsam pear; Momordica charantia; bitter gourd ;


  1. But some bitter substances in It'such as elaterin are unacceptable.



  2. When [ balsam pear ] and { ocean } stirs in the same place.

  当 [ 苦瓜 ] 和{洋葱}搅拌在一起.

  3. Results Saponins in 80 % ethanol elution was the highest and over %.


  4. Results Saponins in 80 % ethanol elution was the highest and over 36 %.


  5. You have acquired a taste for bitter melon.


  1. But some bitter substances in It'such as elaterin are unacceptable. 由于苦瓜含有苦瓜素等物质,苦味较重,令一些消费者难以接受.

  2. When [ balsam pear ] and { ocean } stirs in the same place. 当 [ 苦瓜 ] 和{洋葱}搅拌在一起.

  3. Results Saponins in 80 % ethanol elution was the highest and over %. 结果80%乙醇洗液中苦瓜总皂苷的含量最高%.

  4. Results Saponins in 80 % ethanol elution was the highest and over 36 %. 结果80%乙醇洗液中苦瓜总皂苷的含量最高,可达到36%.

  5. You have acquired a taste for bitter melon. 你爱好吃苦瓜.

  6. Usually this is the result of confrontational escalation. 常常我们可见到孩童坐于处室内,一幅苦瓜脸及迷惑的样子.

  7. You have bitter melon. 我们喜欢吃苦瓜?我不喜欢.

  8. But the people do not eat bitter gourd , bitter gourd will never know aresuffering. 可是不吃苦瓜的人, 永远不会知道苦瓜是苦的.

  9. An HPLC method was developed to determine bright blue in bitter gourd beer. 本文采用聚酰胺粉吸附提取苦瓜啤酒中的色素亮蓝.

  10. The balsam pear is very bitter. but for our losing weight goal. tries to looktogether! 苦瓜是很苦. 但为了我们瘦身目的.一起试试看吧!

  11. This paper discussed the green maintaining methods and their effects ongreen vegetables as balsam pera. 探讨以苦瓜为代表的绿色蔬菜在加工过程中所采用的护绿措施及其护绿效果,确定护绿方法和护绿工艺条件.

  12. Undeniable: Sorrow is better than laughter, It'sadden your face, butIt'sharpens your understanding. 不可否认: 伤感比大笑更有益, 虽然它让你成了苦瓜脸, 但它能磨练你的意志.

  13. I could eat almost anything. The only thing I didn't really enjoy was bitter -melon. 我几乎什么都能吃, 我唯一不喜欢的东西就是苦瓜.

  14. Bitter melons are low in calorie, high in potassium, vitamin C and folic acid. 苦瓜的营养特色是热量低, 含有丰富的钾 、 维他命C与叶酸.

  15. Bitter foods containing mostly vegetables and wild headed, such as lettuce,celery, fennel, bitter melon. 含有苦味的食物多以蔬菜和野菜为首, 如生菜 、 芹菜 、 茴香 、 苦瓜等.

  16. Feelto take your gissa - job brochure , your equine miserable face anywheredaft to employ you. 别拘束,拿上你的‘给我个工作’宣传册 、 抱上恋马情结、带上苦瓜脸,去蠢到会雇你的什么地方吧.

  17. The optimizations of processing parameters for clarification juice of balsampear and Platycodon grandiflorum were ascertained. 以苦瓜、桔梗为实验原料,研究苦瓜桔梗复合饮料的加工工艺.

  18. The purification of saponins in Bitter Melon by macro - porous adsorptiveresins was investigated. 研究了大孔吸附树脂纯化苦瓜皂苷的方法.

  19. The processing technology of the refreshing beverage of Ilex kudingcha andMomordica charantia L. 研究了具有保健功能的苦丁茶苦瓜清凉饮料的生产工艺.

  20. The sun has practical HuaiZhi prescription for hemorrhoid, Fried melon ,balsam pear administering eye's rule, diarrhea. 比较实用的药方有晒槐汁治痔, 煎苦瓜治眼, 摘瓜蒂治下痢等等不一而足.

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