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  英 [ˈθɜ:ti] 美 [ˈθɜrti]30的英文怎么写(30的英文怎么写单词)


  复数: thirties


  1. 我们用低廉的价格买下了这辆车。We bought the car at a bargain price.

  2. “为什么你们要瞒着我?”我咆哮道。"Whyyou hide it from me?" I bellowed.

  3. 诱人的香气从锅里传出来。An inviting smell came out of the wok.

  4. 我们是拜把子兄弟。We are sworn brothers.

  5. 一想起玛丽,汤姆的心就怦怦地乱跳起来。At the thought of Mary, Tom's heart stuttered.

  6. 这个问题让我张口结舌。The question tied my tongue in knots.

  7. 我沉浸在甜美的幻觉中。I immersed myself in a sweet illusion.

  8. 他径直走开了,头都懒得抬一下。He walked away, not bothering to raise his head.

  9. 既然来了,就要努力工作。Now that you are here, you should work hard.

  10. 他脱下长衫,做了一个倒立。He slipped off his gown and made a handstand.

  11. 他这人有点手紧。He is a bit tight-fisted.

  12. 他比我高一个头。He stands a head over me.

  13. 紧邻操场建了一座体育馆。A gym was built next to the playground.

  14. 听到这里他放心地舒了一口气。At this, he heaved a sigh of relief.

  15. 我把他痛骂了一顿。I gave him a dressing-down.

  16. “住口”,他一巴掌猛地拍在桌子上。"Shutup," he banged the table.

  17. 如果我们混在人群里就不会被注意到了。If we mingle with the crowd, we will not be noticed.

  18. 他怒气冲冲地走了。He left in a huff.

  19. 大家认为广州一直就是他的老家。Everybody thinks Guangzhouhas been his hometown all along.

  20. 得知真相后,他勃然大怒。Knowing the truth, he flew into a rage.

  21. 大门咣当一声关上了。The gate clanked shut.

  22. 门里伸出一个头来,把他上下打量了一番。A man popped his head out of the door and looked him up and down.

  23. 他来到操场的最东边。He came to the east end of the playground.

  24. 听到这里,他不禁捧腹大笑起来。Hearing this, he split his sides with laughter.

  25. 一碰到麻烦她就冲着孩子大发脾气。When she was trapped in troubles, she would lash out at herchildren.

  26. 她是个急性子。She is a quick temper.

  27. 热闹过后,操场上恢复了平静。When the hustle and bustle died out, the playground regained peace.

  28. 他对紫禁城的历史有着浓厚的兴趣。He has a keen interest in the history of the Forbidden City.

  29. 那时候他是站在我们一边的。In those days he sided with us.

  30. 他打球打得很好,仅次于汤姆。He played well, second only to Tom.


  1. 他吃得太多,以致胃有点不舒服。He ate too much that his stomach felt funny.

  2. 不把这个事情搞清楚我就不吃饭。I will not eat until I get it straight.

  3. “别在我面前装傻。” Don't play the fool with me.

  4. 他下决心要一劳永逸地解决这个问题。He made his mind to solve this problem once and for all.

  5. “你做得太过火了。” You went too far.

  6. 他把对手咒诅了很久。He swore at his rivals for a long time.

  7. 市场上到处是来来往往的人。In the market are coming and going people hither and thither.

  8. 大家齐声喊起来。All shouted in unison.

  9. 他鼓起勇气,上前敲了敲门。He plucked up the courage to go to the door and knocked on it.

  10. 他是个两面派。He is a double-faced person.

  11. 他知道怎样讨好上级。He knows how to butter up his superior.

  12. 他和大家的关系都很好。He is on good terms with everybody.

  13. 他满怀着理想离家而去,最后却两手空空回到家中。He left home with high hopes but returned empty-handed

  14. 他知道,他让父母失望了。He knew he had let his parents down

  15. 他辗转反侧一整夜,不能入睡。He tossed and turned in the bed all night, sleepless.

  16. 汽车开走了,扬起一阵灰尘。The truck rolled away, stirring a cloud of dust.

  17. 看见孩子,玛丽面露喜色。At the sight of her child, Mary's face lit up.

  18. 看到这恐怖的一幕,我俯下身干呕起来。At the sight of horrible scene, I doubled over and dry-heaved.

  19. 他熬了一个通宵。He stayed up a whole night.

  20. 说起武功,他在这一带没有对手。When it came to martial arts, he had no equal in this region.

  21. 他的来访引起了很大的轰动。His visit stirred a great sensation.

  22. 寒风如针,刺着他的脸。The needle-cold wind pierced his face.

  23. 你成功的机会很小。Your chance of success is slim.

  24. 我压低了声音把消息告诉汤姆。I told the news to Tom under my breath.

  25. 大街上到处是一群群的学生。The streets swarm with students.

  26. 有他负责就不会出错。Nothing went amiss when he was in charge.

  27. 一阵痛楚袭上心头。A wave of panic ran over him.

  28. 听他说完,我沉默了。Hearing him out, I fell silent.

  29. 老爷看穿了他的心思。The master looked through his trick.

  30. 敲诈吓得他魂不附体。The blackmail scared him out of his wits.








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