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更新时间:2022-04-23 来源:互联网 点击:





  real estate


  物业管理 Property Management ; property management

  物业公司 property management company ; Property company ; Property Management

  前期物业 Preliminary property ; initial property management

  物业治理 property management ; Estate management ; Real property management

  商业物业 Commercial property ; Commercial ; commercial property ; commercial properties

  物业收费 Property charge ; thing industry

  物业问题 hXxnSnunBfHlaWubs ; cfcs climate relatively ;

  物业手册 Property manual ; Property Guide

  物业总公司 Property company ; Property corp


  1. The money will be used for the estate's upkeep.


  2. Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.


  3. Those who come unstuck are the ones who cannot sell the properties on fast enough.


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  One of China’s leading property tycoons has warned of a grim outlook for retail landlords as overcapacity and the rapid growth of ecommerce hit shopping malls in the world’s second-biggest economy.


  Zhang Xin, the chief executive and majority owner of Soho China, said the commercial property developer focused on Beijing and Shanghai had “pretty much converted all of our retail space, with a very few exceptions, to offices”.


  “You have some really well run high-end retail that will do well,” she said. “But way too many badly run high-end [malls] that won’t do well. And the low end has been beaten by online, so they are quickly disappearing.”


  In the heady days of easy credit and rapid economic growth of the past decade, developers in China rushed to build malls. But many shops and department stores have closed in the past two years as sales have slowed and online commerce has accelerated, exacerbating overcapacity that has left ghost malls across the country.


  Ms Zhang said Soho China, which she runs with her husband, was keen to tap into resilient demand for office space.


  She cited Soho’s recently completed Guanghualu 2 project in central Beijing, where 30,000 square metres of retail space was converted into shared offices under the 3Q brand the company launched last year.


  “We have quite a nice shopping mall we designed but, having realised there was hardly any market, we turned this into our flagship 3Q with 3,300 seats,” she said on Thursday on a trip to Hong Kong to announce half-yearly results.


  Ms Zhang, whose company is the biggest developer of offices in China’s top two cities, says the new serviced offices are popular with local and international internet companies such as Uber, Sina and Meituan Dianping that often need extra space at short notice.

  张欣的公司是北京和上海的最大办公空间开发商。她表示,新的服务式办公室受到当地和国际互联网公司的欢迎,如优步(Uber)、新浪(Sina)和美团点评(Meituan Dianping),这些公司往往需要在短时间内获得额外办公空间。

  Soho China aims to have 16,000 seats across 16 centres this year and plans to expand to cities including Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou.


  The move is part of a shift from an investment-heavy “build-and-sell” approach to a “build-and-hold” strategy to generate more stable rental income.


  Soho China’s revenue jumped by 85 per cent year-on-year to Rmb727m ($110m) in the first half of the year because of an increase in rental income, and profit after tax quadrupled to Rmb595m, boosted by valuation gains.


  But she said Soho China was still open to selling some non-core properties, particularly with many cash-rich Chinese insurers willing to pay high prices for assets with good rental yields.


  After the sale of one property this year drew bids from many Chinese insurers, she decided to put three more buildings on the market to cash in on their demand for suitable assets.


  Investors were initially sceptical about Soho China’s change of model but after slumping last year, its Hong Kong-listed shares are up by 40 per cent.


  Analysts at Credit Suisse say the asset sales should “unlock value” and support dividend payments as Soho works to boost its rental income.

  瑞信(Credit Suisse)分析师表示,上述资产出售应当能够“释放价值”,在SOHO中国努力提高其租金收入之际支持派息。

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