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  (of food) savory



  The red leaves of maple trees of the Fragrant Hills are the most charming autumn scenery in Beijing.


  The flowers gave off a fragrant odor.


  There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.


  The newly ploughed fields smelt sweet.


  The white flowers in the myrtle smell sweet.


  The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner.


  Use scented candles or incense instead of artificial air fresheners.


  Whoever makes any like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from his people.


  The fragrance is a subtle blend of jasmine and sandalwood.

  After a good night's sleep I feel fighting fit again. 昨夜睡得很香,我又觉得自己精力充沛了。

  Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon's youth and joy and beauty. 格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。

  "Aromatherapy oils" are not pure essential oils but dilutions. “香薰精油”并非纯精油,而是经过稀释的。

  Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look. 选花不仅要观其形还要闻其香。

  The sauce is thick and rich so don't bother trying to diet. 这个酱汁又浓又香,别费劲节食了。

  Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door. 桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。

  At the shrine of the god there were offerings, libations and incense. 神殿里供奉着牺牲、鬯酒和贡香。

  Boppard is a small, quaint town with narrow streets. 博帕德是一个有着许多深巷窄道、古香古色的小镇。

  Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas. 用你最喜欢的香味熏香你的抽屉和衣柜。

  Now he has only six or seven kissogram girls on his books. 现在他手头只有六七个香吻女郎。

  I use unperfumed roll-on deodorant. 我使用的是无香型走珠除臭剂。

  The pesto vinaigrette added a stimulating sharpness. 香蒜酱色拉调味汁增加了一种刺激性的辛辣味道。

  He was lying in bed, sound asleep. 他躺在床上,睡得正香。

  tortilla chips dipped in a picante sauce 蘸香辣调味汁的玉米薄饼

  She fell into a deep and peaceful slumber. 她睡着了,睡得又沉又香。

  The new skin balm was welcome by middle - aged women. 这种新护肤香膏受到了 中年 妇女的欢迎.

  The steak is so delicious that he's licking his lips. 牛排这么香,使得他垂涎欲滴了.

  There were many small lanes in the quaint village. 在这古香古色的村庄里,有很多小巷.

  I have no appetite because I didn't sleep well last night. 昨晚没睡好,吃饭不香.

  This kind of watch is very popular with ladies. 这种手表在女士中很香.


  Every woman loves perfume but without dousing yourself in half a pint of it every day, how do you make sure your favourite scent lasts? We have some top tips that can hopefully make it go that extra mile.


  1) Apply it straight after a shower

  1 直接在洗浴后用它

  When you’re in the shower your pores open up because of the steam it creates, so if you apply your perfume as soon as you step out, it will be soaked it up better and remain potent for longer.


  2) Moisturise your skin

  2 润滑你的皮肤

  The more nourished your skin is the better because perfumes take to plump, healthy skin much easier than they do to dryness. Use a fragrance-free option help oil your body.


  3) Use a matching body lotion

  3 用符合身体的洗发液

  To enhance the last point even more, try and buy perfumes with matching body lotions. They contain the same scent and so help the fragrance stay strong because the skin is moist and has a double whammy of scent.


  4) Don’t rub your wrists together

  4 不要一起摩擦你的手腕

  It’s something no doubt all of us do, but it is actually better for the perfume if you don’t rub your wrists together after applying it. The friction can break up the fragrance and make the scent fade quicker, so just apply it to your pulse points.


  5) Place on pulse points

  5 喷洒在脉搏处

  So we just mentioned your pulse points, and by these we mean behind your ears, your wrists and your throat.


  6) Store them right

  6 储存在恰当的位置

  To make the perfumes themselves last longer, it’s important to keep them in the right place. That is somewhere cool and dry, away from direct sunlight. Also, buy your perfumes in spray bottles - it will help to avoid evaporation and chemical reactions with the air.


  7) Choose strong base notes

  7 选择最强的味道

  Base notes are the most dramatic and longest lasting points in a perfume. Smells like pine, patchouli,vanilla and musk have been known to last the greatest length of time.


  8) Spray on a hair brush

  8 散在木梳上

  Our hair really hangs on to smells, so it’s the perfect way to keep hold of our favourite fragrance! Spray a little perfume on your brush and then run it through your locks, every time you swish you should get a whiff of your chosen scent.


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