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  Hong Kong

  英[ˈhɔŋˈkɔŋ, -ˌkɔŋ, ˈhɔ:ŋˈkɔ:ŋ, -ˌkɔ:ŋ]

  美[ˈhɑŋˈkɑŋ, -ˌkɑŋ, ˈhɔŋˈkɔŋ, -ˌkɔŋ]



  We affirmed that there will be no amnesty.


  According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.


  Hong Kong is a travellers' paradise.


  The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong.


  They are our Hong Kong correspondents.


  How do you like Hong Kong?


  They are coming back because they feel the pride and sense the opportunities.


  Recent surveys have shown that confidence level continues to rise.


  You are the people who lead our businesses and shape their character.

  They had asked Hong Kong for permission to put into port there 他们请求香港允许他们在那里入港停留。

  The s were the decade of Hong Kong's industrial take-off 世纪年代是香港工业开始快速发展的年。

  Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong 在香港,房地产与证券密切关联。

  She married into a leading Eurasian family in Hong Kong 她嫁入了香港的一个地位显赫的欧亚混血家族。

  He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron 他被派遣到香港任C中队的副队长。

  Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow 国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。

  He rushed in with an urgent telex from Hong Kong 他手里拿着一份香港发来的紧急电传冲了进来

  After his discharge from the school, he went to Hong Kong 他离开学校后去了香港

  After Father retires, he's going to locate in Hong Kong 父亲退休后打算在香港定居

  Hong Kong rates as the biggest trade centre in Asia 香港被认为是亚洲最大的贸易中心

  She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon 她离开香港,摆渡来到九龙

  Is there any aerial liner between Paris and Hong Kong? 法国和香港之间有定期航班 吗 ?

  He agreed to our sending Jack to Hong Kong 他赞成我们把杰克派往香港

  The Qing government ceded China's Hong Kong to Britain 清政府把中国的香港割让给英国

  Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on foreign businesses 香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于外国商行

  He flies to Hong Kong next day 他明天乘飞机去香港旅行

  A typhoon is now approaching Hong Kong 台风现正逼近香港

  Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland 香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于大陆

  Does the ship call at Hong Kong? 这艘船在香港停靠 吗 ?

  China exercises sovereignty over Hong Kong 中国对香港行使主权


  On the first day of my recent trip to Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post had a front-page story bemoaning the neglect of English.

  我不久前去香港,刚到的第一天,《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)在头版刊发了一篇感叹英语受到忽视的文章。

  While Hong Kong was officially bilingual, local ministers were increasingly giving speeches and blogging in Chinese without providing an English translation, the paper said.


  It is not just officials abandoning English. There are frequent complaints that Hong Kong generally has lost its ability to communicate in the language.


  This was my third visit to Hong Kong in a year, and I too have been struck by how many people struggle to speak English. It is a contrast with everywhere else I have travelled in recent years.


  I have written before about how hard it is to practise European languages because people insist on replying in English.


  Because English has Germanic and Romance roots, with plenty of Greek words, it is, of course, far easier for Europeans to learn English than it is for Chinese speakers.


  But it is not just in Europe that people appear to speak better English. Singaporeans seemed, when I went there last year, to speak English more fluently — and with a playfulness and joy that I missed in Hong Kong.


  In Shanghai, which I visited in 2009, I was struck by the number of people who spoke excellent English. Some had been to university in English-speaking countries, but others had just worked hard on the language at home.


  More extensive surveys have reached the same conclusion. The EF English Proficiency Index, which analysed test data from 750,000 adults in 63 countries, found that Hong Kong was well behind Malaysia and Singapore. The survey found that South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Taiwan were all ahead of Hong Kong in English.

  覆盖面较广的调查得出了相同的结论。对63个国家75万名成年人的测试成绩进行分析得出的英孚英语熟练度指标(EF English Proficiency Index)显示,香港的英语熟练程度远远落后于马来西亚和新加坡。调查发现,韩国、日本、印尼和台湾的英语水平都好于香港。

  For the first time ever, the survey said, Shanghai had overtaken Hong Kong in English proficiency.


  Answering a question in the Legislative Council in December on how this had happened, Eddie Ng, Hong Kong’s education secretary, said the EF index was based on the responses of self-selected online participants and that more objective tests, both internal and external, showed that Hong Kong’s English was either steady or slightly improving.

  去年12月在香港立法会回答为何会出现这个局面时,香港教育局局长吴克俭(Eddie Ng)表示,英孚指标是基于自行选择的在线参与者的应答,而更客观的测试,无论是本地的还是国际测试,都显示香港人英语水平保持平稳或有轻微进步。

  It is true that the EF index is not a scientific survey. And worries about declining English standards in Hong Kong are not new.


  In 2000, David Eldon, then Hong Kong-based head of HSBC in Asia, complained that recruits from Beijing and Shanghai who had never left China spoke better English than those in Hong Kong. “If you are going to have multinationals investing here, they are going to want people who are conversant and fluent in English. Today, they would be hard pressed to find them,” he said.

  2000年,当时驻香港的汇丰(HSBC)亚太区主席大卫?埃尔登(David Eldon)抱怨称,在北京和上海招募的从未离开过内地的员工,比香港的员工英语讲得更好。“如果你想让跨国企业到这里来投资,他们会想要精通英语并且表达流利的员工。如今,他们要找到这样的人才会很困难,”他说。

  Several people I spoke to blamed the decline on local education policy which, since the 1997 handover from Britain to China, prevents most schools using English as the language of instruction for other subjects.


  But complaints about English predate the handover. The first Financial Times article on the decline appeared in 1988, when we reported that the University of Hong Kong had become so concerned about students’ English that it had added a foundation year to its three-year courses.

  对港人英语水平下降的抱怨在回归之前就有了。在1988年,英国《金融时报》刊登了第一篇有关这一话题的文章,我们报道称,香港大学(University of Hong Kong)对学生的英语水平特别担心,于是决定为三年期的课程增设为期一年的预科。

  You could argue that, with China’s growing power, it is natural for young people today to turn away from English. But Johannes Chan, a law professor at the university, told me there were few signs that their Mandarin was improving as their English deteriorated.

  你可能会说,随着中国实力上升,年轻人如今疏远英语是自然的事。但香港大学法学教授陈文敏(Johannes Chan)告诉我,英语水平下降的同时,香港人的汉语水平也没有提升的迹象。

  While he said his law students still spoke good English, “in general, if one goes into the community and looks at the young people, there is a decline not only in their English, but in their Chinese as well. Their Mandarin is not as good as it should be. Their written Chinese is awful.”


  In any case, Hong Kong wants to be more than China’s window on the world. It sees itself as a world city, a match for London or New York, and world cities speak English.


  It takes a lifetime to master a foreign language and, everywhere, people have poured their efforts into English. They are not going to switch suddenly to Mandarin, much less to Cantonese.


  Whatever happens to the international balance of power, English will remain the world’s language for years. Hong Kong’s rivals in Singapore and Shanghai understand that.


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