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  信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C) ,是指开证银行应申请人的要求并按其指示向第三方开立的载有一定金额的,在一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件,接下来小编为大家整理了什么是信用证,希望对你有帮助哦!

  The letter of credit is the bank instrument that assures the person selling merchandise of payment if he makes the agreed-upon shipment. On the other hand, it also assures the buyer that he is not required to pay until the seller ships the goods. It is thus a catalyst that provides the buyer and the seller with mutual protection in dealing with each other.什么是信用证


  An international trading transaction begins when a buyer and a seller sign a contract that records all the elements of the transaction. Having worked out an agreement, the buyer and seller must arrange payment. The buyer will want possession before paying, and the seller will want payment before making delivery. Since each party often has an incomplete knowledge of the other, there is a certain caution to their dealings.


  At this point, the letter of credit can be extremely useful. The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller. The letter says, in essence, to the seller: we, the bank, promise that we will pay you when you submit certain documents evidencing that you have made the agreed-upon shipment. The bank has thus substituted its credit for that of the buyer. The letter of credit also protects the buyer, for he knows that he will not be called upon for payment by his bank until the evidence shows that the shipment has actually been effected.


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