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  dub in


  对白配音 DUBBING ; dialogue synchronization

  配音棚 dubbing studio

  最佳配音 Best Voice ; Best Voice Acting

  配音机 dubbing machine

  国语配音 Garrison's Gorillas

  配音工作 Voice-over work

  影片配音 film dubbing

  配音表演 Dubbing performance


  1. Is the movie dubbed or does it have subtitles?


  2. The film is dubbed.


  3. The movie was poorly dubbed.


  4. Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, and Denis Leary are the voices of the three heroes.


  5. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon films for children.


  6. Which of these american idol finalists from birmingham, alabama was dubbed the velvet teddy bear?


  7. Enables an author to create pages with background sounds or soundtracks.


  8. I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into Chinese.


  9. Record your own voiceover or insert audio file as background music.


  10. In the movie Stealth, Wentworth was the voice of EDI.

  在电影《绝密飞行》中, went是EDI的 配音.

  11. Burl lves provided the voice of some of the animals and people.


  12. I yell in the piece also am the later period dub.


  13. This is final GF & DM, voive language has changed, all japanese speaking!

  这是最终的GF 和 DM, 配音语言已改变, 全部说日语!

  14. Don't spoil the movie by adding your own soundtrack.


  15. Chaplin's earliest films were silent, because the equipment for adding.

  卓别林最早期的电影都是无声电影, 因为给影片配音的.


  Though you’ve never met Susan Bennett, you are probably more familiar with her than you think. You may have asked her for directions, what the weather is like, the score to baseball games and even to remind you to pick up dog food.


  Bennett has revealed herself the voice of Apple’s original Siri, and in a recent interview with CNN, she dished on, among other things, how she came to be the one to give life to your favorite snarky personal assistant.


  Bennett has done voice work for automated systems since the 1970s. Her first job in the biz was as the voice of Tilly the all-time teller, the first ATM machine. She’s also lent her vocals to GPS devices, automated telephone systems and even Delta airlines terminals.

  自上世纪70年代起,班尼特就开始从事自动系统声音录制方面的工作。她的第一份工作是为第一代自动取款机——“全天候柜员蒂莉” 配音。她也曾为全球定位导航GPS系统、自动电话系统,以及三角洲航空公司终端系统献声。

  “The Siri voices were recorded in 2005, in the month of July, four hours a day for the whole month,” Bennett told CNN. “When I recorded those voices, I had absolutely no idea where they would end up.”

  “苹果语音助理是我在2005年7月录制的,每天工作4个小时,干了整整一个月,” 班尼特告诉CNN的记者说,“当我录制那些声音的时候,我完全不知道它们是干什么用的。”

  Though Bennett’s thought was that those speech samples would be used in company telephone systems, according to CNN, she first heard her voice as Siri the same time many of us did - after the launch of Apple’s iPhone 4s in 2011.

  根据CNN相关报道,当时班尼特以为她录制的声音样本是被用在公司电话系统上的,结果在2011年苹果公司推出iPhone 4s 时,她和其他人一样第一次听到了自己当时录制的声音。

  “The first time I actually heard my voice as Siri was when my friend emailed me and said, ‘Isn’t this you?’ Bennett said. “And because I didn’t have the newest version of the iPhone, I went to the Apple site and that’s where I heard the voice, and I just went, ‘Ohh, hmm. That is me.’”


  Apple has yet to confirm that the Susan Bennett recordings were what was used to create the original Siri voice, but legal representation for Bennett has vouched for her and audio-forensics have told CNN that Bennett and the Siri voice are a “100%” match.


  ...for now, at least: With iOS 7, Apple has given users two options for Siri voices, a male and female now. And though Apple will neither confirm or deny, it sounds as though Bennett’s female voice has been replaced.

  至少目前为止是。随着苹果iOS 7问世,苹果公司已经为用户提供了男声和女声两种语音助理以供选择。尽管苹果公司尚未承认或否认此事,但听起来似乎班尼特录制的女声助理已经被另外的声音取代了。

  As for the sometimes “snippy” tone of our beloved original Siri, there may be an explanation for that.


  "There are some people that just can read hour upon hour upon hour, and it's not a problem,” Bennett explained to CNN. “For me, I get extremely bored ... So I just take breaks. That's one of the reasons why Siri might sometimes sound like she has a bit of an attitude. "


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