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更新时间:2022-04-23 来源:互联网 点击:

  舞狮是我国优秀的民间艺术。每逢佳节或集会庆典,民间都以舞狮来助兴、舞狮有南北之分,南方以广东的舞狮表演最为有名。那么你知道舞狮用英语怎么说吗? 下面跟着学习啦小编一起来学习一下吧。


  lion dance


  舞狮点睛 Lion dance dotting

  传统舞狮 the traditional lion dance

  观看舞狮 Watch the lion dance

  群众舞狮 the populace lion dance

  舞狮习俗 custom of lion dance


  1. Why Do People Perform Lion and Dragon Dances on Days of Jubilation?


  2. The first face's design is similar before the Chinese lion dance's face.


  3. Lion, as playing the Lions or the Lions Club.

  舞狮, 俗称耍狮子或狮子会.

  4. The Lantern Festival: Lantern , rice ball, riddles, lion dancing , dragon dancing.

  元宵节: 花灯, 汤圆, 谜语, 舞狮, 舞龙.

  5. Celebrations will start at 1 p.m. with the Chinese lion dance.


  6. In normal times more than lion dance teams dispatched lion dance celebrating the festive days.


  7. In the Shishi stadium, the extremely high rate lets the lion dance contestant burst out warmly.

  在石狮市体育馆, 极高的上座率让舞狮选手热情迸发.

  8. Lion from the first day of general activities to the beginning of seven areas seen everywhere.


  9. In my hometown, people seldom have the opportunity to see the lion dance during Spring Festival.

  在我的家乡, 现在过年已经很少见到舞狮表演了.

  10. Dances of dragons, unicorns, and lions ensure good luck for the coming year.

  舞龙 、 麒麟和舞狮确保了来年的好运.

  11. And did you set off firecrackers or go to see a and lion dance?

  你有没有放鞭炮,或是去看舞龙舞狮 呢 ?

  12. Lantern Festival including lion dance , dragon dance, lanterns and other customs of downtown.

  元宵节有舞狮 、 舞龙 、 闹花灯等习俗.

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