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  宝剑 [bǎo jiàn]宝剑的英文单词(宝剑的英文单词是什么)


  a double-edged sword



  He girded on his sword.


  The sword was presented by the family to the museum.


  Can you reforge my ancestral blade?


  Yet she learned this godlike sword skill.


  Then one night the sword disappears.


  The sword was so deeply embedded in the rock that no one could move it.


  The custom dates from the time when men wore swords.



  He pulled the sword out from the sheath.


  He drew his sword to get ready for battle.


  Is your name a type of sword?

  1. Their swords smoked with blood. 他们的宝剑 冒着血腥气.

  2. The custom dates from the time when men wore swords. 这个习俗始于男子佩戴宝剑 的时代.

  3. Confusion sets in as functions lose their sharp edges , and navigationbecomes oppressive. 由此产生的困扰可以让宝剑 失去锋芒, 人们无法忍受这样的浏览导航.

  4. My first officer has got your sword throughout his vitals, and passed withoutspeech. 我的大副被你的宝剑 刺中要害, 没说一句话就死去了.

  5. The prince took out his sword and killed the devils. 于是,王子抽出宝剑 ,保护着公主,砍倒了一个又一个恶魔.

  6. Bao Jianfeng self - sharpening out, plum blossom incense come from thebitter cold. 宝剑 锋自磨砺出, 梅花香自苦寒来.

  7. Red nose and finished with a sword against his head cut off. 赤鼻说完,提起宝剑 把头割了下来.

  8. The helmet, shield and sword are from the Academy's Coat of Arms. 头盔 、 盾牌以及宝剑 都是来自学院的武器.

  9. In the museum, we saw the famous Moxie double - edged sword. 在博物馆里, 我们看见了那柄有名的莫邪宝剑 .

  10. The sword looks dim and loses its original shine. 这把宝剑 暗淡无光,失去了往日的光辉.

  11. Jone use the Sue's double - edged sword kill the monster King. 众用苏的宝剑 杀了怪兽王.

  12. The two double - edged swords crashed and produced a clattering sound. 两把宝剑 相碰,发出叮当的一声.

  13. Great gift is for great men. 宝剑 赠英雄.

  14. He pulled the sword out from the sheath. 他把宝剑 从剑鞘里抽了出来.

  15. They were holding swords and looking very angry. 他们手持宝剑 ,怒目而视.

  16. He girded on his sword. 他系上宝剑 .

  17. Hogae: I will keep the sword. 吴凯: 宝剑 交给我保管.

  18. Taking off his sandals and unbuckling his jeweled sword, he placed them inthe hollow. 他脱下他的草鞋,解下镶了宝石的宝剑 , 把它们放到洞中.

  19. Regin's smithying, procures the fragments of his paternal sword Gram , andRegin welds them together. 西格德非常轻视雷因的锻造技术, 他设法要回了他父亲的那把格雷姆宝剑 的残片.

  20. Take the helmet of salvation the sword of the Spirit, which is the word ofGod. 并戴上救恩的头盔,拿著圣灵的宝剑 , 就是上帝的道.

上一篇:成功的英文翻译是什么(成功是什么意思翻译成英文) 下一篇:关于音乐的英文单词相关词汇大全(关于音乐的英语单词)
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