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  [bān mǎ xiàn]斑马线的英文单词(斑马线的英文单词怎么读)


  zebra crossing


  zebra stripes

  pedestrian crosswalk



  Reduce your speed as you get to the zebra crossing.


  The improved zebra crossings provided a strong visual signal to drivers.


  Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings.


  He ran into a bus at the zebra crossing.


  They do not give way to old folks or children crossing at the zebra crossing.


  A worker on his bicycle waited for the lights to change at the crossing.


  You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green.



  You should always give way to pedestrians at a zebra crossing.


  Many pedestrians cross the road recklessly instead of using crosswalks or underpasses.


  Pedestrians have to travel farther to cross the street legally unless they want to jaywalk.

  Go down to the intersection cross at the zebra crossing 你应该到十字路口那边走斑马线

  Topcoat: gantry walking agencies paint yellow - and black zebra crossings 面漆: 龙门架行走机构油漆成黑黄相间 斑马线

  Everyday when I go to school, I pass a crosswalk 每天当我去上学的时候, 都要穿过一条斑马线

  The bicycles are rare and expensive The pedestrin zebra is original 自行车少见且很贵,斑马线是原始的风格

  Take the zebra crossing, pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road 过马路要走斑马线 、 人行天桥或地下通道!

  Many pedestrians cross the road recklessly instead of using crosswalks orunderpasses 许多行人任意穿越马路,而不走斑马线或地下道

  All care should stoP at zebra crossing 所有车辆都要在斑马线前停下

  Blue zebra as KGD area and clearly marked 以兰色斑马线为良品区,并标识清楚

  Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings 大多数好司机都会在斑马线前停车

  The black and white lineslines on a Zebra so it's called a'Zebra crossing ' 斑马身上的黑色白色的条纹叫斑马线,所以人行道也叫斑马线

  You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turngreen 只有当交通号志变成绿色时,你才可以通过斑马线

  But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up 但是当他们通过斑马线过繁华的马路时, 交通就被阻碍了

  There was only one big road to cross, but it had a zebra crossing 只有一条大路要过, 但它有斑马线

  When you go across the zebra cross, the buses and cars must stop 你过斑马线的时候, 公车和汽车要停

  Pedestrians should always cross the road on a crossing, and should neverrun across the road 行人应总是在斑马线处过马路, 一定不要横穿马路

  There was no eidence to suggest a deceleration in bone growth in childrenmanaged with pamidronate “斑马线”需与Harris的生长停滞线相区别

  To obey the command of traffic lights, zebra crossings to cross the roadwalk 服从交通红绿灯的指挥, 过马路走斑马线

  They do not give way to old folks or children crossing at the zebra crossing 而且在斑马线,十字路口,也从来不给老弱妇孺让路

  Pedestrians have to travel farther to cross the street legally unless they wantto jaywalk 行人需要走远一点从斑马线上横过马路,除非他们想要乱穿马路

上一篇:花生用英语怎么说(一些花生用英语怎么说) 下一篇:小鸟的英文怎么读
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