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  日常英语的交流对话:Do you have a minute日常英语的交流对话(英语日常对话)


  Amelia: Do you have a minute?

  Max: Sure, what would you like to discuss?

  A: I've made a tough decision, sir. Here's my resignation.

  M: Well, I have to tell you that I'm quite surprised.

  Is there any possible way to change your mind?

  A: I'm afraid not, sir. I've made up my mind.

  It's something I have to do.

  M: Can I ask why? Were you unhappy working for us?

  A: Oh, no. Not at all.

  M: Are you planning on studying abroad?

  A: No, sir.

  M: Have you been given a better offer?

  A: Oh, no. I would never look for another job while working here.

  I think this is a fantastic place to work.

  M: Well, what's the problem then?

  A: It's my mother. She's sick and needs someone to take care of her.

  I'm the only one who can do it.

  M: I'm sorry to hear that, but you don't need to quit over that.

  Why don't you just take a leave of absence?

  We can hold your job for you until your mother gets better.

  A: Really? I didn't know that would be possible.

  M: Sure, we'd be crazy to lose a good worker like you.

  A: Thanks, sir.


  M: Amelia, could you spare a few minutes?

  A: Sure. What do you need?

  M: Well, I wanted to let you know that I've put in my notice.

  A: Really? Why?

  M: It's complicated. But basically it boils down to one thing.

  This company is downsizing and I can't continue working

  for a company that may let me go ..

  A: But surely they wouldn't fire you!

  You're one of the most experienced managers here.

  M: Well, to be honest, there's another reason. I've got a better offer.

  A: Well that's great news! Congratulations!

  Where will you be located?

  M: The head office is in New York,

  but I'll be dealing with overseas companies

  and flying to this side of the world from time to time.

  A: It'll be sad to see you go,

  but it sounds like you've found yourself a great opportunity.

  M: I have. I feel lucky.

  I look forward to dealing with overseas companies and

  at the same time having a chance to use English more.

  A: I'm sorry to bring this up now,

  but would it be possible for you to write me a letter

  recommendation before you go?

  M: Of course I can. In fact,

  if there are any other job opportunities at this new company.

  I'll recommend you personally.

  A: Thanks. I appreciate that.

  日常英语的交流对话:Pay and Welfare


  Paige: Have you finished going through the contract?

  Kyle: Yes, but I have a few questions for you.

  P: Ok. Ask away.

  K: First, I'd like to know if you offer employees sick leave.

  P: Yes, employees can take up to 10 days of sick leave per year.

  However, in order to get paid,

  you'll have to bring in a note from the doctor's.

  K:Even if I'm only sick for one day? That's correct.

  P:That's pretty strict, if you ask me.

  K:Well, we've had to add that to the contract because

  we found that many of our employees were taking almost

  one sick day a month, even though they weren't sick.

  P:I see. I guess that makes sense.

  K:Do you have any other questions?

  P:Yes. Maternity leave is mentioned in the contract,

  but there's nothing in the contra about paternity leave.

  Do you offer anything to fathers?

  K:We do actually.

  We can add that as an amendment to your contract.

  How many days of paternity leave do you offer?

  P:Men are allowed to take 10 days of paternity leave for

  their first child.

  Why are women allowed so much more time for maternity leave?

  K:Well, women are the ones giving birth.

  I think it's fair to give them more time, don't, you?

  P:I guess so. I don't have any other questions.

  Should I sign here then?

  K:Yes, please.

  Dialogue 2

  K: Could we possibly discuss my salary some time?

  P: Sure.

  K: First of all, I want you to know that

  I really like working for this company.

  Do you think I'm doing a good job here?

  P: Well, you are a very hard-worker.

  K: I try very hard.

  The problem is, my salary just isn't enough to live on.

  Now that I have a wife and a child to support,

  we hardly have enough money for food and rent.

  P: There are trying times for everyone.

  What do you propose?

  K: I could really use a 5 % raise.

  P: That's quite a bit. If I give you a raise,

  I'm going to have to lPve everyone a raise.

  K: Listen, if you give me a raise, I'll take on extra responsibilities.

  P : That sounds reasonable. How about this?

  From now on, you can be responsible for scheduling.

  That means that if you can't find someone to cover a shift,

  then you'll have to do it.

  K: That's fine. Do I get over-time for any extra hours that I work?

  P: Of course. It'd be against the law if we didn't.

  K: That sounds good to me. I really appreciate it.

  P: You're welcome. Come in early tomorrow and I'll show you how

  to do the scheduling.

  日常英语的交流对话:OOffice Facilities


  Caroline: This bloody computer!

  Aaron: What seems to be the problem?

  C: My computer just crashed again for the third time today!

  A: What were you doing when it crashed?

  C: I was just opening up an attachment in an email

  about winning the lottery.

  A: I think that might have been a virus.

  C: Oh, no! I thought it seemed a bit strange.

  A: What kind of computer do you have, a Mac or a PC?

  C: It's a Pc. Doesn't everyone have a PC in this office?

  A: No, some people have Macs now, too.

  C: What's the difference?

  A: PCs often crash from viruses,

  but it's nearly impossible to get a virus from a Mac.

  C: I didn't know that.

  A: Has your computer turned back on yet?

  C: Yes.

  A: Did you end up losing any of your work?

  C: Fortunately, I saved my work right before it crashed,

  so it should be OK.

  A: You should probably call the IT department and

  have them check your computer for Vlruses.

  C: That's a good idea. I'll call them now. Thanks for your help!


  A: The sound quality on your computer is great!

  Did the speakers come with your computer or did you buy them

  as an add-on?

  C: I bought the speakers separately, but they're not turned on now.

  A: Impressive. Could you do me a favour?

  C: Sure, what do you need?

  A: Do you know how to send a fax internationally?

  C: Yes, I fax documents from time to time back home to

  my family.

  A: Do you think you could help me fax this to France?

  C: Sure. It's pretty easy actually. You'll have to take out the staple

  first, though.

  A: I'll do that now.

  Do you have any of those forms that we can use as a cover page?

  C: Those are in the filing cabinet by the receptionist's desk.

  A: Do I have to ask the receptionist to get it for me

  or can I get one from the cabinet myself?

  C: Just go and get one, fill it in,

  attach it to your document with a paper clip,

  and then put it in the in-tray on the receptionist's desk.

  She'll do the rest of it for you.

  A: Really? Is that easy?

  C: Sure, haven't you read the notke board lately?

  They just put up the procedures for sending taxes a few days ago.

  A: Oh, I guess they must be worried about one of us wrecking

  the fax machine.

  C: Actually, I think they want to keep an eye on who

  we are faxing things to.

  A: Will they send a personal fax for me?

  C: Sure, you just need to pay a small fee.

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