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更新时间:2022-04-24 来源:互联网 点击:




  A: Which food do you like best?

  B: I like humburger best.

  A: Why?

  B: Because there are delicious meat in the humburger.And I also like the vegetables, I think they test good. What about you?

  A:Me? I think I like noodles.


  A: Hello, this is the journal from Weekend Forum. I read several reports concerning the creative idea of your company management recently. I am very interested so that I wonder if I can interview the person in charge on the phone.

  B: Thank you for your attention, but I'm sorry that we don't accept temporary on-line interview commonly. If you want to gather materials, please offer a copy of written interview outline,we wii give you a reply after we render to the upper.

  A:what precise are your requirements about the outline?

  B:You'd better lay out the theme specific questions,the interview time form of the interview and name and ground, etc.

  A: I see. I'll compose it as quickly as possible.

  B:Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We'll call back within the next few days.







  A: What do you think is the biggest environmental problem today, Dr.Li?

  B: There are much threat to our environment nowdays, but I think the biggest problem is the attitude of human. How we treat our environment can influent the environment directly.

  A: And would you like to tell me how the way that human beings see environment can effect our environment?

  B: Ok! Most of people see everything as independent from another and ignore the relation among them. For example, the forest is related to the soil, sunshine, water and it can influent the climate nearby as well. If we are blind to their relationships and destroy any part of them,like deforesting, and our destory the climate by the same time.

  A: That's really too bad! So how can we protect the environment well? What can we do?

  B:In my own opinion, the most efficent way to help our environment is not to impact on them. Just let our environment developes itself.

  A: But I think we can save water in our daily life or don't leave rubbish every. These behavior also can protect our enviroment.

  B: Yeah,everyone can make a contribution in daily life.


  Interviewer [A]: Hi, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions today.

  Interviewee [B]: Hello. Thank you for the opportunity.

  A: It has been a few days since you won the tennis world championships, how do you feel now?

  B: I'm still pretty excited to be honest, I wasn't expecting to win.

  A: This is your... third championship win?

  B: Yes, though the other two wins were back when I was just starting out. It has been a few years.

  A: Some people didn't believe you still had it in you, what do you say to them?

  B: Well, obviously I still do have it! [Laughs.]

  A: [Laughs too.] Yes, that's true. Could you please tell us a little about how you got started?

  B: Sure. I was eight, my dad and I started playing tennis in the backyard. He was a pretty good player too before his retirement. Guess it runs in the family.

  A: It seems to be the case! What are your plans now? I believe more congratulations are in order, I hear your and your wife are expecting another child.

  B: Oh, yes, we're expecting our second child any day now. I guess after the excitement dies down I need to prepare to be a full-time dad. I'm not sure if I'll be entering the next championship just yet to be honest, but we will see.

  A: Well, I for one hope to see you on the court again. It was a magnificent win. Thank you very much for your time, and good luck with your new kid!

  B: I will certainly think about it. And thank you.







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