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  网 络make kites;make a kite;Making kites;making a kite


  1. My father can a kite bamboo and paper. 我爸爸会用竹子和纸做风筝.

  2. He is making a kite these days. 这些天来他一直在做风筝.

  3. Is he making a model plane? No, he isn't. He is making a kite. 他正在做模型飞机 吗 ?不, 他不在. 他正在做风筝.

  4. Weifang residents love kites and love flying kites. They even make kitesthemselves. 潍坊人爱风筝,放风筝, 还要自己做风筝.

  5. He'll make a kite for me. 他将给我做个风筝.

  6. Boy has done a kite. 男孩做了一个风筝.

  7. An unwise experiment which is often mentioned is Benjamin Franklin's famouskite in a thunderstorm. 经常提到的一次欠考虑的实验是本杰明?富兰克林做的著名的在雷雨中放风筝实验.

  8. The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架.

  9. An unwise experiment which is often mentioned is Benjamin Franklin's famouskite in a understorm. 经常提到的一次欠考虑的实验是本杰明·富兰克林做的著名的在雷雨中放风筝实验.

  10. Can you make a plane model? No. but I can make kite. 你会作摸型飞机 吗 ?不会.但我会做一个风筝.

  11. I built a strong kite and waited for bad weather. 我做了一个很结实的风筝,等待着恶劣天气的到来.

  12. Kites were also used as beacons, to distribute pamphlets, and even totransport bombs. 风筝还被用做信标, 用于散发宣传小册子, 甚至运送炸弹.

  13. Who is Tom going to make a kite for? 汤姆要给谁做个风筝?

  14. Did you make this kite yourself? 嘉宾:这是你们自己做的风筝 吗 ?

  15. Really? Can you make a dragon kite? 真的 吗 ?你能做一只龙的风筝 吗 ?

  16. My uncle will make me a kite. 叔叔将为我做一只风筝.

  17. Has this boy done a kite? 这男孩做了一只风筝 吗 ?

  18. Who is going to make tom a kite? 谁要给汤姆做个风筝?

  19. Is the kite made by Xiao Ming? 这个风筝是小明做的 吗 ?

  20. They make them selves a kite. 他们给他们自己做了个风筝.

  21. What ________ you like to ________ ? A kite. 你喜欢做什么东西? 风筝.

  22. He made a big and colorful kite. 他做了个五彩缤纷的大风筝.

  23. Kites also used as beacons, to distribute pamphlets, and even to transportbombs. 风筝还被用做信标, 用于散发''.'宣传'.''''.'小册子'. '', 甚至运送炸弹.

  24. So I played kites with my son afternoon after my son finished his homework. 所以,下午儿子做完作业之后,我和儿子一起去放风筝去了.

  25. We made a lot of colourful kites and flew them in the playground. 我们做许多丰富多彩的风筝并且在运动场飞越他们.

  26. Even weight distribution as the complete kite is made of the same material. 重量发行作为完全风筝被做同样材料.

  27. The kites were beautiful and what's more, the children had made themthemselves. 这些风筝很美丽;而且, 是小朋友们自己做的.

  28. Kites have been used through the centuries in religious ceremonies, atfestivals, and as tools for studying weather. 若干世纪以来风筝还用于宗教仪式 、 节庆活动中, 也用做研究天气的工具.

  29. In the 14 th century, Wang Hu experimented with gunpowder - propelledrockets, making him a pioneer of aeronautics. 十四世纪中国人万户利用火箭的反冲力和风筝上升的力量做升空实验, 被誉为人类航天史上第一“飞人”.

  30. One day , my friend, Saleem, came to play with me and we made our firstkite. 我的小伙伴萨拉姆过来陪我一起做了第一支风筝.

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