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更新时间:2022-04-24 来源:互联网 点击:

  下面是学习啦小编整理的百货商店常用英语, 希望对大家有帮助。


  (一)Key Sentences(重点句子)

  May I see these ties?


  Here's a nice-looking one.


  These are silk ties embroidered with dragons, pandas or goldfishes.


  Will there be anything else, madam?


  Could you tell me where the ladies' department is?


  Will you show me some pure silk blouses?


  What size do you want?


  Can I try it on?


  The fitting room is right over there.


  Let me check for you.


  No, it's a little too loud, but thank you just the same.


  I'd like to buy a white shirt.


  What size,please?


  This is a very fine shirt.


  Don't you have any less expensive shirts?


  I'd also like to see the tie in the showcase.


  The price is all right,but it's a bit showy,isn't it?


  Dialogue A

  A:Can I help you, madam?

  B:Yes,may I see these ties?

  A:Certainly, madam. Here's a nice-looking one.

  B:Yes, it's nice. But my friend wants a silk tie with a Chinese pattern.

  A:All right. Please come over this side, madam. These are silk ties embroidered with dragons,pandas or goldfishes.

  B:They are beautiful. I'll take these two. How much?

  A:Only twenty yuan each. Will there be anything else,madam?

  B:No, thank you. Here's the money. Oh, could you tell mew here the ladies' department is?

  A:Yes. It is on the next floor up. (In the ladies department)

  B:Will you show me some pure silk blouses?

  A:Sure. What size do you want?


  A:Here's yellow one and it's large.

  B: Good. Can I try it on?

  A:Yes, the fitting room is right over there.

  B:(Ten minutes later) Excuse me. This is too large. Have you got any medium size?

  A:Let me check for you. Yes, we do, but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway?

  B:No,it's a little too loud, but thank you just the same.

  A:You're welcome.

  Dialogue B

  A:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

  B:Yes. I'd like to buy a white shirt.

  A:Yes,sir. I'd be glad to show you some. What size,please?


  A:Here's one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.

  B:How much is it?

  A:These are fifty-nine each.

  B:That's a little more than I want to pay. Don't you have any less expensive shirts?

  A:Yes,I think I can find some for you. Here are some forforty yuan,and then we have some here for thirty-five.

  B:Thirty-five will be all right. I'll take this one.

  A:Are you sure one will be enough?

  B:Yes, that's all I need just now.

  A:Do you need anything else?

  B:I'd also like to see the tie in the showcase.

  A:Which one, sir?

  B:The green one.

  A:This one?

  B:Yes, that one. Is it pure silk?

  A:Yes,sir,pure silk and hand-made.

  B:How much it is?

  A:Twenty yuan,sir.

  B:I'm afraid it doesn't fit me very well. Have you got any other ones?

  A:How about this one? It's ten yuan.

  B:The price is all right, but it's a bit showy, isn't it?

  A:Oh,I don't think so,sir. I think it becomes you.

  B:Then I'll take it.

  A:Thank you, sir. Will you wait a moment please? I'll have it wrapped.

  Words and Expressions

  scarlet n. 猩红色

  loud a. 过分花哨的,俗艳的

  showcase n. 陈列柜,橱窗

  showy a. (过分)装饰的,(太)华丽的


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  I'd like to see an overcoat for the autumn.


  Not too heavy and not too light.


  How do you like this,ma'am?


  It's much too light in color for the autumn.


  It's made of exceptionally good quality,pure wool,very soft.


  Please come with me to the fitting room.


  I like this style, but I don't care for the color.


  Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.


  This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart.


  It's in fashion now.


  Would you like to try it?


  It just suits me,I'll take it.


  How much do I have to pay?


  That's rather more than I thought of paying.


  I should have like something cheaper.


  Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.


  It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.


  Here's a gorgeous outfit.


  It looks just great on you.


  Dialogue A

  A:Do you want some assistance,ma'am?

  B:I'd like to see an overcoat for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light.

  A:How do you like this, ma'am?

  B:It's much too light in color for the autumn. I'd rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.

  A:What about this then? It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.

  B:Very good. May I try this on?

  A:Please come with me to the fitting room.

  B:I like this style, but I don't care for the color. It's loose at the waist, and it's a bit too large.

  A:What about this one? We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown, light green, light yellow, crimson.

  B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.

  A:Yes, ma'am. This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart. It's in fashion now. Would you like to try it?

  B:All right, it just suits me, I'll take it. How much do I have to pay?

  A:Three hundred yuan.

  B:That's rather more than I thought of paying. I should have something cheaper.

  A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. ma'am. It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. It wears very well and keeps its shape.

  B:All right, I'll take it. I expect it's worth it. Can I pay by Visa Card?

  A:We don't accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.

  B:OK. Will you accept Master Card?

  A:Yes, we do. Please go to the cash counter and pay for it. I'll wrap it up for you.

  B:All right, thank you.

  Dialogue B

  Rosa:I never expected there would be so many people.

  Miss Liu:Oh, this is nothing. On weekends, you won't even be able to move around. Don't forget you're in China.

  Rosa:You're right. Let's go upstairs. It might be less crowded on the second floor. I want to look for an outfit for myself.

  Miss Liu:Oh,there is the directory over by the escalator.

  Rosa: Yeah, but can't read all the characters.

  Miss Liu: Let's see… first floor, cosmetics, footwear, traveling bags. Second floor… sportswear, ladies clothing…

  Rosa:Let's go directly to the second floor.

  (At the ladies section on the second floor. )

  Rosa:Here's a gorgeous outfit. Jacket and pants to match. They look the right size. It'll probably fit me.

  Miss Liu:Why don't you try it on? The fitting-room is over there.

  Rosa:I think I will. (Trying the clothes on. ) Well,what do you think, Liu?

  Miss Liu:Terrific. It looks just great on you.

  Rosa:Thanks. I think I'll take it. Let's go and pay.

  Words and Expressions

  exceptionally ad. 异常地

  crimson n. 深红

  directory n. 购物指南;电话簿

  cosmetic n.化妆品

  footwear n. 鞋类

  gorgeous/ a. 好看的;华丽的

  terrific a. 好极了;棒极了









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