男孩起名 女孩起名 公司起名 店铺起名 牛年起名 虎年起名 生辰八字起名 英文起名 诗词起名
励志文章 励志故事 励志文案 励志电影 励志名言 励志句子 励志歌曲 励志签名 励志格言 高考励志 励志诗句 励志网名 励志书籍 励志演讲稿 励志小说 励志座右铭 励志人物 励志对联 励志说说 励志作文
伤感的句子 唯美的句子 爱情的句子 优美句子 正能量句子 经典句子 表白的句子 哲理句子 友情的句子 好词好句好段 美好的句子 朋友圈说说的好句子 搞笑的句子 想你的句子
微信个性签名 QQ个性签名 伤感个性签名 霸气的个性签名 情侣个性签名 男生个性签名 女生个性签名 英文个性签名 超拽个性签名 非主流个性签名 搞笑个性签名 火星文个性签名 唯美个性签名
白羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 狮子座 处女座 天秤座 天蝎座 射手座 摩羯座 水瓶座 双鱼座 星座知识
属鼠 属牛 属虎 属兔 属龙 属蛇 属马 属羊 属猴 属鸡 属狗 属猪 生肖基础知识
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 订婚祝福语 新年祝福语 情人节祝福语 母亲节祝福语 父亲节祝福语 建党节祝福语 七夕节祝福语 教师节祝福语 国庆节祝福语 中秋节祝福语 爱情祝福语 毕业祝福语 开业祝福语 升学祝福语 高考祝福语 中考祝福语 考试祝福语 搬新家祝福语
个性说说 伤感说说 搞笑说说 心情说说 爱情说说 经典说说 qq说说 朋友圈说说 情感说说 晚安说说 下雨说说 霸气说说 七夕说说
入党申请书 入团申请书 自我鉴定 工作总结 工作计划 个人简历 辞职报告 检讨书 演讲稿 心得体会 实习报告 转正申请书 导游词 述职报告 策划书 加油稿 慰问信 感谢信 介绍信 邀请函

*高考专升本英语作文10篇 2021年成人高考专升本英语真题

更新时间:2023-03-03 来源:互联网 点击:


  In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher.

  What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was dee* impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students.

  Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



  Dear Julie:

  Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday. The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great, and my husband and I enjoyed it very much. Therefore, we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p·m. this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.

  Please do come.









  As everybody knows that the traffic problems in ourcity become more and more serious. During the rush-hours every morning and afternoon, the roads are verycrowded. There are traffic jams almost on every mainroad. The accident rate becomes higher than before. Ithink that it is high time for the city government to takesome measures to solve this problem.

  First of all, we should repair the roads, for some ofthe roads are in bad condition and it is difficult for thedrivers to go through. Secondly, we should build more overpasses so as to cut down traffic jams. Thirdly,the pro-duction of cars should be controlled, for there are toomany cars moving on the roads every day. As long as wedo something like this, the traffic problem will be solvedor at least the accident rate will be lowered. I do hope ourgovernment will accept my suggestions.










  It is informed that Mr. Zhang Qingming, professor ofcom*r science at Peking University,is unable to cometo our school as planned because of a sudden illness. Hisdoctor predicated he would recover from his illness in acouple of days. His lecture on com*r science has beenrescheduled on the next morning, Thursday, August first,2012,at 9:00 a. m. in the Teaching Building Hall. Allteachers and students in this field are requested to bepresent. Others were welcome to attend the lecture.

  July 25,2017eaching Affairs Office


Dear Editor

  I am a high school student and now I am going to take the College Entrance Examination. I am writing to you about my difficulty in learning English. In fact, I do well in other subjects, but English is my headache. I cant remember the new words and expressions I learned in class. So I often make a lot of mistakes in multiple choices and cant understand the articles fully because of my poor vacabulary. Whats worse, I have trouble listening to English. I totally cant understand what those people are talking in English. What should I do? You are an expert in teaching students English. I hope you can give me some suggestions to help me solve my problem. Looking forward to your re*.



  When we take a look at the TV show, we can find that the stars are becoming much younger than before. As the saying that to be known as early as possible, so the child star has become the agents’ main target. But being famous at the early age means losing childhood, when they grow up, they need to pay the price.


  Many children become famous and then they will out of control when they become *s. Take Justin Bieber for example. He was famous at 16, before 19, he looked like a good boy and got so many fans. But in the following years, he became a bad boy gradually. He beat the journalists, said the dirty words to the media and even drove the car with drinking alcohol.


  It is not good for the children to be famous, they should go to school and have a normal childhood. Getting fame too early will make them lose themselves and distorts their view about the value, which also make them have trouble in communicating with other people.


  The price of being famous early is such terrible that it is not suitable to let the children get fame.



  Disneyland is the world’s biggest entertainment park, it was created by Walt Disney. Nowadays, many children like to go to Disneyland and have fun for a day. Last year, my family went to Hong Kong and we spent a day in it. It was such a good memory for me.


  When I went to Hong Kong, I felt so excited, because I wanted to go to Disneyland for a long time, and this time my dream finally came true. Before I came to the entrance, I saw the big pictures of the Disneyland world and the classic cartoon characters. They were so lovely. When I got to the Disneyland world, there were so many people, the atmosphere was so lively.

  当我去香港的时候,我感到很兴奋,因为我很久之前就想去迪斯尼乐园了,而这一次我的梦想终于实现了.在我来到门口前, 我看到了迪斯尼世界的大图片和经典的卡通人物.他们是如此可爱.当我到达迪士尼乐园的世界里,有那么多人,气氛很热闹.

  I was so impressed by the amusement equipments. As the music was playing, I felt myself was in the wonderland. I saw the pumpkin car, the wooden horse, the Ferris wheel and so on. I played all the amusement equipments and felt so satisfied. The most excited thing was to see the parade. I saw my favorite Mickey Mouse and other cartoon characters.

  我对游乐设备印象非常深刻.由于音乐一直在放, 我觉得自己是在仙境里.我看到了南瓜车,木马,摩天轮等等.我玩遍了所有的游乐设备,感到很满意.最兴奋的事是去看*.我看到了我最喜欢的米老鼠等卡通人物.

  I had a great day in the Disneyland world.



  People have different ideas about this issue, Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger, do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.


Dear Sir,

  While I was on holiday in Hong Kong about a week ago, I bought a green blouse for 268 dollars in your shop, but there seems to be something wrong with it. When it is washed, the color runs. Now I can’t possibly wear it. It’s not my fault, so I’d like you to solve the problem for me. I insist you change it for another one for me or give me my money back. I think it’s better for you to make sure that everything in your shop is good. Then you will have more customers.

  I’m looking forward to your early re*.


  Li Hong


Dear Wang Qiang,

  Im glad to learn that you are busy preparing for college entrance exams. Where there is a strong will, there is a success. I am sure that you will overcome all kinds of difficulties in your study

  Im planning to go to Wuxi and look around in the city for a few days. Ill take the train and arrive at 6 oclock a.m. on May 1st. Will you please come and meet me at the station? Im going to stay in Wuxi till May 4th. Please help me book a hotel room. I hope to stay in a hotel around the downtown area but the price shouldnt be very high. I dont mind if the room is small. Another thing. Can you book a ticket for me back to Shanghai on 4th?

  All the best!






  In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher.

  What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was dee* impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students.

  Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.





  Fake Commodities

  Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem. Many things can be faked such as soybean sauce, vinegar, bicycles, and many other things. The interests of consumers are affected, and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap fake commodities.

  There are some reasons for such a phenomenon. The major one is the desire of some people to “make easy money”。 These people think nothing of the law of the protection of intellectual property rights.

  To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities, the government should educate people to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and not to sell any fake goods. The government should punish severely and close down all the factories producing fake goods.







  As everybody knows that the traffic problems in ourcity become more and more serious. During the rush-hours every morning and afternoon, the roads are verycrowded. There are traffic jams almost on every mainroad. The accident rate becomes higher than before. Ithink that it is high time for the city government to takesome measures to solve this problem.

  First of all, we should repair the roads, for some ofthe roads are in bad condition and it is difficult for thedrivers to go through. Secondly, we should build more overpasses so as to cut down traffic jams. Thirdly,the pro-duction of cars should be controlled, for there are toomany cars moving on the roads every day. As long as wedo something like this, the traffic problem will be solvedor at least the accident rate will be lowered. I do hope ourgovernment will accept my suggestions.


Dear Editor

  I am a high school student and now I am going to take the College Entrance Examination. I am writing to you about my difficulty in learning English. In fact, I do well in other subjects, but English is my headache. I cant remember the new words and expressions I learned in class. So I often make a lot of mistakes in multiple choices and cant understand the articles fully because of my poor vacabulary. Whats worse, I have trouble listening to English. I totally cant understand what those people are talking in English. What should I do? You are an expert in teaching students English. I hope you can give me some suggestions to help me solve my problem. Looking forward to your re*.



  Dear Wang Qiang,

  Im glad to learn that you are busy preparing for college entrance exams. Where there is a strong will, there is a success. I am sure that you will overcome all kinds of difficulties in your study

  Im planning to go to Wuxi and look around in the city for a few days. Ill take the train and arrive at 6 oclock a.m. on May 1st. Will you please come and meet me at the station? Im going to stay in Wuxi till May 4th. Please help me book a hotel room. I hope to stay in a hotel around the downtown area but the price shouldnt be very high. I dont mind if the room is small. Another thing. Can you book a ticket for me back to Shanghai on 4th?

  All the best,



  With the development scientific technology and the improvement of people’s life standard, a growing number of e-books have been available for the readers. Therefore, some people hold the idea that e-books will replace traditional books in the future, because the former is more advantageous than the latter, such as more convenient and less expensive.


  However, as far as I am concerned, e-books will not and cannot replace traditional books. First, compared with traditional books, we cannot get the same pleasure from reading e-books in that e-books are easier to make our eyes to be tired and dry when reading. Second, with concern about copyright, there are many books are not available in digital form, especially classics. In other words, the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third, there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have-as a gift and a collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep a printed form even though he has read the electronic form of it.


  In a word, traditional books will continue to be the most important form in our reading.



  People have different ideas about this issue, Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger, do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions. Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men. There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world. We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.


Dear Apartment Management Officer:

  I am writing to complain about my neighbor Mr. Black.

  Mr. Black lives next door to me, and he disturbs my life. He has a party almost every day. During these parties, people are making a lot of noise. They are dancing, laughing and shouting. They often do such silly things till early morning. What’s more, when they have drunk too much, they often quarrel and fight against each other. I can’t put up with all these. I can’t sleep well at night and my kid can’t concentrate on his studies. Please tell Mr. Black to stop all these things and respect others privacy.

  Looking forward to your re*.


Wang Meng


Dear John,

  I’ve got my plane ticket to New York, I will take Flight CA981 to New York on June 25th. My plane takes off at 10:20 AM from Beijing Airport. It arrives at Shanghai at 12:20 PM and stops for one hour and twenty minutes. Then it continue its flight and lands at Los Angles at 10:50 AM on June 25th. I will have to stay about four hours at Los Angles Airport. Then my plane leaves Los Angles at 14:45 PM. The flight takes five hours and I will finally get to New York at 7:45 in the evening.

  I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.


Li Ping


  Final Exams in Building 7 on the date of June 20th are postponed because of the electricity problem.

  The new-fixed date for the exams is June 23th in Building 7(thesame building )and the rooms for each class are not changed.

  Students who are going to take your exams in this building please pass the change notice to everyone you know to make sure no one will miss his/her exam.

  Repeat:Final exams on June 20th in Building 7 have been changed to June 23yh in the same rooms and the same building.

  Sorry for the inconvenience the event brings to all of you.


Administration Office





  Ⅰ. Phonetics(10 Points)


  In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D、 Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1、A、 head B、horizon C、 honour D、 human

  2、A、 city B、bicycle C、 face D、 climb

  3、A、 think B、these C、 breathe D、 with

  4、A、 ground B、country C、 thousand D、 found

  5、A、 pour B、hour C、 course D、 four

  6、A、 both B、post C、 cold D、 son

  7、A、 altogether B、talk C、 always D、 also

  8、A、 suggestion B、nation C、 dictation D、 satisfaction

  9、A、 started B、closed C、 waited D、 needed

  10、A、 rare B、fare C、 scare D、 are

  Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)


  There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、 Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  11、 _______ idea of _______ sounds much better than Clare’s.

  A、 The, hers B、That, her C、 That, hers D、 One, her

  12、 China is famous ________ the Great Wall.

  A、 about B、for C、 as D、 of

  13、 Our school ________ new facilities.

  A、 is equipped with B、equips with C、 will be equip with D、 has equip with

  14、 I made this myself but it was _______ who taught me.

  A、 he B、him C、 himself D、 by him

  15、 He had his bicycle _______ yesterday.

  A、 repair B、repairing C、 repaired D、 be repaired

  16、 It was a ________ room, with beautiful wall paper, waxed floor and nice furniture.

  A、 pleased B、pleasant C、 pleasing D、 preasant

  17、 He regretted _______the decision too hastily.

  A、 make B、to make C、 making D、 have maked

  18、 The professor insisted that we _______ our homework before next month.

  A、 handed in B、will hand in C、 hand in D、 must hand in

  19、 It ______ me of the country which we visited last summer.

  A、 remembers B、recalls C、 reminds D、 tells

  20. He _______ smoking at last.

  A、 gave up B、gave out C、 gave in D、 gave off

  21、 John was _______ he lay down for an hour before dinner.

  A、 so tired as B、so tired that C、 too tired that D、 too tired so

  22、 Your answer is different ________ the teacher’s.

  A、 to B、at C、 from D、 with

  23、 It would be _______ a risk to leave the baby alone.

  A、 running B、passing C、 carrying D、 obeying

  24、 The fact _______ his health is bad is not true.

  A、 which B、that C、 as D、 what

  25、 These ______ did unusually well in the contest, so the judges didn’t know whom to give prize to.

  A、 woman singers B、women singers C、 women singer D、 womans singers

  26、 Man must stop _______ the earth’s atmosphere.

  A、 filling B、wasting C、 polluting D、 blackening

  27、 We can’t _______ another 100 kilometers any more.

  A、 have B、turn C、 make D、 reach

  28、 Is Mary ______ to join in us?

  A、 supposed B、exposed C、 supported D、 indicated

  29、 I want to be told all _______.

  A、 which happen B、which happened C、 that had happened D、 that had been happened

  30. We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, _______ who invented the electric light and many other things.

  A、 man B、a man C、 the man D、 men

  31、 Don’t tell me such things _______ you are not certain.

  A、 that B、which C、 those D、 as

  32、 _______ a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes.

  A、 In terms of B、In place of C、 By means of D、 By far

  33、 Jackson went to work ______ his illness.

  A、 besides B、even though C、 in spite of D、 although

  34、 Anybody will do, _______ he is responsible for that.

  A、 as far as B、so far as C、 as long as D、 as soon as

  35、 I suppose they have known about it, _______?

  A、 am I B、am not I C、 have they D、 haven’t they

  36、 It ______ him ten years to write that novel.

  A、 took B、spent C、 cost D、 costed

  37、 The students are looking forward to _______ their holidays in Japan.

  A、 spend B、spending C、 for spend D、 spent

  38、 They all ______ mentioning that girl.

  A、 avoided B、got away C、 ran awayhttp://www.wenku1、comD、 escaped

  39、 Human beings should find a new _______ of energy.

  A、 orient B、source C、 origin D、 souse

  40. The couch is comfortable to _______.

  A、 sit B、be sat C、 sitted D、 sit on

  41、 So loudly _______ that all the people in the room got a fright.

  A、 he shouted B、shout he C、 did he shout D、 he did shout

  42、 He is the only one of the sons in the family who ______ received high education.

  A、 are B、is C、 have D、 has

  43、 We think of Mr. Li ______ our good friend.

  A、 is B、to be C、 as D、 has been

  44、 The mountain is 1,000 feet _______ the sea level.

  A、 over B、higher C、 above D、 high

  45、 The road will be blocked if there _______ another snow.

  A、 is B、will be C、 to be D、 will have

  46、 David like country life and has decided to _______ farming.

  A、 get hold of B、get along with C、 go in for D、 go thorough

  47、 These children have an advantage _______ those in calculation.

  A、 over B、than C、 to D、 with

  48、 Shanghai has a larger population than _______ in China.

  A、 any city B、any other cities C、 other city D、 any other city

  49、 In some countries there are a lot of young people now need _______teeth.

  A、 false B、untrue C、 wrong D、 erroneous

  50. This book costs ______ that one.

  A、 twice more B、twice more as C、 two times more as D、 twice as much as Ⅲ. Cloze (20 points)


  For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B,C and D、 Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. 51, medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking 52the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non-smokers who

  must involuntarily inhale (吸入) the air 53by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers 54Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films 55 in laboratories 56 there may be a fire hazard (危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good 57I am 58asking you to maintain “No-Smoking” in classrooms and seminar rooms.

  This will prove that you have the 59health in mind, which is very important to a large 60 of our students.

  51、A、 Still B、Further C、 More D、 Again

  52、A、 in B、to C、 on D、 with

  53、A、 polluting B、be polluted C、 polluted D、 to be polluted

  54、A、 them B、themselves C、 their own D、 they

  55、A、 and B、but C、 as well as D、 also

  56、A、 where B、which C、 that D、 how

  57、A、 feeling B、sense C、 realize D、 think

  58、A、 so B、next C、 therefore D、 and

  59、A、 non-smokers B、non-smokers’ C、 non-smoker’s D、 non-smoker

  60、A、 number B、amount C、 many D、 much





  She had said what it was necessary to say.


  It is not who rules us that is important,but how he rules us.


  He was all gentleness to her.


  A crime is a crime a crime.

  5、“something(much)of”和“nothing(little)of” “something of”相当于“to some extent”,表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为“anything of ”,可译为“有点”,“略微”等。译为“毫无”,“全无”。much of译为“大有”,not much of可译为“算不上”,“称不上”,little of可译为“几乎无”,something like译为“有点像,略似”。

  They say that he had no university education,but he seems to be something of a scholar.

  6、同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,“of”以及它前面的名词构成一个形容词短语,以修饰“of”后面的那个名词。如“her old sharper of a father”,可译为:“她那骗子般的'父亲”。

  Those pigs of girls eat so much.


  It is as plain as plain can be.

  8、“It is in(with)…as in(with)”

  It is in life as in a journey.

  9、“as good as…”相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。

  The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy,that he would adopt him.

  10、“many as well…as”和“might as well …as” “many as well…as”可译为“与其……,不如……,更好”,“以这样做……为宜”,“如同……,也可以……”等等。“might as well …as”表示不可能的事,可译为“犹如……”,“可与……一样荒唐”,“与其那样不如这样的好”等等。

  One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.




  I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time. I am a clerk. I often feel tense and become tired easily. Perhaps, I need to relax myself a bit. I hope to become a member of your club. I have many hobbies and interests. For example, I like photography, calligraphy and painting, dancing and singing. And I like going fishing, collecting stamps and raising flowers. Besides, I am good at playing Chinese chess and cards. Please write back and tell me if there are some formalities that I will have to go through. Thank you very much in advance. Looking forward to your re*.

  Yours, ZhangHao



  Dear Julie:

  Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday. The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great, and my husband and I enjoyed it very much. Therefore, we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m. this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.

  Please do come.




  Dear Mr. Jefferson:

  I am writing to thank you for your kindness and hospitality I enjoyed during my stay in your place.

  It is very kind of you to invite me to spend my Christmas holiday in your place last month. The room you arranged for me in your house was quiet, clean and comfortable. The food was very delicious. And visits to local scenic spots were really wonderful. They have not only broadened my horizon, but also eiched my experience. By the way, if it is convenient for you, please come over and spend your Spring Festival this year in my place.

  Thank you very much again.


  I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”. Have a nice stay here.

  Yours, Alice


  A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting. If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants. If, on the other hand, the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

  To be successful in a job interview, the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

  First, the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking. Second, he is supposed to display his ability, especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is ap*ing. Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

  If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.






——*高考专升本医学综合考点 (菁选2篇)















  第1题 视网膜感光最敏锐的部分是( )

  A.眼球后极部分  B.视神经盘  C.黄斑与视神经盘之间的中央凹  D.黄斑外侧的部分  E.黄斑区的中央凹

  第2题 *食管的第三个狭窄距中切牙( )

  A.15cm  B.25cm  C.40cm  D.50cm  E.75cm

  第3题 剪刀步态可见于( )

  A.脑性瘫痪  B.高血压患者  C.小脑疾病  D.佝偻病  E.大骨节病

  第4题 休克病人补液后,血压仍低,中心静脉压不高。5~10分钟静脉注入等渗盐水250ml,如血压升高,而中心静脉压不变,提示( )

  A.心功能不全  B.血容量不足  C.血容量过多  D.血管张力过高  E.血管张力过低

  第5题 HBsAg持续(+),HBeAg(-),抗HBe(+)或(-),提示为( )

  A.急性乙型肝炎早期  B.急性乙型肝炎恢复期  C.慢性肝炎  D.肝硬化  E.HBsAg携带者

  第6题 肺通气是指( )

  A.气道与外界环境问的气体交换  B.气道与肺部问的气体交换  C.肺部与外界环境间的气体交换  D.肺与血液问的气体交换  E.二氧化碳出肺的过程

  第7题 甲状腺下动脉发自( )

  A.椎动脉  B.甲状颈干  C.胸廓内动脉  D.锁骨下动脉  E.颈外动脉

  第8题 高血钾病人发生心律紊乱时,首先给予( )

  A.5%碳酸氢钠溶液100ml静脉推注  B.11.2%乳酸钠溶液60ml静脉推注  C.50%葡萄糖溶液60ml静脉推注  D.10%葡萄糖酸钙20ml静脉推注  E.25%葡萄糖溶液200ml+胰岛素15U静脉点滴

  第9题 生理所说的体温是指( )

  A.机体深部温度  B.机体深部*均温度  C.机体深部温度与表层温度的*均值  D.机体表层温度  E.机体深部温度与表层温度的差值

  第10题 食管第2狭窄( )

  A.距中切牙15cm  B.距中切牙25cm  C.距中切牙30cm  D.距中切牙35cm  E.距中切牙40cm

  第11题 下列所致急性肾衰竭因素中,哪项属于肾前性的( )

  A.严重脱水  B.尿路结石  C.输尿管结石  D.肾实质病变  E.肾毒素

  第12题 支配泪腺分泌的神经是( )

  A.面神经  B.舌咽神经  C.副神经  D.三叉神经  E.迷走神经

  第13题 以下哪项不是右心功能不全的体征( )

  A.发绀  B.水肿  C.梨形心  D.肝大  E.颈静脉怒张

  第14题 脊髓末端终止于( )

  A.第1腰椎下缘  B.第2腰椎下缘  C.第1骶椎下缘  D.骶管裂孔  E.第3腰椎下缘

  第15题 下列属于肾源性水肿特点的是( )

  A.机体下垂部明显  B.全身性水肿  C.压陷性水肿  D.伴肝脾大  E.从颜面部开始

  第16题 颅中窝的结构有( )

  A.筛骨筛板  B.垂体窝  C.内耳门  D.颈静脉孔  E.盲孔

  第17题 不属于淋巴器官的结构是 ( )

  A.淋巴结  B.集合淋巴滤泡  C.扁桃体  D.脾  E.胸腺

  第18题 视杆细胞的感光色素是( )

  A.视紫红质  B.视黄醛  C.视紫蓝质  D.视紫绿质  E.视蛋白

  第19题 诊断陈旧性心肌梗死的心电图改变是( )

  A.异常Q波  B.T波倒置  C.ST段水*下降  D.T波高尖  E.ST段抬高与T波融合成单向曲线

  第20题 潮式呼吸的特点是( )

  A.呼吸急促,快慢不均  B.呼吸深快,时而暂停周而复始  C.呼吸浅快,深慢交替出现  D.呼吸由浅慢变为深快,再变为浅慢,随之出现暂停,周而复始  E.呼吸浅慢,快慢均匀

  第21题 眼的屈光装置不包括( )

  A.角膜  B.晶状体  C.玻璃体  D.房水  E.瞳孔

  第22题 血小板正常值为( )

  A.(100~300)X109/L  B.(150~300)X109/L  C.(150~350)X109/L  D.(100~350)X109/L  E.(100~400)X109/L

  第23题 桡骨和尺骨之间相对应的关节面不包括( )

  A.桡骨头凹  B.桡骨头环状关节面  C.桡骨的尺切迹  D.尺骨头环状关节面  E.尺骨的'桡切迹

  第24题 病理性的脊柱后凸多见于( )

  A.胸膜粘连  B.佝偻病  C.腹腔巨大肿瘤  D.大量腹腔积液  E.胸锁乳突肌隆起

  第25题 代谢性酸中毒最突出的症状是( )

  A.口唇樱桃红  B.肌张力减退  C.呼吸加深加快  D.血压不稳定  E.腱反射减弱

  第26题 神经元兴奋时首先爆发动作电位的部位是( )

  A.树突  B.胞体  C.轴突  D.轴突始段  E.轴突末梢

  第27题 胆总管( )

  A.由肝总管和胆囊管组成  B.由左右肝管组成  C.在肝胃韧带内下降  D.开口于十二指肠上部  E.开口于十二指肠水*部

  第28题 机体体温最高的部位是( )

  A.心脏  B.肝脏  C.脑  D.肾脏  E.肠

  第29题 使膜电位去极化的因素是( )

  A.内向离子电流  B.外向离子电流  C.外向正离子流  D.内向负离子流  E.刺激电极的正极在膜外侧,负极在膜内侧

  第30题 参与构成翼点的是( )

  A.枕骨、颞骨、蝶骨、顶骨  B.额骨、顶骨、颞骨、蝶骨  C.额骨、顶骨、筛骨、蝶骨  D.额骨、枕骨、颞骨、蝶骨  E.额骨、筛骨、颞骨、蝶骨


——*高考专升本英语复习指导 (菁选2篇)






  D,would rather后若加从句则要用过去式表示虚拟语气,也可以直接加do sth宁愿做…。






  可以有两点,句子本身含有否定意义的时候,比如seldom后面用肯定形式的反问。第二,考察祈使句的反问,对陈述部分是肯定句的祈使句。第三,I think,I believe,I suppose等表示主观看法的句子,其反意疑问句由后面的宾语从句相对应。



  B,表示否定意义的副词或短语,如seldom,never,rarely,in no time.

  C,注意Hardly/scarcely/barely had sb done…when这一句型,表示一――就…(as soon as后不加倒装)


  a,当主语后跟有with,together with,as well as,but ,except等短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。


  c,就近原则either…or…,neither…nor…,not only…but also…等结构作主语时,由第二个词后的名词决定谓语形式。


  大家记住强调句的基本结构it is/was+强调部分that/who(人)+句子中其他成分。






  *wheher…or…/whether or no…是否…,if则无此用法。















  ( )1.A. machine B. dictionary C. Russian D. question

  ( )2.A. popular B. large C. remarkable D. dark

  ( )3.A. church B. chalk C. character D. cheat

  ( )4.A. cheat B. weak C. increase D. area

  ( )5.A. copy B. loudly C. today D. Monday



  ( )6.—The sea is very rough today.

  —Yes, I‘ve never seen _______ before.

  A. such rough sea B. such a rough sea

  C. so rough sea D. that rough sea

  ( )7.—She‘s broken her arm again.

  —Again? I ______ she _______ ever broken it before.

  A. don‘t know; has B. didn’t know; had

  C. didn‘t know; has D. hadn’t know; would

  ( )8.—Has the wallet been returned yet?

  —No, but we expect ______ any day now.

  A. to return it B. it to return C. it to be returned D. it returned

  ( )9.—I‘ve been told to pay the rent.

  —But it‘s already been paid. It ______ by someone else.

  A. must be B. may be

  C. must be paid D. must have been paid


——*高考专升本《民法》章节考点复习 (菁选2篇)



  法的渊源,又称法源或法律渊源,指法的效力来源,包括法的制定方式和法律规范的表现形式。 民法的渊源,是指民法借以表现的各种形式。民法的渊源不仅是当事人确立基本民事行为准则的根源,也是法院裁判案件时寻求可作为裁判基准的法律规范的根源。




  (1)法律、行政法规中的民事规范 就法律来说,又可分为:




















  第二,凡是地方各级*机关所颁布的法规,只在该地区内发生法律效力,在其他地区不发生效力。 从以上两种情况可以看出,我国民法的适用范围以属地法为原则,即凡是在中国领域内发生的民事活动,原则上都适用中国法律。


  1.民法的类推适用 民法的适用,指运用民事法律规范调整社会关系的活动。











  (9)比较法解释,指引用外国立法例及判例学说作为解释材料来解释本国法律规定的意义和内容。 (10)社会学解释,指将社会学方法运用于法律解释,着重于社会效果预测和目的衡量,在法律条文可能文义范围内阐释法律规范意义内容的一种法律解释方法。












——*高考专升本民法总论 (菁选2篇)




































































——*高考专升本英语考前模拟试题 (菁选2篇)


  ( )1. The flowers in our school _______ the beauty of our campus.

  A. add B. add to C. add up to D. add up

  ( )2. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.

  A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to

  ( )3. She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

  A. whom B. where C. which D. while

  ( )4. You don‘t need to describe her. I _______ her several times.

  A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet

  ( )5. Can you believe that in _______ a rich country _______ there should be many poor people?

  A. such; such B. such; so C. so; so D. so; such

  ( )6. Paul doesn‘t have to be made ________. He always works hard.

  A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

  ( )7.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It _______ a comfortable journey.

  A. can‘t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn‘t have been D. couldn’t have been

  ( )8. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _______.

  A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice

  ( )9. _______, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

  A. However late is he B. However he is late

  C. However is he late D. However late he is

  ( )10. Alice, why didn‘t you come yesterday?

  I , but I had an unexpected visitor.

  A. had B. would C. was going to D. did



  1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958.转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  2、By the time we got there, the play had already begun.

  3、When I was a child, I knew that the earth turns about its axis.

  4、When Mr.Delay got home after a day's exhausting work, his wife and children were sleeping.


  1、The film showed last night was very moving. (不用moved,大家别忘了-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别)

  2、Having finishing his lecture, the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question.

  3、The problem being discussed is very important.

  4、Given more time, we are sure to finish it.

  5、Will you please make yourself known to everyone here


  1、It is difficult to study English well.

  2、We think it is important to pass the exam.

  四、强调句型(大家要记住的是it is (was)……。that…。,如果前面是it iswas 后面往往选用that,当然强调人的时候也可用who)

  1、It was at an evening party that I first saw her.

  2、It is what you will do that is important.

  3、When was it that he bought a new car



  1、Stop talking! There comes the teacher.


  1、So badly was he hurt in the accident that he had to be sent to hospital.

  2、Not only does he study well, but also he is always ready to help others.

  3、Mary has done well in the English exam. So she has. She always does well in the exam.


——*高考专升本英语词汇复习 (菁选2篇)


  1. across(穿过) My mother lives across the street.

  I came across him yesterday. ( come across偶然遇到 )

  The post office is just across the street.

  2. after(在……之后)

  The girl is named after her mother.

  (name after 以……命名)

  Rewrite the sentences after the model. (模仿,仿照)

  3. against(反对) What you are doing is against the rule.

  We are against the proposal. (be against 反对)

  Nobody has got anything against you.

  4. along(沿着) They walked along Nanjing Road.

  There is a cinema along the street. I'm getting along well with my classmates.

  5. around(围绕) We all drew up closely around him.

  The guide showed us around the city.

  (show sb. around 领某人参观)

  6. at(在……) Let's meet at the station.

  She was at a conference.

  The committee is to meet at the weekend. He joined up at eighteen.(join up 参军)

  What are you laughing at? (laugh at 嘲笑)

  My mother was surprised at the news.(be surprised at 吃惊) He is good at drawing.

  7. before(在……之前)

  Don't put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。

  Pride comes before a fall. 骄傲就会摔跤。 Before starting the work, we had a discussion.

  Before long, the war broke out. (break out 爆发)

  I bought the book the day before yesterday.

  8. besides ( 除…之外还 ) There are six students in the classroom besides me.  Besides fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

  9. between(在……之间) Come between ten and eleven o'clock.

  They don't know the difference between wheat and oats.

  (among 用于三者或三者以上) What's the difference between them?



  GCT英语考试共分阅读理解、词汇、完形填空、英语会话等四部分。其难度并不高, 大致相当与大学英语cet-4的水*。GCT英语的复习备考,应重在阅读理解,这是GCT英语考试的科学复习技巧之一,因为阅读理解题占了很大的篇幅。*时可以注意多看一些英文报纸的简短文章。


  谈到期刊阅读的具体刊目,我特别推荐读外刊上的文章,因为考研真题的阅读理解文章往往都出自于国外刊物。这里,向大家推荐一些外刊:如果上网方便的话,可以从一些英文网站如CNN 或者*网站获取一些文章;也可以购买《英语文摘》杂志和《China Daily》报纸,当然重点是上面摘录的外刊部分。阅读课外读物要有很大的量的要求,不要因为有难度就投入时间少,外刊文章一定要精读几十篇才够。








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