男孩起名 女孩起名 公司起名 店铺起名 牛年起名 虎年起名 生辰八字起名 英文起名 诗词起名
励志文章 励志故事 励志文案 励志电影 励志名言 励志句子 励志歌曲 励志签名 励志格言 高考励志 励志诗句 励志网名 励志书籍 励志演讲稿 励志说说 励志座右铭 励志人物 励志对联 励志说说 励志作文
伤感的句子 唯美的句子 爱情的句子 优美句子 正能量句子 经典句子 表白的句子 哲理句子 友情的句子 好词好句好段 美好的句子 朋友圈说说的好句子 搞笑的句子 想你的句子
微信个性签名 QQ个性签名 伤感个性签名 霸气的个性签名 情侣个性签名 男生个性签名 女生个性签名 英文个性签名 超拽个性签名 非主流个性签名 搞笑个性签名 火星文个性签名 唯美个性签名
白羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 狮子座 处女座 天秤座 天蝎座 射手座 摩羯座 水瓶座 双鱼座 星座知识
属鼠 属牛 属虎 属兔 属龙 属蛇 属马 属羊 属猴 属鸡 属狗 属猪 生肖基础知识
生日祝福语 结婚祝福语 订婚祝福语 新年祝福语 情人节祝福语 母亲节祝福语 父亲节祝福语 建党节祝福语 七夕节祝福语 教师节祝福语 国庆节祝福语 中秋节祝福语 爱情祝福语 毕业祝福语 开业祝福语 升学祝福语 高考祝福语 中考祝福语 考试祝福语 搬新家祝福语
个性说说 伤感说说 搞笑说说 心情说说 爱情说说 经典说说 qq说说 朋友圈说说 情感说说 晚安说说 下雨说说 霸气说说 七夕说说
入党申请书 入团申请书 自我鉴定 工作总结 工作计划 个人简历 辞职报告 检讨书 演讲稿 心得体会 实习报告 转正申请书 导游词 述职报告 策划书 加油稿 慰问信 感谢信 介绍信 邀请函

外贸业务员个人英文简历3篇 外贸业务员个人发展规划

更新时间:2023-03-21 来源:互联网 点击:


  Name: Miss. Z Nationality: China (Mainland)

  Current Place: Huadu Height/Weight: 165 cm 55 kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 27 years

  Career Objective

  Application type: Jobseeker

  Preferred job title: Japanese Translator: Japanese or English Translation 、 Merchandiser/ Merchandiser Assistant: Foreign trader 、 Shipping Service / Air Parcel & Land-carriage Operation: Shipping Clerk

  Working life: 3 Title: No title

  Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks

  Expected salary: Preferred working place: Guangzhou No preference No preference

  Work experience

  Company's name: Hupsoon Footwear CO.,LTDBegin and end date: 2009-10-

  Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports

  Job Title: Foreign trader

  Job description: According to customers in different countries, different shoes recommended description, and then followed closely after the implementation of the orders, and other goods make the arrangements for counter to customers in countries designated port, according to the requirements of different customers to do bill of lading (original bill of lading or electric the bill of lading), and then prepare the payment documents in advance, out of the original bill of lading, the step up with the guests receive payment, collection and then send the bill of lading to the guests. If out of the original bill of lading, and the guests then changed his mind to do call on the bill of lading, it should be according to customer's request, to call on the original bill of lading bill of lading.

  Reasons for leaving: Not much room for development

  Company's name: Yikang Underwear FactoryBegin and end date: 2008-07-2008-08

  Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports

  Job Title: Shipping clerk

  Job description: Based on the production lable to the next scheduled booking to the FORWARDER, preparation INVOICE, PACKING and other clearance documents, if FOBHK will be in Hong Kong's trading system do IMPORT LICENCE and EXPORT LICENE (USA) or COMPREHENSIVE LICENCE (other countries, in addition to USA) after doing EDI in Hong Kong, and prepare the payment documents received payment.

  Reasons for leaving: Summer job

  Company's name: Yunsheng Coffee ShopBegin and end date: 2008-03-2008-04

  Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Professional Services / Education / Training

  Job Title: Waitress

  Job description: We put the things which the custumer ordered to the custumer,and then received the money.According to the practice ,we must be serious , responsible,hard-working and team spirit.When we are in trouble ,we must be calm to do the dicfficulties.

  Reasons for leaving: Practice

  Educational Background

  Name of School: Guangdong Women's School

  Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: 2009-06-01

  Name of Major 1: Business Japanese Name of Major 2:

  Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

  2006-09 2007-06 Guangdong Women's School Business Japanese Certificate IV in National Com*r Appl

  2006-09 2009-06 Guangdong Women's School Business Japanese National Japanese Language Proficiency T

  2008-09 2008-11 Guangdong Women's School Business Japanese 4 Secretary of the National Vocational Q

  2008-10 2880-10 Guangdong Women's School Business Japanese "Graduate Employability training + pre-j

  Language Ability

  Foreign Language: Japanese Level: good

  Language ability: CET 4

  Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: excellent

  Relevant skills and abilities

  Learning: There is excellent basic knowledge and solid expertise, master office2003 office software.

  Ideological: to arm themselves with advanced thinking, positive approach to the party.

  Ability to work: serious and responsible, good team spirit, courage to face difficulties, practical difficulties to the challenge.

  Self-recommendation letter

  As a positive and optimistic new era of youth, I will not lose their confidence diploma, but I will be more urgent need to enrich themselves further enrich enrichment. Perfect self.

  At work, passionate, hard working, responsible, cheerful, optimistic, diligent, down to earth; a man honest, serious and responsible, hard working; a strong team spirit and organizational skills; have good personal quality, strong sense of time, with a strong ability to learn, open to new knowledge; the face of difficulties cool, calm and stubborn response, the courage to meet new challenges; a strong sense of professionalism and sense of competition; and can adapt quickly to new jobs and learning environment, have a good team spirit. Courage and hard work, perseverance and hard work will be accompanied by my future challenges.

  Three years of university life, so that their level of knowledge, ideological level, the ability to work and so on are all scaled to a new level. Wave goodbye to this wonderful university life will soon set foot on the social journey, I whole army outgoing, will be full of enthusiasm, firm confidence and high sense of responsibility to meet the new challenges and scale new heights. In the days, I must be more strict with themselves, to correct shortcomings, continuous efforts and constant progress.



  She is a 25-year-old woman from henan

  Degree: bachelor's degree

  Length of work: 2-3 years

  Expected salary: 5,000 to 8,000 yuan

  Where to work: Shanghai - unlimited

  Job objective: international trade commissioner/manager

  Strong ability to communicate and strong ability to learn and strong ability to learn

  Work experience

  (2 years, 7 months, 1 job)

  Quanzhou xinlibao bag co., LTD

  Working hours: June 2014 to January 2017 [2 years 7 months]

  Position name: foreign trade agent

  Work content: during the working period, we will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Develop new customers, through various channels including exhibition (five attended Canton fair), B2B platform, social software (such as Linkedin, Whatsapp, Facebo*k, etc.) and development clients such as Google, successful development and six clinch a deal the new customers, and accumulated the rich potential customer resources;

  Maintaining old customers: operating customers in Europe, North America, South America, South Korea, Australia, etc., to understand and judge the market. Handle receiving foreign customers to see factory, offer, sample, order confirmation and tracking, inspection, shipment, and payment recovery, etc.

  Assist the supervisor in the business training of the new employee.

  The average annual sales are about 5 million RMB.

  Education experience

  June 2014 English translation of henan normal university

  Professional skill

  Word: good experience: 5 years

  Excel: good experience: 5 years

  PowerPoint: good experience: 5 years

  Language skill

  English: better

  Certificate award

  Certificate name: English major: May 2014: the foreign language professional teaching commi* of higher schools

  Name of the certificate: three levels of English translation: May 2014: China foreign language publishing and distribution bureau

  The name of the certificate: BEC higher time: January 2014: Cambridge university examination commi*


  Confident and open, resilient to stress; Be patient, have team consciousness, be good at communication and coordination, be able to handle and handle problems calmly and calmly. Have good learning ability, have high enthusiasm and sense of responsibility to work, have excellent pursuit of performance.

  2. Love foreign trade industry, love to communicate with foreign clients, since June 2014 has been engaged in export business of bags in quanzhou, bags related professional knowledge more solid;

  3. Good English level, spoken language is fluent, foreign trade correspondence writing and instant messaging tools such as Skype, Whatsapp, Facebo*k, Linkedin, using skilled, basic can communicate with foreign customers business accessibility;

  Through nearly three years of study and accumulation, the business ability has been rapidly improved, with independent development of customer experience. For customer development, reception, quotation, typing, order confirmation, inspection, booking and shipment, document production and payment recovery, etc.

  5. Expect to find a better platform and resources to work for a company and grow together with the company for a long time, wider realize self-value and social value!





  Name: Ms. M Gender: Female

  Wedlock: Single Nation: Han

  Residence: Hunan-Shaoyang Age: 26

  Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 160cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong

  Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Manager/Supervisor

  Trading-International business

  Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

  Trading-Export commissioner

  Trading-Customs commissioner

  Target Jobs: Foreign Trade、 Foreign Trade Assist、 e-commerce


  2006-09 ~ 2010-07 Central South University Railway Campus Engish Bachelor Degree

  2003-09 ~ 2006-07 Ninth high school of Longhui High school High School

  【company name】 (2011-07 ~ 2011-12)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

  Job Title: Business assistant Positions: Sales Representative

  Job Description: 1.Collect clinent's new marketing requiments of some products for new business development .

  2.Help the sales and other department to get new samples which confirmed by our guests and send to them.prepar the Metting in time, ready samples for customer to select, records metting about some special requriments,when the guests pick in the data sample,we will make fhotograph to left at the end and send the sample to factory for samples.

  3. Communicate with customers and follow up the development of samples, send samples , quations to customers and provide product information and follow up on customer feedback.

  4.contact the customer to confirm a large sample, prompting orders, respond to customer inquiries, quote, confirm orders, receiving and processing orders, contact the factory ready to produce,control quality.

  5. confirm that the package details, review provides packaging materials, orders to the factory, contact the testing company inspection, help the shipping department to prepare shipping document collaboration booking, ready to ship.

  6. Maintain customer relations,hanle some shipping *,to do the invoice data to the customer, loan recovery.

  7.Follow up the repeat order and development new market.

  【company name】 (2010-09 ~ 2011-04)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Printing,Packaging

  Job Title: customer service Positions: Customer service inspector General

  Job Description: 1.Tlephone and correspondence to and from customers to confirm orders related to the quantity and quality of supervision (orders, delivery dates, guitar models approach, the return delivery)

  2,Notice the FORCOST chasing customers, or other basis for production sche*ng, make sure materials are in place, ready for production

  3.The production on the audit report, the work can yield clearing work, track work orders in order to reach a situation

  Follow-up production to meet customer delivery requirements (such as the way to take the goods, the latest arrival date)

  4.Urge PC planner based on customer delivery situation, developed in consultation with the production department production schedule, and negotiate based on production conditions and customer delivery.

  After the delivery of orders in a timely manner to the financial, do the reconciliation work, assisting the invoice to receive payment

  5.Delivery and customer consultation to develop into a shipping plan, warehouse, shipping good quality preparation. Can not solve their own problems to higher authorities in time, solve the problem

  6, The productive sectors of turnover period of supervision and timely storage, warehouse and timely preparation required quality department, please check the Ministry of Shipping Ministry to follow up packing until smooth delivery.

  7,Hhandling guest complaints (such as deficient, poor) in a timely manner to appease the guests in a timely manner to verify a satisfactory answer to the guests

  8. Maintain customer relations initiative to pay a return visit from time to time telephone customers e-mail

  Reason for Leaving: Seeking to develop

  Special Skills

  Professional Title: Junior

  Com*r Level: junior

  Com*r Skills: National 2 level com*r proficiency in operating basic office software such as EXCEL, WORD, etc.

  Strengths: 1, Speaking and writing fluently, with foreign customers;

  2, Able to handle transactions and correspondence with customers to receive visiting foreign customers;

  3, About foreign trade business processes;

  4, Has strong interpersonal skills and communication skills, able to develop new customers;

  5, Skilled com*r operators, network management;

  6, Optimistic spirit, dedication, a high degree of responsibility and mission;

  7, Willing to try challenging work;

  8, With good customer awareness and business development capabilities.

  CET6, speaking and writing fluently, with foreign customers;

  Language Skills

  Chinese: Good Cantonese: General

  English Level: Majored in English cet-6 Spoken Good

  English: Good French: General

  Career Objective

  Career Direction: I have the basic knowlage of foreign trade and a good quality of mind, Good command in Engish writing and speaking, understand the trade with a single process,able to handle the operation of e-commerce , Easygoing ,lively and cheerful , can work actively and independently,always keep responsiblity in mind .also am aquick learner. Familiar with Microsft office and internet.hope your honner to give me a chance ,I will do all my best to be a excellent foreign commissioner and looking forward to your interview with thanks!


  Self Info.

  Self Assessment: 1, Over 1years related working experience in export operation ,Speaking and writing fluently with foreign customers;

  2, Able to handle transactions and correspondence with customers and receive visiting foreign customers;

  3,Know about foreign trade business processes;

  4, Has strong interpersonal skills and communication skills, able to develop new customers;

  5, Skilled com*r operators, network management;

  6, Optimistic spirit, dedication, a high degree of responsibility and mission;

  7, Willing to try challenging work;

  8, With good customer awareness and business development capabilities

  Hobbies: Listening to music, sports ,travleing, photography


  personal details

  resume number: 449911302 updating date: 2009-09-01 10:57:39

  name: mr. liang lizhi nationality: china (mainland)

  current place: guangzhou height/weight: 176 cm 73 kg

  marital status: single age: 26 years

  career objective and work experience

  application type: jobseeker

  preferred job title: trade/import-export: trade 、 sales manager/supervisor: 、 business/management:

  working life: 3 title: middle title

  job type: full time expected start date: in three days

  expected salary: ¥3,500--¥5,000 preferred working place: guangzhou shenzhen dongguan

  work experience : company's name: forever ture international co.ltdbegin and end date: 2008-11-2009-07

  enterprise nature: soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: shoes/leather/toy

  job title: foreign trade documentary manager

  job description: mainly responsible for the development of new customers and maintain good relations with old customers. and is responsible for shipping-related work and do relevantly documents ! during in-service, container never occurred in booking more than scheduled, saving transport costs significantly.

  reasons for leaving:

  company's name: huizhou bomei cosmetics co .,ltdbegin and end date: 2007-03-2008-11

  enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: chemistry & chemical industry/biopharmaceutical

  job title: foreign salesman

  job description: contact customers by skype & email & msn or by other means , which help me to know the process of foreign trade. and i got to be familiar with some platform(eg:b2b website, fair and network etc.), through which developed 10 customers; so far, we have maintained good cooperative relations. compared to 2007, our sales volume increased by 73%; many times to participated and prepared the exhibition gain lot of experience. preparations for a successful fair in may.2008 and nov.2008.

  reasons for leaving:

  company's name: skyworth group co., ltdbegin and end date: 2006-11-2007-03

  enterprise nature: othersindustry:

  job title: assistant manager

  job description: deal with the daily affair. collect the useful information; involved in the development of the related marketing mix -strategies (for example: happy family selection and barter old for new etc. the activities are significant . of course, i participated in a large-scale promotional activities. during may.1-may.4,our team(includes 4 colleagues) sold a total tv 672.

  reasons for leaving:

  educational background

  name of school: huaiyang middle school

  highest degree: bachelor date of graduation: 2007-06-01

  name of major 1: international economics and trade name of major 2:

  education experience: start date end date education organization majors certificate certificate no

  2003-09 2007-05 hunan university of the arts and the science international economics and trade

  language ability

  foreign language: english level: excellent

  chinese level: excellent cantonese level: average

  relevant skills and abilities

  knowing the basic skill of microsoft office, skilled in use of word/ excel/ powerpoint /ppt etc.

  self-recommendation letter

  honest and reliable, easy to approach. initiative, have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision. able to work independently and resource sharing; good communicator, problem solver, confident, ambitious, initiative, independent , aggressing. willing to work under pressure and grow fast with the company.



  Male, 24, The cantonese

  Education: technical secondary school/technical school

  Working years: 3 to 5 years

  Expected salary: negotiable

  Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

  Objective: merchandiser/manager | | domestic trade commissioner other trade position | | international trade commissioner/manager/logistics customs declaration

  Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability The good faith integrity

  Working experience (8 months for 2 years, made a job)

  A horse clothing wholesale city

  Working time: July 2013 to March 2016 (2 years and 8 months]

  Job title: the shop assistant

  Job content: receiving customer, come to order,...

  Education experience

  In June 2013, graduated from foreign language foreign trade college English

  Self description

  Self-motivated, have strong team spirit.


  name: wang xiao man gender: female

  wedlock: married nation: han

  residence: hubei-xiantao age: 26

  location: guangdong-dongguan height: 165cm

  target positions: trading-foreign trade commissioner/assistant

  trading-international business

  desired salary: 3000 rmb/month negotiable apartment needed


  XX-09 ~ XX-07jiangxi university of science & technologycom*r science & technology bachelor degree

  XX-09 ~ XX-07maozui high schoolnormalhigh school


  XX-11 ~ XX-11 tuv reach & toy safety seminar

  XX-05 ~ XX-05 bsci & cntac business social compliance initiative

  XX-03 ~ XX-07 wilford cambridge business english (advanced) oral english training

  special skills

  com*r level: senior

  com*r skills: 1. familiar with com*r operation & auto cad, photoshop, etc.

  2. master dos & windows os

  3. have a good knowledge of com*r hardware & maintenance

  4. familiar with office software and the network application

  5. programming ability is good, familiar with c/java/vb programming language

  6. have a good knowledge of database application


  1. good command of both spoken & written english.

  2. good com*r skill; familiar with cad drawing & other software application.

  3. aggressive and down-to-earth.

  language skills

  chinese: good cantonese: very bad

  english level: cet-6

  english: skilled japanese: general

  career objective

  career direction: to obtain a position as a merchandiser in the field of foreign trade where my experience and enthusiasm will have application.

  self assessment:

  a person with great self-confidence & strong sense of responsibility.

  1. initiative, hardworking and be willing to learn and progress;

  2. good team spirit and honest;

  3. be good at communicating with all types of customer.

  4. work well in high stress environments.


  chatting with all kinds of people,reading books, doing sports and so on...


  1) received first scholarship twice, second scholarship twice, third scholarship twice during***;

  2) got an award in national college english competition in jiangxi province;

  3) in mathematics contest also got outstanding awards;

  4) was awarded the “three- good student” three times during***;

  5) acknowledged as an excellent university graduation student with a b.a. degree in com*r science;


  name: zhu huai-min

  english name : adam chu

  personal data:

  sex: male

  native place: suzhou, jiangsu , china

  email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.

  office phone: 0577-65597777 mobil: 13600680907

  educational background

  major: international trade

  graduate school: shanghai foreign trade institute



  nanjing normal university

  majored english language


  shanghai foreign trade institute

  majored international trade

  academic main courses:

  management/marketing/international trade, import/export business, foreign trade english, com*r skill and so on

  english skills:

  have a good command of both spoken and written english.

  com*r abilities:

  skilled in use of windows / office XX

  self assessment:

  good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters. self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to others

  employment experience :

  199x/2--199x/12 worked in st. mila co., (russia), sold leather coats in russian market and lived in moscow city.

  199x/2-XX/10 worked in masterstaff travel co., (russia), managed overseas chinese traveling.

  XX/2-XX/12 worked in alfa group co., (russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas chinese lives.

  XX/9-XX/6 worked in wujiang jinfeng wood door co., manage overseas market business.

  XX/7-XX/2 worked in dongguan jinzhong electric co., managed all exporting business.

  position wanted:

  to obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market.





  Female 24 years old,

  Education: bachelor degree

  Working fixed number of year: students

  Expected salary: negotiable

  Work location: guangzhou huadu - xinhua

  Objective: international trade chief/manager

  Project management will data *ysis

  Education experience

  Graduated in June 2017 Jilin university zhuhai college of business English

  Professional skills

  Excel: skilled experience: 3 years

  Language skills: English is better

  Certificate of award

  Name: certificate issued by the university English four levels of time: in June 2014 issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 commi*

  Certificate of title: college English level 6 issue of time: in June 2015 issued by institutions: the national college English test band 4 and band 6 commi*

  Certificate of title: the national com*r level certificate Issued by time: in June 2014 issued by institutions: com*r organization

  The name of the certificate: mandarin level 2 grade a Issued by time: in September 2015 issuing authority: department of education

  Self description

  I study in jilin university zhuhai college business English professional, a senior now, I have the sense of responsibility, responsible, good at communicating with others. During the period of school to participate in school organization students activities, public welfare activities, volunteer, etc., also took an active part in all kinds of part-time. At the moment, I passed the cet exams, the com*r level, take the business English 2 degree in all disciplines, mandarin certificate, teachers' qualification certificate of two doors. Also won the third scholarship of the school, life member of the positions in the class. Hope to consider my HR.



  Female, 19, The cantonese

  Education: technical secondary school/technical school

  Working lives: within 1 year

  Expected salary: 2000-3000 yuan

  Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

  Objective: international trade chief/manager

  Composed inside collect

  Work experience (work for six months, made a job)

  Guangzhou with LeDao toy products co., LTD

  Working time: July 2016 to January 2017 6 months []

  Job title: foreign trade salesman

  Job content: the main platform is the international standing; Main work content is the mail and re* to customer inquiries; Strong follow up of customer in online chat way; Upload new products; The RFQ; Mass activation potential customers; Optimization of products, etc.

  Education experience

  In February 2017 Business English guangdong province economic and trade vocational and technical school

  Professional skills

  Trade documents skills contest third prize: skilled experience: 1 year

  Certificate of award

  Certificate name: national public English level 2 award time: March 2016

  Self description

  I have the certificate of the secondary English, have certain English listening and speaking skills.

  The school won the trade documents skills contest third prize, making skills more solid.

  The school learning business English correspondence, have certain writing ability.

  Attended the 118th Canton fair LAVAZZA as a waiter.

  My open and frank disposition, is sincere, optimistic upward; Sincere frankness; In the work down-to-earth, serious and responsible; Willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, have a problem not escape, willing to learn from others modestly.

  All elite started out as a rookie, I believe I can through their own efforts to get better.



  Female, 29, The sichuan people

  Education: college

  Working years: 5-8 years

  Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan

  Working location: guangzhou baiyun - yongtai

  Objective: international trade chief/manager

  Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Highly effective composed inside collect Sunshine is bright Connections to the vast Be good at innovation

  Work experience (work for 5 years and 11 months, did the 3 job)

  Guangzhou new clothing co., LTD

  Working time: October 2012 to July 2015 (2 years and 9 months]

  Job title: foreign trade salesman/director of foreign trade

  Work content: the company profile: guangzhou new clothing co., LTD., mainly engaged in wedding dress industry, product positioning in the high-end class, international business from alibaba, speed sell tong, foreign websites, trustpass, exhibition, Tmall, taobao, jingdong and other wechat business platform.

  Job responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for international alibaba, speed sell tong, website platform sales work.

  2. Upload products, product optimization and product management.

  3. Window management, train management, marketing budget control.

  4. Inquiries, email re*, follow up the new and old customers, contribute to the order.

  5. Look for mining the customer information to develop new customers.

  6. Reception come to customers, business negotiations and travel arrangements

  7. The customer management, tracking, pays a return visit and daily business negotiations

  8. Make production orders, communication order details, delivery time and so on documentary work

  9. Regularly report to the customer order production schedule.

  10. Make invoice and packing list, arranging logistics, return guests, such as after-sales work

  11. Assist foreign trade manager to develop, decomposition season/week/month marketing plan, operation promotion, transformation, feedback, etc

  12. Assist foreign trade manager to talk about team building and management, to do foreign trade knowledge training on a regular basis

  13. Assist design department to manage the store decoration and layout

  14 to assist the designer out of the new quarter.

  Because heart clothing factories in guangzhou

  Working time: in February 2011 to September 2012 [] 1 year 7 months

  Job title: foreign trade salesman

  Working content: guangzhou for clothing factories, the main products are wedding dress, the dress, bandage dresses, flower children's clothes, accessories, etc. Designed to do foreign trade export platform. Company alibaba international platform, speed sell tong.

  Job responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for international alibaba, speed sell tong, website platform sales work.

  2. Upload products, product optimization and product management.

  3. Window management, train management, marketing budget control.

  4. Inquiries, email re*, follow up the new and old customers, contribute to the order.

  5. Look for mining the customer information to develop new customers.

  6. Reception come to customers, business negotiations and travel arrangements

  7. The customer management, tracking, pays a return visit and daily business negotiations

  8. Make production orders, communication order details, delivery time and so on documentary work

  9. Regularly report to the customer order production schedule.

  10. Make invoice and packing list, arranging logistics, return guests, such as after-sales work

  Guangzhou eu ShiQi trade co., LTD

  Working time: August 2015 [] 1 year 7 months so far

  Job title: director of foreign trade

  Job content: the company profile: guangzhou eu ShiQi trade co., LTD is a professional production manufacturer of leather handbag, in line with "quality first, reputation first" service concept, continuously surpass ourselves. From alibaba international business, foreign websites, trustpass, wechat business.

  Job responsibilities:

  1. The department work plan and related budget, fully responsible for the daily management of the foreign trade department

  2. Sales platform construction and store daily operation management

  3. Team building, team management, risk control, business training and guidance

  4. To develop the sales target, index of the business mission and sales incentive system

  5. Data *ysis, make promotion plan

  6. Be responsible for the international platform such as alibaba, website sales work.

  7. Upload products, product optimization and product management.

  8. Window management, train management, marketing budget control

  9. The customer management, tracking, pays a return visit and daily business negotiations, to the order.

  10. Create production orders, the communication order details, delivery date and other documentary work

  11. Make invoice, packing list, arranging logistics, return guests, such as after-sales work

  12. Amplification industry information, insight into industry trends.

  13. Performance statistics (month, year.....)

  14. Payment statistics (month, year.....)

  15. Statistics report (customer's statistics, monthly report, quarterly reports, annual report)

  Education experience

  Graduated in December 2012 Guangzhou radio and television university business English

  Project/training experience

  In September 2009 - October 2010 business English

  Project/training institutions: zhongshan longhua training center

  Project/training content:

  1. English everyday language dialogue instruction

  2. The foreign customs and habits

  3. Business communication training

  4. Business professional term

  Professional skills

  Word: proficient in experience: more than 6 years

  Excel: proficient in experience: more than 6 years

  PowerPoint: general experience: 3 years

  Photoshop: skilled experience: 3 years

  Language skills.

  Cantonese: good English: very good Mandarin: good

  Self description

  1. 6 years work experience (4 years foreign trade commissioner, 2 years foreign trade manager). For clothing, bags, shoes categories such as well, including wedding dresses, bags category through the longest. Familiar with foreign trade industry planning and operation of brand positioning, packing and so on have a unique cognitive, familiar with alibaba, speed sell tong, website, made in China, global sources such as platform works abroad.

  2. I am positive, work conscientiously, character cheerful, strong sense of responsibility, strong team work spirit, can work under pressure. With profound professional knowledge, a solid professional foundation. Strong customer development ability, excellent negotiation skills, persuasive. Various problems can make effective decisions and improve handling.




  English Name : Adam Chu

  Personal Data:

  Sex: male

  Native Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China

  Email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.

  Office phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil: 13600680907

  Educational Background

  Major: International Trade

  Graduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute



  Nanjing Normal University

  Majored English Language


  Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute

  Majored International Trade

  Academic Main Courses:

  Management/Marketing/International Trade, Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade

  English, Com*r Skill and so on

  English Skills:

  Have a good command of both spoken and written English.

  Com*r Abilities:

  Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000

  Self Assessment:

  Good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters.

  self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to others

  Employment Experience :

  1993/2--1997/12 worked in St. Mila Co., (Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city.

  1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff

  Travel Co., (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.

  2001/2-2003/12 worked

  in Alfa Group Co., (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives.

  2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co., manage overseas market business.

  2005/7-2006/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co., managed all exporting business.

  Position Wanted:

  To obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market.


  name: zhu huai-min

  english name : adam chu

  personal data:

  sex: male

  native place: suzhou, jiangsu , china

  email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.

  office phone: 0577-XXXX mobil: 136XXX

  educational background

  major: international trade

  graduate school: shanghai foreign trade institute



  nanjing normal university

  majored english language


  shanghai foreign trade institute

  majored international trade

  academic main courses:

  management/marketing/international trade, import/export business, foreign trade english, com*r skill and so on

  english skills:

  have a good command of both spoken and written english.

  com*r abilities:

  skilled in use of windows / office XX

  self assessment:

  good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters. self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to others

  employment experience :

  1993/2--1997/12 worked in st. mila co., (russia), sold leather coats in russian market and lived in moscow city.

  1998/2-XX/10 worked in masterstaff travel co., (russia), managed overseas chinese traveling.

  XX/2-XX/12 worked in alfa group co., (russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas chinese lives.

  XX/9-XX/6 worked in wujiang jinfeng wood door co., manage overseas market business.

  XX/7-XX/2 worked in dongguan jinzhong electric co., managed all exporting business.

  position wanted:

  to obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market.


  Name: Ms. M Gender: Female

  Wedlock: Single Nation: Han

  Residence: Hunan-Shaoyang Age: 26

  Location: Guangdong-Dongguan Height: 160cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong

  Target Positions: Trading-Foreign Trade Manager/Supervisor

  Trading-International business

  Trading-Foreign Trade Commissioner/Assistant

  Trading-Export commissioner

  Trading-Customs commissioner

  Target Jobs: Foreign Trade、 Foreign Trade Assist、 e-commerce


  20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 Central South University Railway Campus Engish Bachelor Degree

  2003-09 ~ 20xx-07 Ninth high school of Longhui High school High School

  【company name】 (20xx-07 ~ 20xx-12)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Trading,Commerce,Imports and Exports

  Job Title: Business assistant Positions: Sales Representative

  Job Description: 1.Collect clinent's new marketing requiments of some products for new business development .

  2.Help the sales and other department to get new samples which confirmed by our guests and send to them.prepar the Metting in time, ready samples for customer to select, records metting about some special requriments,when the guests pick in the data sample,we will make fhotograph to left at the end and send the sample to factory for samples.

  3. Communicate with customers and follow up the development of samples, send samples , quations to customers and provide product information and follow up on customer feedback.

  4.contact the customer to confirm a large sample, prompting orders, respond to customer inquiries, quote, confirm orders, receiving and processing orders, contact the factory ready to produce,control quality.

  5. confirm that the package details, review provides packaging materials, orders to the factory, contact the testing company inspection, help the shipping department to prepare shipping document collaboration booking, ready to ship.

  6. Maintain customer relations,hanle some shipping *,to do the invoice data to the customer, loan recovery.

  7.Follow up the repeat order and development new market.

  【company name】 (20xx-09 ~ 20xx-04)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Printing,Packaging

  Job Title: customer service Positions: Customer service inspector General

  Job Description: 1.Tlephone and correspondence to and from customers to confirm orders related to the quantity and quality of supervision (orders, delivery dates, guitar models approach, the return delivery)

  2,Notice the FORCOST chasing customers, or other basis for production schedu...ling, make sure materials are in place, ready for production

  3.The production on the audit report, the work can yield clearing work, track work orders in order to reach a situation

  Follow-up production to meet customer delivery requirements (such as the way to take the goods, the latest arrival date)

  4.Urge PC planner based on customer delivery situation, developed in consultation with the production department production schedule, and negotiate based on production conditions and customer delivery.

  After the delivery of orders in a timely manner to the financial, do the reconciliation work, assisting the invoice to receive payment

  5.Delivery and customer consultation to develop into a shipping plan, warehouse, shipping good quality preparation. Can not solve their own problems to higher authorities in time, solve the problem

  6, The productive sectors of turnover period of supervision and timely storage, warehouse and timely preparation required quality department, please check the Ministry of Shipping Ministry to follow up packing until smooth delivery.

  7,Hhandling guest complaints (such as deficient, poor) in a timely manner to appease the guests in a timely manner to verify a satisfactory answer to the guests

  8. Maintain customer relations initiative to pay a return visit from time to time telephone customers e-mail

  Reason for Leaving: Seeking to develop

  Special Skills

  Professional Title: Junior

  Com*r Level: junior

  Com*r Skills: National 2 level com*r proficiency in operating basic office software such as EXCEL, WORD, etc.

  Strengths: 1, Speaking and writing fluently, with foreign customers;

  2, Able to handle transactions and correspondence with customers to receive visiting foreign customers;

  3, About foreign trade business processes;

  4, Has strong interpersonal skills and communication skills, able to develop new customers;

  5, Skilled com*r operators, network management;

  6, Optimistic spirit, dedication, a high degree of responsibility and mission;

  7, Willing to try challenging work;

  8, With good customer awareness and business development capabilities.

  CET6, speaking and writing fluently, with foreign customers;

  Language Skills

  Chinese: Good Cantonese: General

  English Level: Majored in English cet-6 Spoken Good

  English: Good French: General

  Career Objective

  Career Direction: I have the basic knowlage of foreign trade and a good quality of mind, Good command in Engish writing and speaking, understand the trade with a single process,able to handle the operation of e-commerce , Easygoing ,lively and cheerful , can work actively and independently,always keep responsiblity in mind .also am aquick learner. Familiar with Microsft office and internet.hope your honner to give me a chance ,I will do all my best to be a excellent foreign commissioner and looking forward to your interview with thanks!


  Self Info.

  Self Assessment: 1, Over 1years related working experience in export operation ,Speaking and writing fluently with foreign customers;

  2, Able to handle transactions and correspondence with customers and receive visiting foreign customers;

  3,Know about foreign trade business processes;

  4, Has strong interpersonal skills and communication skills, able to develop new customers;

  5, Skilled com*r operators, network management;

  6, Optimistic spirit, dedication, a high degree of responsibility and mission;

  7, Willing to try challenging work;

  8, With good customer awareness and business development capabilities

  Hobbies: Listening to music, sports ,travleing, photography




  Basic information

  Name: yjbys

  Gender: man

  Age: 35-year-old height: 166CM

  Marital status: unmarried census register: guizhou qiandongnan miao and dong autonomous prefecture

  Top education: junior college experience: 3-5 years

  Contact address: guiyang

  Job objective

  Recent jobs:

  Expected work: guizhou/guiyang city

  Expected position: full-time

  Expected monthly salary: 2000 ~ 3000 yuan per month

  Expected position: logistics specialist/assistant, foreign trade manager/supervisor, transportation manager/supervisor, other logistics positions, other positions

  Expected industry: unlimited


  Specialty: in five years of work in logistics industry, the logistics from theory to practice, familiar with warehouse operation process planning, warehouse cargo area planning, warehouse management system would be formulated; And in logistics theory, through assistant logistics teacher certification.

  Education experience

  The university of qiannan national vocational technical college (junior college)

  Beginning of the month: September 2005 to July 2009

  School name: qiannan national vocational technical college

  Professional name: logistics management

  Diploma: junior college

  Work history

  China pharmaceutical holding co., LTD. - warehouse keeper

  Starting date: April 2013 to May 2015

  Enterprise name: guoyao controlled guizhou limited

  Position: warehouse keeper

  Performance: sinopharm guizhou co., LTD., start-stop years: 2013-04-28 ~ 2013-04-28 state-owned (company) 1 main wholesale warehouse keeper is responsible for the storage of goods, warehousing, inventory, outbound, delivery and shipment, goods return, and to adjust and optimize the warehouse operation process. To check and confirm the information of the ERP system, to update and maintain, to set up the accounts, to ensure the balance of accounts, items and CARDS. 3 warehouse planning, daily warehouse safety and health management, warehouse 5S management standard execution, note, document transfer and filing.





  Female, 21,

  Education: college

  Working lives: within 1 year

  Expected salary: negotiable

  Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

  Objective: graphic design | merchandiser | | customs clearance officer meter | tourism product/line planning

  Work experience (work for four months, did the 1 job)

  Chaoyang town 2 primary school

  Working hours: between September 2016 and January 2016 (4 months)

  Job title: teachers

  Education experience

  Graduated in June 2016 Guangdong art vocational college English education

  Project/training experience

  In June 2016-2016, 8 months of e-commerce practice

  Project/training institutions, training in vocational skills training school

  Project/training content: using photoshop software for image processing

  Learn taobao art courses

  Certificate of award

  Certificate name: teacher certificate issued by time: in May 2016, issuing authority: guangzhou tianhe education bureau

  Certificate of title: the mental health education C certificate issued by time: in January 2015 issued by institutions: primary and secondary school mental health education guidance center in guangdong province

  Certificate of title: college English level 6 issued by time: in June 2015 issued by institutions: the ministry of education test center

  The name of the certificate: putonghua level 2 b, etc Issued by time: in June 2013 issued by institutions: language work commi* of guangdong province

  Certificate of title: the national com*r level certificate Issued by time: issuing authority: in December 2012, the ministry of education test center

  Self description

  Club experience:

  03 to 2014 2014 month month 10

  Guangdong vocational college of art community association secretariat

  1. Assist in developing the HKCSS term overall work plan;

  2. The HKCSS arrange meeting and record the meeting content

  10 to 2013 2012 month July 7

  This art dancing association The propaganda department minister

  1. Be responsible for the association with the department of propaganda work (poster design, write and post work);

  2. Responsible for the activities of the venue design and layout, etc;

  3. Cooperate with other departments to activity, and propaganda work




  Name: xxx



  Add: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


  To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.


  2007.9-2000.6 Dept. of Automation, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.

  2003.9-2007.7 Dept. of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, B.E.

  Com*r Abilities

  Skilled in the use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed s, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational Requisite Pro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

  English Skills

  Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Have acquired CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE : 2213

  Scholarships and Awards

  2009.3 First-class Scholarship for graduates

  2008.11 l Machining Practice Award

  2007.4 Academic Progress Award


  General business knowledge relating to finance and healthcare

  Good knowledge of the Internet

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