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How Many优秀2篇(how many section)

更新时间:2023-12-24 来源:互联网 点击:

以下是人见人爱的小编分享的2篇《How Many》,希望能为您的思路提供一些参考。

How Many 篇一

unit 3 lesson 2

part a let’s talk ; let’s practise

teaching aims :

1. be able to understand and say: how many … can you see? i can see…and use them in real situation.

2. .be able to understand and use the phrase which can praise other ones: “ it’s beautiful! how beautiful!” and use them in the proper situation.

focus points & difficult points :

be able to use the new structures as following in the real life: how many …can you see? i can see…

*be able to understand and say “ the black one is a bird.”

teaching preparation:

vcd, a kite, powerpoint.

designing for the blackboard:

how many kites can you see?

i can see 12

teaching steps:

step1. warming –up

1. sing a song 《one two three four five》.

2. greetings.

3. slow action to review the words.

4. t claps her hands and ss say the times

step2.presentation and practice.

1. 1) t shows her hand: how many fingers can you see?

s: i can see ten fingers.

t writes down: i can see……

t teaches this sentence.

t continue to ask: how many fingers can you see?

s: i can see……

2) t shows the pictures: i have many apples. how many apples can you see?

let’s count together.

t&ss: one apple, two apples, three apples…… 12 apples.

t leads to say: i can see 12 apples.

t shows some pictures: how many balloons can you see?

s: i can see……

t: who can ask “how many balls……?”

s: how many balls can you see?

t: who can answer “i can see……”

after several times.

t shows many pictures.

t: practice in pairs. one asks, one answers.

3)p24:let’s practise.

ask and answer.

2. 1) t: the whole class, i have a new kite.

s: may i have a look?

t: sure. here you are.

s: oh, it’s nice. i like it.

t: thank you. is it beautiful?

s: yes! how beautiful!

t: you also can say: “it’s beautiful. i like it.”

t makes dialogues as above with ss.

3. 1)watch the vcd with the question “ how many kites can wuyifan see?”(11 kites.)

2) t: do you remember zoom and zip, they are in the park. zoom sees many flowers. the blue flower. the red one and the yellow one. ( t draws it when she says it.)

ss: yes.

t point to the wall map: what’s the black one?

ss: the black one is a bird.

3) read after tape.

4) look at the wall map and say together.

5) act it in front of the class.

step3. assessment.

1).t explains the meaning of the task.

2) ss do it after the class.

3) read the text 5 times.

How Many 篇二

unit 3 lesson 3part a let’s say; part c story timeteaching aims :1. be able to listen, say, recognize the words: jeep, jump, key, kangaroo.2. be able to listen, say, read and write these two letters: jj, kk.3. be able to know the general idea of the story, improve the ability of using the language and know study is just like picking up apples, the key is accumulation.focus points & difficult points :the writing of small letter j and k.teaching preparation:1. letter cards ,some word pictures.2. a little blackboard with four-line format.designing for the blackboard:

teaching steps:step1. warming –up 1.sing a song 2. review the dialogue and act it. 3. free talk. t: hello, s1. how many pencils can you see? s1: i can see……step2.presentation. 1. 1)t shows a picture with many letters: how many letters can you see? s: i can see…… t: now let’s read together. a, b, c…… t points to j: this one is …… s: j. t shows a: a, a, j. recognize and read as : big letter j, small letter j. pay attention to the writing of small letter j.2). t: jump like a rabbit. ss act like rabbits. t shows the word: jump.t teaches the pronunciation of “jump”。t: j for jump,/ /,/ /,/ /. s: j for jump,/ /,/ /,/ /. t shows the picture of jeep: what’s this? s: it’s a jeep. t teaches the pronunciation of jeep. t: who can say “ j for jeep……” s: j for jeep, / /,/ /,/ /.2. teach k k like above. k for key, /k/,/k/,/k/. k for kangaroo, /k/,/k/,/k/. t: c for what? s: c for coke, /k/,/k/,/k/. t: yes. when the word begins with c, it always pronounce /k/. step 3. practise. 1. writing.1) t: now, let’s write them down. look at the blackboard. t: first, let’s write down big letter j. one. it looks like a hook. now, let’s try together. show me your finger. s: my finger. t& ss: one. t teaches the writing of small letter j. (看上去像侧面坐着的一个人。) 2) t: guess! where does j live? s: the second and third floor. (no.2 and no. 3). homelet’s write down it. show me your finger. s: my finger. t & ss: one. t teaches the writing of small letter j in the four-line format. (small letter j lives on the all the floors, the same as small letter f.) write them on your exercise book. teach the writing of kk.( pay attention to k.小k,小k, 叉腰踢腿。) 2. story time. 1) t: today zoom and zip bring us a new story. they are picking up apples. ( t does the actions.) what’s the meaning of “pick up the apples”? s: 摘苹果。 t: yes. who win? zoom or zip. let’s watch. s: zip. t: zip为什么赢了? s:因为她注意把摘下来的苹果,放在篮子里。zoom就没有这样做。所以zip赢了。 t:对了,我们学习也要像zip摘苹果那样,善于复习、积累,这样就会丰收累累硕果了。 t: let’s watch it again. s: ok. t: you can say “good idea!” 好主意。 t teaches the pronunciation of “good idea”。 t puts zip’s headgear on a student’s head: zip! how many apples do you have? s: i have 16 apples. t teaches “how many ……do you have?” 2) read after the tape. 3) act it. step4. assessment.1).complete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.

以上内容就是壶知道为您提供的2篇《How Many》,希望可以启发您的一些写作思路,更多实用的范文样本、模板格式尽在壶知道。

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