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高一英语教案优秀5篇 高一英语教案英文

更新时间:2024-03-17 来源:互联网 点击:


高一年级上册教案(语文 数学 英语 化学 物理 篇一

Teaching ais:

①.T read sectins f a str and sequence then use predictin strategies and lining wrds.

②.T use lining expressins related t tie and sequencing.

③.T use wrdbuilding techniques t fr nuns, verbs, adectives and adverbs.

④.T tal abut and give pinins f fils.

⑤. T practise using the secnd cnditinal fr speculatin

Teaching difficult and ain pints:

T aster the wrdbuilding.

T use the lining wrds.

Teaching aids:


Teaching prcedures:

Ⅰ. War up

T l at a pictures f Titanic then raise a questin: .Have u seen the fil Titanic? Where did the str happen?

Ⅱ. Speaing

Wr in grups f fur t discuss the tw questins: Have u seen an ther fils abut the sea? What did u thin f the? Tell ur classate.

Ⅲ. Pre-reading

L at the e wrds and find the in the pictures.

Ⅳ. Reading

Tas1: Nw please put Part A, B≈C in the crrect rder.

We can put the paragraphs in rder accrding t (根据):

the pictures

the lining wrds (连接词) :上下文相关词语的连接

Tas2: Read the str again and answer these questins.

1. Wh did the writer’s unger brther fall int the sea?

2. Wh did the bat g twards the whirlpl?

3. Wh did the writer tie hiself t a barrel?

4. Wh didn’t his brther d the sae?

5. Wh did his ld friends nt recgnise hi?

高一英语教案 篇二

Teaching ais:

①.T read sectins f a str and sequence then use predictin strategies and lining wrds.

②.T use lining expressins related t tie and sequencing.

③.T use wrdbuilding techniques t fr nuns, verbs, adectives and adverbs.

④.T tal abut and give pinins f fils.

⑤. T practise using the secnd cnditinal fr speculatin

Teaching difficult and ain pints:

T aster the wrdbuilding.

T use the lining wrds.

Teaching aids:


Teaching prcedures:

Ⅰ. War up

T l at a pictures f Titanic then raise a questin: .Have u seen the fil Titanic? Where did the str happen?

Ⅱ. Speaing

Wr in grups f fur t discuss the tw questins: Have u seen an ther fils abut the sea? What did u thin f the? Tell ur classate.

Ⅲ. Pre-reading

L at the e wrds and find the in the pictures.

Ⅳ. Reading

Tas1: Nw please put Part A, B≈C in the crrect rder.

We can put the paragraphs in rder accrding t (根据):

the pictures

the lining wrds (连接词) :上下文相关词语的连接

Tas2: Read the str again and answer these questins.

1. Wh did the writer’s unger brther fall int the sea?

2. Wh did the bat g twards the whirlpl?

3. Wh did the writer tie hiself t a barrel?

4. Wh didn’t his brther d the sae?

5. Wh did his ld friends nt recgnise hi?

Ⅴ. Language pints:

1. It t less than a single da t change hair fr blac t white.(B)

2. …

3. …

Ⅵ. Please find ut the phrases abut tie sequence in the text

Ⅶ. Wrd building

Ⅷ. Speaing

If I were n a bat ging twards a big whirlpl, I wuld tie self t sething light

高一英语教案 篇三


1.知识目标: 1)Students should learn some useful words and phrases: musician,clap, passer-by, form, extra, earn, advertisement, 2 attractive, instrument,loosely, actor dream of, be honest with, play jokes on, or so, break up.3)Students should understand the general idea of the passage 2.语言能力目标: 1)Developthe Ss’skills of skimming, scanning and careful reading. 2) Train the Ss to findthe key words and the topic sentences. 3)Encourage the Ssto guess the new wordsaccording the reading. 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: 1)Encourage the Ss to share the differentkinds of music. 2)Improve the cooperation and share among the students.


1、教学重点:a.To understudend the passage better b.To find the main idea of eachparagraph 2、教学难点:a.Master the reading ability b.Develop the skills ofreading




Step I Leading-in

播放一段小视频,内容为歌曲 If you arehappy的英文版本,通过介绍演唱乐队twins引出本单元话题。随后,展示几张国内外流行乐队的图片,转入对本课阅读内容的探讨。

Step II While reading

Task I. Fast reading 快速大声阅读文章,完成练习1和2.

1. Read the passage and try to find out:

1) How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?


2) Which band is “The Band That Wasn’t”?


2.Read the passage quickly and match main ideas with paragraphs.

Para.1 How the Monkees formed the band?

Para.2 Dreaming of being famous.

Para.3 How the Monkees became popular and developed as a real band?

Para.4 The common way that bands form.

Task II. Careful reading 分段阅读。分别默读每一段,完成相应练习。

1. (Para.1) Read Para.1 carefully find out how do people form a band.

Step 1

To practice music XXXXX.

Step 2

To play XXXXX.

Step 3

To give performances XXXXXXX.

Step 6

To make records XXX.

2. (Para. 3&4) Put the following steps in the right order.小组合作,比赛式进行。

A. Had to use actors

B. Broke up, then reunited

C. Produced their own records

D. Produced a new record

E. Relied on other musicians

F. Sang their own songs

G. To find four musicians

H. Advertised in a newspaper

I. Sang songs by others

J. Pretended to sing

The right orderXXX

Step III Post-reading

Task I. Promotion and discussion.小组讨论,分组→←展示。

This is a press conference and your favorite band The Monkees is here. Whatdo you want to say to them or what else do you want to know about them? Work ingroups and do a role play. Four of you play as members of The Monkees and theothers work as journalists. And you can refer to the following questions.

1. How did your band start?

2. What are the differences between… and… ?

3.Why did you change to sing your own songs?

4.What’s your future plan?

5. What do you want to say to ....?

Task II. Summary of the passage 归纳总结所学。

The article is XXXXXXXXX (main) about the band --XXXXXX Monkees. ItXXXXXXXXX(believe) that many people want to be famous singers or musicians,XXXXXXX they form a band through different XXXXXX(way) .

However, there is a band XXXXXX is different from others. At first, theysang the songs XXXXXXXX (write) by other musicians. Later, they played and sangXXXXX (they) own songs. After XXXXXXX(reunite) in the 1980s, they made XXXXX newrecord in the 1990s.

Step IV Homework

1. write a news report about the Monkees based on the interview.

2.Learn the song I'm a believer by the Monkees.

Step V enjoy the song I’m a believer by The Monkees.Here are the lines.

The Monkees------Now I'm A Believer

作词:Neil Diamond

I thought love was only true in fairy tales

Meant for someone else but not for me

Love was out to get me, that's the way it seemed

Disappointment haunted all my dreams

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

I'm in love, I'm a believer

I couldn't leave her if I tried

I thought love was more or less a given thing

Seems the more I gave the less I got

What's the use in tryin'? All you get is pain

When I needed sunshine I got rain

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

I'm in love, I'm a believer

I couldn't leave her if I tried

高一英语教案 篇四

一、 教材分析:

学生在度过一个假期后,英语知识较生疏,教师应当复习好以前单词,为学习新知打下基础。Let’s talk A部分很好地体现了这一点。Good morning We have a……复习民第一册中内容。“I’m from America”这一句为B Let’s taik“Where are you from?做了铺垫,教师应充分注意这一点

boy、girl 、teacher student 、meet等单词又是第一次出现,也需要我们特别关注。


1、能够得简单地表达自己心情,如:nice to meet you welcome back to school

2、能够听懂并回答 Where are you from?

I’m from


4、掌握A、B Ler’s talk中单词。

5、理解A、B Ler’s talk中内容。


能够听懂并回答 Where are you from?

掌握A、B Ler’s talk中单词。

理解A、B Ler’s talk中内容。


第一课时 A lLet’s talk Let’s learn B Let’s sing

第二课时 A Let’s practise Let’s play Let’s chant

第三课时 B lLet’s talk Let’s learn

第四课时 BLet’ssay Let’spractise

第 五课时B Let’s Let’s

第六课时 C story time

高一年级上册教案(语文 数学 英语 化学 物理 篇五




















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