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更新时间:2021-12-13 来源:互联网 点击:

【#英语资源# 导语】自我介绍,适用于讲座、报告、演出、庆典、仪式等一些正规而隆重的场合。它是一种意在表示对交往对象友好、敬意的自我介绍。礼仪式的自我介绍的内容,包含姓名、单位、职务等项,但是还应多加入一些适宜的谦辞、敬语。以下是®无忧考网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  hello everyone!自我介绍英语模板【通用版】(自我介绍模板英语口语)

  I have a cheerful personality, get along well with others, start and finish my work well, can withstand the increasingly serious competitive pressure, and can improve myself in success and failure. Lively, cheerful, optimistic, adaptable, studious, serious and responsible, and have the courage to meet new challenges. Good communication skills and team spirit.

  Full of enthusiasm for work, serious and responsible, dedicated, good at cooperation with others, team spirit, flexible grasp of professional knowledge, and certain organization and coordination ability.

  Have a solid foundation of XX professional knowledge, have a deeper understanding of professional knowledge, have strong learning ability, strong self-motivated, careful, careful and responsible attitude; Full of team spirit, good at communicating with others, especially technical knowledge, open-minded to consult others, learn together and make progress together; Have good living habits, get along well with others and be good at communicating with others.


  hello everyone!

  I am warm and cheerful, friendly, honest and modest. Hard working, serious and responsible, hardworking, dutiful and patient. Have affinity, approachable, good at communicating with people.

  Study hard and seriously, with excellent results, ranking among the best. Excellent in character and learning, won the college scholarship.

  Actively participate in extracurricular cultural and sports activities, various social practice activities and part-time work, so as to increase their experience and improve their ability. Experience the way of doing things at work, and exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. He has won the honorary title of "summer social practice activist" of the college for two consecutive years.

  In normal school life, I have done many part-time jobs. For example, tutors, telephone interviewers, leaflets, questionnaires, and summer jobs in factories have personally experienced the different operating procedures and methods of various jobs, exercised the spirit of hard work, experienced fun from work and tried their best.

  My college career has greatly improved my organization and coordination ability, management ability and adaptability, made me have good psychological quality, made me have greater advantages in competition, and made me go higher and farther in my life and career. Won the title of "excellent college student".


  Good afternoon, teachers. Allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is XXX. I graduated from XX middle school. Now studying in XX school. Study hotel management. I am a cheerful girl, so I have a wide range of interests. Love sports. In my spare time, I like playing basketball, table tennis, volleyball and skating. When a person is at home, he likes to surf the Internet or listen to music. I don't like being immersed in the world of books for too long. Speaking of my family, I'll talk about my family.

  There are only three people in my family, my grandmother, Grandpa and myself. My grandfather is an engineer. He is usually very strict with me and teaches me a lot. Grandma is a very kind old man and takes good care of my life. So without my parents, my childhood and growth were full of happiness under their care.

  I like the major of hotel management because I like living in an environment with strict management order. I am full of confidence and hope in my major. As long as I work hard, I will gain. This is my motto. Now that I have chosen this major, I will follow my path, work hard and persevere. Thank you, teachers. My introduction is over.


  hello everyone!

  I have strong communication skills, self-motivated, serious and responsible, and treat people sincerely! Have their own unique ideas, this is my advantage, and I am versatile, I believe I can be competent for any job! My ideal is to realize my personal value, realize my value, and realize the profit and value of the enterprise at the same time. Start at the grass-roots level, continue to learn, accumulate experience bit by bit, and strive to improve yourself. Start with grassroots technology and move forward to the management.

  All along, hard work, positive, optimistic and hard work are my life creed. I believe I will always work hard, do myself well and contribute to the society. Dare to do and work hard, down-to-earth; Serious and responsible, strong sense of responsibility; The motto is "excellence is a habit". My expectation is to engage in management, finance, administration, assistant and other professional related work in enterprises and institutions.

  Love the major and be willing to learn new knowledge; Have a sense of responsibility for work; Steadfast, enthusiastic, full of passion for life; Strong initiative, strong self-learning ability, team cooperation consciousness, certain organizational ability, and can quickly adapt to the surrounding environment.

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