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更新时间:2021-11-16 来源:互联网 点击:



  I was admitted to Hebei Vocational and Technical College with excellent results in August, 2011. Years of campus life, has made my own prehensive quality, self-cultivation, ability to do things and munication skills have a qualitative Pentium, let me understand the importance of personal ability in addition to learning and the necessity of municative ability. The university life and the social life are mutually mapped, therefore the university stage individual synthesis quality and the ability raise, the progress, is we as the contemporary university student's topic.

  In addition, after school hours, I often use the network to bring convenience, attention to the latest developments in science and technology, especially the knowledge of the professional. To keep pace with the world's latest trends and the pace of the times. So I learned to master the manipulation and installation of Windows system and Office software, familiar with web design; has been "Yizhuanduoneng, all-round development" to strict demands on themselves, hard work, hard to learn. Practical and systematic study of the course knowledge, and achieved excellent results. In school, I study modestly, work hard, work hard, work conscientiously, summarize in time; pay attention to the theory with practice, cultivate their self-learning ability and ability to analyze and solve problems. Actively participate in practical activities both inside and outside the school, pay attention to team work spirit; as a student union cadres, I have strong organization, publicity, governance and emergency response ability; a high sense of responsibility and good interpersonal relationship. In the outstanding pletion of the task given by the superiors, but also in the school organization and carry out some meaningful activities, can effectively organize students and mobilize the enthusiasm of the students; from which also exercise and improve their own organization and leadership. It shows a strong ability to work closely with people and a good ability to adapt to the environment. It is also recognized by students and teachers as well as leaders.

  In daily life, with a positive attitude and get along with the students very well, weled by the students, while their municative ability to increase, as a aspiring youth, I firmly support the leadership of the Chinese munist Party; adhere to the four cardinal principles. We should conscientiously study Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, theory of the party and the munist Party of China, and carry out the important thought of the "Three Represents" prehensively and close to the party organizations.

  Years of learning career is a small part of my life, and through systematic, theoretical learning, learned a lot of knowledge, more importantly, how to quickly grasp the ability of a new thing, a lot of mature thinking, character more resolute. Now I have the confidence to accept any new challenge and test.

  I hope everyone can see my diligence and effort from the introduction of my campus life, and I believe that in this striving upward pany, I will be more influenced and better in career, thank you!

  In my own hands, but sometimes pay not necessarily return, if I am not elected, will not be discouraged, I will go down to sum up experience and make up for deficiencies...







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